Specifies the quality bits to be written out


If the value of parameter "exportndf" includes" RES" or " QUA" , then the final quality array is exported to an NDF. An NDF can only contain 8 quality flags, but makemap can sometimes use more than 8 flags internally. The default action in such cases is to combine flags with similar purposes into more general flags in order to reduce the number of used flags to 8 or fewer. This is a lossy process - it is impossible to undo the combination to recover the original flags. However, this can be avoided by using this parameter to specify a list of explicit quality flags to be exported, ensuring that the list contains no more than 8 entries. Any information for flags not in the list will simply be discarded, so choose the flags that you are pf particularly interest to you. If the parameter is left at " <undef >" , all quality flags will be exported, with consequent possible lossy compression. Otherwise the parameter should be a comma-separated list of quality names, enclosed in parentheses. Valid quality names are: BADDA, BADBOL, SPIKE, DCJUMP, PAD, APOD, STAT, COM, FILT, NOISE, EXT, LOWAP, BADEF, RING, SSN, PCA, IP. [ <undef >]
list of strings