
Starlink Project
Starlink User Note 242.1

Norman Gray & Brad Cavanagh

2006 April 19

Autoastrometry for Mosaics


User’s Guide


We describe the autoastrom package, which provides an interface to the ASTROM application. This creates a semi-automatic route to doing astrometry on CCD images.


1 Introduction
2 Usage
 2.1 Specifying positions
 2.2 Iterations
 2.3 Results
 2.4 Web proxies
 2.5 Options
  2.5.1 –bestfitlog
  2.5.2 –catalogue
  2.5.3 –ccdcatalogue
  2.5.4 –defects
  2.5.5 –detectedcatalogue
  2.5.6 –help
  2.5.7 –insert
  2.5.8 –iterrms_abs
  2.5.9 –iterrms_diff
  2.5.10 –keepfits
  2.5.11 –keeptemps
  2.5.12 –man
  2.5.13 –match
  2.5.14 –matchcatalogue
  2.5.15 –maxfit
  2.5.16 –maxiter
  2.5.17 –maxobj_corr
  2.5.18 –maxobj_image
  2.5.19 –maxobj_query
  2.5.20 –messages
  2.5.21 –obsdata
  2.5.22 –skycatconfig
  2.5.23 –skycatcatalogue_in
  2.5.24 –skycatcatalogue_out
  2.5.25 –temp
  2.5.26 –timeout
  2.5.27 –verbose
  2.5.28 –version
3 Auxiliary Software
 3.1 Environment
 3.2 Plugins
4 Future developments
 4.1 Restrictions and limitations


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