Chapter 5
POL-2 Image Display

 5.1 GAIA
  5.2.1 Example 1 – a vector map with no background
  5.2.2 Example 2 – a vector map over a contour map
  5.2.3 Example 3 – a vector map over an image

5.1 GAIA

The Starlink package Gaia can be used to inspect the results of the data reduction. To plot the output vector catalogue onto the final total intensity map, first open up the I map in Gaia.

  % gaia iext.sdf

From the main Gaia window, select the drop-down menu option Image Analysis / Polarimetry toolbox. This should launch a new toolbox window entitled GAIA: Polarimetry. From this window, use the drop-down menu option File / Open to load the file mycat.FIT. This should then populate the lower part of the window with the contents of this polarimetry catalogue file. Each of the vectors in this file will be automatically overlaid on the main image window (see Figure 5.1).

pict pict
Figure 5.1: Left: Opening up the polarimetry toolbox in Gaia. Right: The initial POL-2 vectors overplotted in Gaia.

In order to filter the number of overlaid vectors down to a more useful number and size, the various options in the GAIA: Polarimetry toolbox can be used. First, select the Rendering tab on the left hand side. This will reveal a panel that will indicate which quantities are currently being used for the vector overlays. In this case, the vector length is taken from the P column of the table, and the vector angles are taken from the ANG column.

Currently the figure has too many vectors to be scientifically meaningful. To filter out most of the extraneous vectors, click on the Selecting tab, and set the Expression field to be the following:


Ensure that “Return” is pressed after entering the above expression.

The above expression selects the data points in the polarimetry table that have an associated total intensity (Column I) less than 10 times the associated error value for that intensity (Column DI). To remove all of these extraneous vectors, either press control-X or use the drop-down menu option Edit / Cut. This should leave just a small number of vectors clustering around the target object (see Figure 5.2) 1.

pict pict
Figure 5.2: Left: specifying vectors to display via the expression $I/$DI >10. This will only plot vectors with an intensity signal-to-noise ratio greater than 10 in Gaia. To ensure that this is specified, ensure that “Return” is pressed after entering the expression. Right: After selection, the selected vectors are shown in blue.

Zooming in on the central region of the map makes it possible to view the vectors near the target object (see Figure 5.3). If needed, it is possible to change the vector scale by selecting the Rendering tab in the "GAIA: Polarimetry" window.

pict pict
Figure 5.3: Left: selected vectors are marked in blue in this example, Right: after removal of selected vectors, all that remains are the vectors on the (zoomed) regions where $I/$DI > 10.

Finally it is useful for future use (as in the examples in the following sections) to save the final selection of vectors. To save the displayed vectors to a new catalogue, use the drop-down menu File / Save in the polarimetry toolbox.


It is possible to use Kappa and Polpack to create POL-2 plots.

  % kappa
  % polpack

Note that in the following examples, it will be necessary to ensure that only the vectors to be plotted are included in the file mycat.FIT.

There are two main ways to do this — either by saving the output catalogue from Gaia or using the Starlink package Polpack to manipulate the catalogue produced by the user. To use Polpack, simply run:

  % polpack

then select the vectors of interest.

  % polselect in=mycat.FIT out=selcat.FIT mode=expr "exp=’i>10*di && (ast>0)’"

The use of the Polpack polselect command is generally recommended over the use of the Cursa catselect command when working with POL-2 datasets, as it provides a greater number of options specifically designed for use with POL-2 data. For example, polselect offers additional modes that allow the specific selection of vectors that are located within a given region on the sky (specified by an ARD or AST region description), or which correspond to pixels with good values in a specified mask NDF.

For a better font on PGPLOT PostScript devices, set the following environment variable.
  % setenv PGPLOT_PS_FONT Times

For more info, see

Graphics-related attributes that can be set are described in SUN95: Descriptions of Plotting Attributes, and the coordinate system attributes that can be set are described in SUN/95: Descriptions of Frame Attributes.

5.2.1 Example 1 – a vector map with no background

In this example, an output file, plot1.pdf, is created from the input catalogue mycat.FIT.

Select a higher quality PostScript font (Times New Roman in this case):

  % setenv PGPLOT_PS_FONT Times

Select the PostScript graphics device, writing to file


For convenience, create a text file holding the main plotting style for polplot:

  % cat sty

Likewise, create a text file holding the style for the vector length key:

  % cat ksty

Plot the vector map. The vscale parameter controls the vector scale, and the keyvec parameter controls the length of the vector used as the key. There are many other parameters that can be used to control the behaviour of polplot—see the Polpack manual (SUN/223):

  % polplot selcat.FIT  style=^sty keystyle=^ksty vscale=20 keyvec=20

Convert the map into a PDF file and remove blank margins (if required):

  % ps2pdf temp.pdf
  % pdfcrop temp.pdf plot1.pdf

Figure 5.4: Results of Example 1: Producing a vector map with no background using polplot.

5.2.2 Example 2 – a vector map over a contour map

In this example, an output file, plot2.pdf, is created from the input catalogue mycat.FIT.

Select the PostScript graphics device, writing to file Note that in this example, a value is not assigned to the PLOT_PS_FONT environment variable. This means that the resulting plot uses the default PGPLOT fonts, rather than the higher quality PostScript fonts used in the previous example:

  % gdset

Set up the main plotting style for contour and polplot:

  % cat sty

Produce the contour map as follows:

  % contour iext\(0~50,0~50\) mode=perc percentiles=\[88,90,92,94,96,98\] style=^sty key=no

Modify the above style for the vector map to produce black vectors:

  % cat vsty

Set the style for the vector length key:

  % cat ksty

Plot the vector map over the contour map. The vectors and contours are aligned automatically in sky coordinates:

  % polplot selcat.FIT axes=no clear=no style=^vsty keystyle=^ksty vscale=20 keyvec=20

Convert into a PDF file and remove blank margins (if required):

  % ps2pdf temp.pdf
  % pdfcrop temp.pdf plot2.pdf

Figure 5.5: Results of Example 2: Producing a vector map over a contour map. This plot uses the default PGPLOT fonts for annotation—note the difference to the fonts used in Figure 5.4.

5.2.3 Example 3 – a vector map over an image

In this example, an output file, plot3.pdf, is created from the input catalogue mycat.FIT. First, select the appropriate PostScript device (the default PGPLOT fonts are use again, as in the previous example):

  % gdset

To ensure a monochrome colour table is used for the image run lutgrey:

  % lutgrey

Set the main plotting style for display and polplot:

  % cat sty

The following function is used to reduce the dynamic range in the map. This allows the user to be able to see structure in the fainter parts, without saturating the brightest regions):

  maths "’((ia+0.0003)/0.14)**0.2’" ia=iext out=tmp1

Display the image, using a reduced range of colours (pens) so that the darkest regions are grey rather than black. This means the black vectors can still be seen within the dark regions:

  % display tmp1\(0~50,0~50\) mode=perc percentiles=\[2,98\] style=^sty \

Modify the above style for the vector map to produce wider vectors:

  % cat vsty

Set the style for the vector length key:

  % cat ksty

Plot the vector map over the contour map. The vectors are aligned automatically with the map:

  % polplot selcat.FIT axes=no clear=no style=^vsty keystyle=^ksty vscale=20 keyvec=20

Convert into a PDF file and remove blank margins (if required):

  % ps2pdf temp.pdf
  % pdfcrop temp.pdf plot3.pdf

Figure 5.6: Results of Example 3: Producing a vector map over a negative image.


Catalogues produced by pol2map can be explored using the popular Topcat catalogue browser (see For instance:

  % topcat -f fits mycat.FIT

Unlike the other tools described above, Topcat cannot produce a visualisation of the catalogue as a set of vectors. However, it goes well beyond the facilities of the other tools in allowing the user to explore correlations between different quantities in the catalogue via two- and three-dimensional scatter plots—see Figure 5.7. It can also be used to cross-correlate two different catalogues, create subsets of a catalogue, create new columns containing related quantities, etc. It also allows the modified catalogue to be saved to a new catalogue file on disk. However, users should be aware that any such new catalogue will not contain the WCS information required by other Starlink applications to perform WCS-related operations, such as displaying annotated axes and aligning data-sets. This WCS information can be copied back into the new catalogue, however, using the polwcscopy command (Section 6.4).

Figure 5.7: A scatter plot of fractional polarisation (P) against total intensity (I) produced by Topcat. High signal-to-noise points (I>10.DI) are shown in blue.

1This example is provided here for simplicity. It should be noted, however, that a selection criterion following the general format of $I/$DI<10 || $AST==0 might actually further improve some selections, as it makes use of the AST column to remove vectors outside the AST mask (i.e. background vectors).