15 New Features in TSP version 2.1

 15.1 UNIX version
 15.2 Imaging Polarimetry Commands
 15.3 CGS4 Spectropolarimetry

15.1 UNIX version

TSP 2.1 is the first UNIX release of TSP. All features of the VAX/VMS version are now available on UNIX systems. On UNIX commands are entered directly from the shell rather than from ICL, and must be entered in lower case.

15.2 Imaging Polarimetry Commands

The commands IRISPOL and IRISAP have been added to reduce imaging polarimetry data obtained with IRIS at the AAT. The IMPOL command can be used to reduce data from single beam polarimeters such as IRCAM/IRPOL at UKIRT. Other commands such as ROTPA and COMBINE have been enhanced to handle imaging as well as spectropolarimetry data.

15.3 CGS4 Spectropolarimetry

The command CGS4POL has been added for reduction of spectropolarimetry data obtained with the CGS4 instrument at UKIRT.