Process SCAN-mode data and collect noise/NEFD statistics


This recipe performs noise and map-making processing on raw time series data in order to derive a number of performance parameters for comparison with predictions from the SCUBA-2 integration time calculator (ITC).

The mean NEP for each subarray is derived from the full timeseries. The average of these values is quoted as the value NEP_AV.

Raw data are passed to the map maker which are processed using the default config file (unless the source is a calibrator) to produce a an image. FCFs are derived if the source is a calibrator. The image is calibrated in mJy/beam using the default FCF.

The recipe calculates the elapsed time of the observation and stores the mean zenith optical depth (at 225 GHz and the current wavelength), line-of-sight transmission and elevation. The NEP data are converted to an NEFD (using the transmission and default FCF) and, using an effective exposure time derived from the ITC, an equivalent image noise.

The noise, NEFD and mean exposure time (per pixel) are derived from the calibrated image. RMS noise and NEFD values are predicted using the ITC and a warning issued if the measured noise exceeds the expected value by more than 20 %.

All values are written to a log file called log.checkrms.


Available Parameters :

All parameters accepted by REDUCE_SCAN may be used in this recipe.

