B NDF routine summary
- NDF_ACGET (INDF, COMP, IAXIS, VALUE, STATUS) – Obtain the value of an NDF axis character
- NDF_ACLEN (INDF, COMP, IAXIS, LENGTH, STATUS) – Determine the length of an NDF axis
character component
- NDF_ACMSG (TOKEN, INDF, COMP, IAXIS, STATUS) – Assign the value of an NDF axis character
component to a message token
- NDF_ACPUT (VALUE, INDF, COMP, IAXIS, STATUS) – Assign a value to an NDF axis character
- NDF_ACRE (INDF, STATUS) – Ensure that an axis coordinate system exists for an NDF
- NDF_AFORM (INDF, COMP, IAXIS, FORM, STATUS) – Obtain the storage form of an NDF axis
- NDF_AMAP (INDF, COMP, IAXIS, TYPE, MMOD, PNTR, EL, STATUS) – Obtain mapped access to
an NDF axis array
- NDF_ANNUL (INDF, STATUS) – Annul an NDF identifier
- NDF_ANORM (INDF, IAXIS, NORM, STATUS) – Obtain the logical value of an NDF axis
normalisation flag
- NDF_AREST (INDF, COMP, IAXIS, STATUS) – Reset an NDF axis component to an undefined
- NDF_ASNRM (NORM, INDF, IAXIS, STATUS) – Set a new value for an NDF axis normalisation
- NDF_ASSOC (PARAM, MODE, INDF, STATUS) – Associate an existing NDF with an ADAM
- NDF_ASTAT (INDF, COMP, IAXIS, STATE, STATUS) – Determine the state of an NDF axis
component (defined or undefined)
- NDF_ASTYP (TYPE, INDF, COMP, IAXIS, STATUS) – Set a new numeric type for an NDF axis
- NDF_ATYPE (INDF, COMP, IAXIS, TYPE, STATUS) – Obtain the numeric type of an NDF axis
- NDF_AUNMP (INDF, COMP, IAXIS, STATUS) – Unmap an NDF axis array component
- NDF_BAD (INDF, COMP, CHECK, BAD, STATUS) – Determine if an NDF array component may
contain bad pixels
- NDF_BASE (INDF1, INDF2, STATUS) – Obtain an identifier for a base NDF
- NDF_BB (INDF, BADBIT, STATUS) – Obtain the bad-bits mask value for the quality component
of an NDF
- NDF_BEGIN – Begin a new NDF context
- NDF_BOUND (INDF, NDIMX, LBND, UBND, NDIM, STATUS) – Enquire the pixel-index bounds of
an NDF
- NDF_CGET (INDF, COMP, VALUE, STATUS) – Obtain the value of an NDF character component
- NDF_CINP (PARAM, INDF, COMP, STATUS) – Obtain an NDF character component value via the
ADAM parameter system
- NDF_CLEN (INDF, COMP, LENGTH, STATUS) – Determine the length of an NDF character
- NDF_CLONE (INDF1, INDF2, STATUS) – Clone an NDF identifier
- NDF_CMPLX (INDF, COMP, CMPLX, STATUS) – Determine whether an NDF array component
holds complex values
- NDF_CMSG (TOKEN, INDF, COMP, STATUS) – Assign the value of an NDF character component
to a message token
- NDF_COPY (INDF1, PLACE, INDF2, STATUS) – Copy an NDF to a new location
- NDF_CPUT (VALUE, INDF, COMP, STATUS) – Assign a value to an NDF character component
via the ADAM parameter system
- NDF_CREP (PARAM, FTYPE, NDIM, UBND, INDF, STATUS) – Create a new primitive NDF via the
ADAM parameter system
- NDF_DIM (INDF, NDIMX, DIM, NDIM, STATUS) – Enquire the dimension sizes of an NDF
- NDF_END (STATUS) – End the current NDF context
- NDF_EXIST (PARAM, MODE, INDF, STATUS) – See if an existing NDF is associated with an
ADAM parameter.
- NDF_FIND (LOC, NAME, INDF, STATUS) – Find an NDF in an HDS structure and import it into
the NDF_ system
- NDF_FORM (INDF, COMP, FORM, STATUS) – Obtain the storage form of an NDF array component
- NDF_FTYPE (INDF, COMP, FTYPE, STATUS) – Obtain the full data type of an NDF array
- NDF_IMPRT (LOC, INDF, STATUS) – Import an NDF into the NDF_ system from HDS
- NDF_ISACC (INDF, ACCESS, ISACC, STATUS) – Determine whether a specified type of NDF
access is available
- NDF_ISBAS (INDF, ISBAS, STATUS) – Enquire if an NDF is a base NDF
- NDF_ISTMP (INDF, ISTMP, STATUS) – Determine if an NDF is temporary
- NDF_MAP (INDF, COMP, TYPE, MMOD, PNTR, EL, STATUS) – Obtain mapped access to an array
component of an NDF
- NDF_MAPQL (INDF, PNTR, EL, BAD, STATUS) – Map the quality component of an NDF as an
array of logical values
TYPE, MMOD, RPNTR, IPNTR, EL, STATUS) – Obtain complex mapped access to an array
component of an NDF
- NDF_MBAD (BADOK, INDF1, INDF2, COMP, CHECK, BAD, STATUS) – Merge the bad-pixel flags
of the array components of a pair of NDFs
- NDF_MBADN (BADOK, N, NDFS, COMP, CHECK, BAD, STATUS) – Merge the bad-pixel flags of the
array components of a number of NDFs
- NDF_MBND (OPTION, INDF1, INDF2, STATUS) – Match the pixel-index bounds of a pair of NDFs
- NDF_MBNDN (OPTION, N, NDFS, STATUS) – Match the pixel-index bounds of a number of NDFs
- NDF_MSG (TOKEN, INDF) – Assign the name of an NDF to a message token
- NDF_MTYPE (TYPLST, INDF1, INDF2, COMP, ITYPE, DTYPE, STATUS) – Match the types of the
array components of a pair of NDFs
- NDF_MTYPN (TYPLST, N, NDFS, COMP, ITYPE, DTYPE, STATUS) – Match the types of the array
components of a number of NDFs
- NDF_NEWP (FTYPE, NDIM, UBND, PLACE, INDF, STATUS) – Create a new primitive NDF
- NDF_NOACC (ACCESS, INDF, STATUS) – Disable a specified type of access to an NDF
- NDF_PLACE (LOC, NAME, PLACE, STATUS) – Obtain an NDF placeholder
- NDF_PROP (INDF1, CLIST, PARAM, INDF2, STATUS) – Propagate NDF information to create a
new NDF via the ADAM parameter system
- NDF_QMASK (QUAL, BADBIT) – Combine an NDF quality value with a bad-bits mask to give a
logical result
- NDF_QMF (INDF, QMF, STATUS) – Obtain the value of an NDF’s quality masking flag
- NDF_RESET (INDF, COMP, STATUS) – Reset an NDF component to an undefined state
- NDF_SAME (INDF1, INDF2, SAME, ISECT, STATUS) – Enquire if two NDFs are part of the same
base NDF
- NDF_SBAD (BAD, INDF, COMP, STATUS) – Set the bad-pixel flag for an NDF array component
- NDF_SBB (BADBIT, INDF, STATUS) – Set a bad-bits mask value for the quality component of an
- NDF_SBND (NDIM, LBND, UBND, INDF, STATUS) – Set new pixel-index bounds for an NDF
- NDF_SECT (INDF1, NDIM, LBND, UBND, INDF2, STATUS) – Create an NDF section
- NDF_SHIFT (NSHIFT, SHIFT, INDF, STATUS) – Apply pixel-index shifts to an NDF
- NDF_SIZE (INDF, NPIX, STATUS) – Determine the size of an NDF
- NDF_SQMF (QMF, INDF, STATUS) – Set a new logical value for an NDF’s quality masking flag
- NDF_SSARY (IARY1, INDF, IARY2, STATUS) – Create an array section, using an NDF section as
a template
- NDF_STATE (INDF, COMP, STATE, STATUS) – Determine the state of an NDF component
(defined or undefined)
- NDF_STYPE (FTYPE, INDF, COMP, STATUS) – Set a new type for an NDF array component
- NDF_TEMP (PLACE, STATUS) – Obtain a placeholder for a temporary NDF
- NDF_TRACE (NEWFLG, OLDFLG) – Set the internal NDF_ system error-tracing flag
- NDF_TYPE (INDF, COMP, TYPE, STATUS) – Obtain the numeric data type of an NDF array
- NDF_UNMAP (INDF, COMP, STATUS) – Unmap an NDF or a mapped NDF array
- NDF_VALID (INDF, VALID, STATUS) – Determine whether an NDF identifier is valid
- NDF_XDEL (INDF, XNAME, STATUS) – Delete a specified NDF extension
- NDF_XGT0x (INDF, XNAME, CMPT, VALUE, STATUS) – Read a scalar value from a component
within a named NDF extension
- NDF_XLOC (INDF, XNAME, MODE, LOC, STATUS) – Obtain access to a named NDF extension via
an HDS locator
- NDF_XNAME (INDF, N, XNAME, STATUS) – Obtain the name of the N’th extension in an NDF
- NDF_XNEW (INDF, XNAME, TYPE, NDIM, DIM, LOC, STATUS) – Create a new extension in an
- NDF_XNUMB (INDF, NEXTN, STATUS) – Determine the number of extensions in an NDF
- NDF_XPT0x (VALUE, INDF, XNAME, CMPT, STATUS) – Write a scalar value to a component
within a named NDF extension
- NDF_XSTAT (INDF, XNAME, THERE, STATUS) – Determine if a named NDF extension exists