Chapter 3
POL-2 Data Reduction – The Theory

 3.1 The data flow
 3.5 PCA
 3.6 Masking
 3.7 Tailoring a reduction

3.1 The data flow

POL-2 data reduction is an involved process. A broad overview of this process is presented here first, followed by a discussion of the specific details. It should be noted that this same procedure is used irrespective of whether single or multiple observations are to be reduced.

The following description assumes that the makemap command is being used to create maps. Section 3.3 explains the effects of using the skyloop command in place of makemap.

The data reduction process can be broken down into three main stages – referred to as “Run 1”, “Run 2” and “Run 3” in Figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1: The data flow of the POL-2 data reduction method is presented. In this example, three POL-2 observations are reduced and combined in various stages and combination to produce I, Q, and U maps and a vector catalogue.

Step 1

The initial step of the process (see Run 1 in Figure 3.1) creates a preliminary co-added total intensity (I) map from the raw data files for all observations provided to the reduction routine (see Chapter 4).

The process

The analysed intensity values in the raw data time-streams are first flat-fielded and converted into Q, U, and I time-streams using the calcqu command. These time-streams are stored for future use in the directory qudata, specified by the QUDIR parameter in the example command below.

The SMURF:makemap command is then used to create a separate map from the I time-stream for each observation, using SNR-based “auto-masking” to define the background regions that are to be set to zero at the end of each iteration. This step uses a PCA threshold of 50 (see Section 3.5 for more details).

pca.pcathresh = -50

These maps are stored for future use in the directory maps, specified by the MAPDIR parameter. Each map has a name of the form:


where <CHUNK_NUM> indicates the raw data file at the start of the contiguous chunk of data used to create the map, and is usually 0003.

A co-add is then formed by adding all these maps together. Each individual map is then compared with the co-add, in order to determine a pointing correction to be applied to the observation in future. These corrections are stored in the FITS header of the individual maps.

Step 2

In the second step of the process (see Run 2 in Figure 3.1) an improved I map is produced. These improvements come from

applying the pointing corrections determined in Step 1,
the use of an increased number of PCA components (pca.pcathresh=-150), and
using a single, fixed mask for all observations. The mask is determined from the preliminary co-added I map and thus includes fainter structure than would be used if the mask was based on only one observation.

Step 3

In the third step of the reduction process (see Run 3 in Figure 3.1), both the Q and U maps are produced. The production of the Q and U maps requires the Q and U time-series data (produced in Step 1), the final I map (produced in Step 2), and the output masks (also produced in Step 2). Once the Q and U maps are produced a final vector catalogue is created.


The POL-2 data reduction builds upon the existing SCUBA-2 Dynamic Iterative Map-Maker, hereafter just referred to as the “map-maker". This is the tool used to produce SCUBA-2 maps, and is invoked by the Smurf makemap command. It performs some pre-processing steps to clean the data, solves for multiple signal components using an iterative algorithm, and bins the resulting time-series data to produce a final science map.

In pol2map, the map-maker is used in conjunction with calcqu (see Section 3.4) to produce maps of Q and U, as well as I.


An option exists to use the Smurf skyloop command to generate maps in place of the Smurf makemap command. Each invocation of the makemap command creates a single map from the time-series data for a single observation. If multiple observations are processed together, multiple invocations of makemap are used and the resulting maps are co-added before moving on to the next step, as indicated in Figure 3.1. The skyloop command, on the other hand, will process multiple observations in a single invocation, creating a combined map from all observations. Thus, when using skyloop, Figure 3.1 would be effectively changed such that each occurrence of “three invocations of makemap feeding one co-add" would be replaced by a single invocation of “skyloop". See Section 3.7 for more information about the effects of using skyloop.


In addition to the POL-2 data reduction building on the existing SCUBA-2 map-maker, pol2map also relies on the Smurf command calcqu.

This calcqu tool creates time series holding I, Q, and U values from a set of POL-2 time series holding raw data values. The supplied time-series data files are first flat-fielded, cleaned and concatenated, before being used to create the I, Q, and U values. The I, Q, and U time-series are down-sampled to 2Hz (i.e. they contain two I, Q, or U samples per second), and are chosen to minimise the sum of the squared residuals between the measured raw data values and the expected values given by Equation 2.9.

3.5 PCA

One difference between the reduction of SCUBA-2 data and POL-2 data is the method used to remove the sky background. The sky background is usually very large compared with the astronomical signal, and both are subject to the same form of instrumental polarisation (IP—see Section 2.2). This IP acting on the high sky background values causes high background values in the Q and U maps. However, there is evidence that the IP is not constant across the focal plane, resulting in spatial variations in the background of the Q and U maps.

For non-POL-2 data, the background is removed using a simple common-mode model, in which the mean of the bolometer values is found at each time slice and is then removed from the individual bolometer values. This ignores any spatial variations in the background, and so fails to remove the background properly in POL-2 Q and U maps.

To fix this, a second stage of background removal is used when processing POL-2 data, following the initial common-mode removal. This second stage is based upon a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of the 1280 time-streams in each sub-array (the Q and U data are processed separately). The PCA process identifies the strongest time-dependent components that are present within multiple bolometers. These components are assumed to represent the spatially varying background signal and are removed, leaving just the astronomical signal. You may specify the number of components to remove, via a makemap configuration parameter called pca.pcathresh although pol2map, the reduction command for POL-2 data, provides suitable defaults for this parameter.

On each makemap iteration, the PCA process removes the background (thus reducing the noise in the map) but also removes some of the astronomical signal. The amount of astronomical signal removed will be greater for larger values of pca.pcathresh. However, this astronomical signal is still present in the original time-series data, and so can be recovered if sufficient makemap iterations are performed. In other words, the use of larger values of pca.pcathresh slows down the rate at which astronomical signal is transferred from the time-series data to the map, thus increasing the number of iterations required to recover the full astronomical signal in the map.

Spatial variations in the sky background may also be present in non-POL-2 data, but at a lower level. For a discussion of why PCA is not routinely run on non-polarimetric SCUBA-2 data, see Appendix A.

3.6 Masking

A mask is a two-dimensional array that has the same shape and size as the final map, and that is used to indicate where the source is expected to fall within the map. ‘Bad’ pixel values within a mask indicate background pixels, and ‘good’ pixel values indicate source pixels. Masks are used for two main purposes:

They prevent the growth of gradients and other artificial large scale structures within the map. For this purpose, the astronomical signal at all background pixels defined by the mask is forced to zero at the end of each iteration within makemap (except for the final iteration).
They prevent bright sources polluting the evaluation of the various noise models (PCA, COM, FLT) used within makemap. Source pixels are excluded from the calculation of these models.

The pol2map script uses different masks for these two purposes—the “AST” mask and the “PCA” mask. The PCA mask is, in general, less extensive than the AST mask, with the source areas being restricted to the brighter inner regions. Each of these two masks can either be generated automatically within pol2map, or be specified by a fixed external NDF.

3.7 Tailoring a reduction

Variances between POL-2 maps

MAPVAR is a pol2map parameter that controls how the variances in the co-added I, Q, and U maps are formed.

If MAPVAR is set TRUE, the variances in the co-added I, Q, and U maps are formed from the spread of pixel data values between the individual observation maps. If MAPVAR is FALSE (the default), the variances in the co-added maps are formed by propagating the pixel variance values created by makemap from the individual observation maps (these are based on the spread of I, Q, or U values that fall within each pixel).

Use MAPVAR=TRUE only if enough observations are available to make the variances between them meaningful. A general lower limit on its value is difficult to define, but a minimum of 10 observations is advised.

If a test of the effect of this option is required on a field for which the I, Q, and U maps from a set of individual observations are already available, the following may be done:

  % pol2map in=maps/\* iout=imapvar qout=qmapvar uout=umapvar mapvar=yes \
                     ipcor=no cat=cat_mapvar debias=yes

assuming that the I, Q, and U maps are in directory maps. The variances in imapvar.sdf, qmapvar.sdf and umapvar.sdf will be calculated using the new method, and these variances will then be used to form the errors in the cat_mapvar.FIT catalogue.

In general, within the source regions, the variances created using MAPVAR=TRUE will be larger than those created using using MAPVAR=FALSE (within background regions there should be little difference). This is partly caused by residual uncorrected pointing errors, which have a particularly large effect near bright point sources if MAPVAR=TRUE.

It is also partly caused by intrinisic instabilities within the iterative map-making algorithm, which allow low-level artificial extended structures to develop within the source regions defined by the AST mask. Such artificial structures will vary from observation to observation, and so will contribute to the variances calculated using MAPVAR=TRUE.

Two options are provided by pol2map that may be useful in reducing the larger-than-expected dispersion between maps made from different observations.

Setting the parameter OBSWEIGHT=TRUE when running pol2map will cause each observation to be assigned a separate weight, which will be used when forming the co-add of all observations. This will affect both the data values and the variances in the resulting co-add. The purpose of these weights is to down-weight observations that produce maps that are very dissimilar to maps made from the other observations.

Without this parameter setting, the co-add is formed using weights equal to the reciprocal of the pixel variance values in each individual observation’s map. As mentioned above, these pixel variance values can sometimes seriously underestimate the dispersion between observations. For instance, observations that are clearly bad (e.g. out of focus) can have relatively low pixel variance values, and thus be included with high weights in the final co-add.

If the OBSWEIGHT parameter is set TRUE, each observation is given an additional weight that is used to factor the per-pixel weights derived from the pixel variance values, in order to down-weight observations that are clearly bad. To form these weights, an initial co-add is formed using equal weights for all observations. The maps made from the individual observations are then compared with this initial co-add, and each observation is assigned a weight equal to the reciprocal of the mean squared residual between the individual observation’s map and the initial co-add (any required pointing correction is applied to the individual observation map before forming these residuals). The calculation of the mean squared residual is limited to those pixels inside the AST mask (i.e. source pixels). The weights derived in this manner are normalised to have a median value of 1.0, and any normalised weights larger than 1.0 are reduced to 1.0. An improved co-add is then formed using these observation weights.

Another iteration is then performed, in which individual maps are compared with this improved co-add and new weights are derived. This iterative process continues until the typical error in the middle of the co-add stops falling significantly.

Setting the parameter SKYLOOP=TRUE when running pol2map will cause maps to be made using the SMURF:skyloop command, instead of makemap. In the context of the skyloop documentation, one “chunk” of data usually corresponds to a single observation.

A single invocation of skyloop creates an I, Q, or U map from all supplied observations, using a method that attempts to minimise the intrinsic instabilities of the map-making algorithm within the AST mask. It should be noted that convergence can require a significantly greater number of iterations when using skyloop than when using makemap. Also, skyloop requires much more disk space than makemap.

The skyloop command combines all observations together at each iteration of the map-making algorithm. Since the spurious large-scale structures created at each iteration are independent of each other, taking the mean of the maps after each iteration reduces the level of such structures, and prevents them from growing in amplitude on successive iterations due to the instability in the map-making algorithm.

The above two methods can be used together by supplying TRUE values for both OBSWEIGHT and SKYLOOP.

Note, it is not recommended to use MAPVAR=TRUE or SKYLOOP=TRUE on Step 1 (i.e. when creating the auto-masked maps). Doing so is of no benefit to the final maps and can cause problems such as negative bowling.

If the OBSWEIGHT parameter is used at Steps 2 or 3, then it must also be used at Step 1.

The following panels show the effects of using SKYLOOP and OBSWEIGHT on a total-intensity mosaic of 21 observations. All data-value maps are shown with a single scaling, and all standard-deviation maps are shown with a single scaling (different from the scaling for the data-value maps).

Data value Std. Dev. (MAPVAR=no) Std. Dev. (MAPVAR=yes)
pict pict pict

Data value Std. Dev. (MAPVAR=no) Std. Dev. (MAPVAR=yes)
pict pict pict

Data value Std. Dev. (MAPVAR=no) Std. Dev. (MAPVAR=yes)
pict pict pict

Data value Std. Dev. (MAPVAR=no) Std. Dev. (MAPVAR=yes)
pict pict pict

For comparison, below are the equivalent auto-masked maps made by Step 1.

Step 1 - auto-masked co-add (SKYLOOP=no OBSWEIGHT=no)
Data value Std. Dev. (MAPVAR=no) Std. Dev. (MAPVAR=yes)
pict pict pict