E Character handling routines

The following are subroutines unless specifically indicated as functions.

Decoding Routines

CHR_CTOD(string, dvalue, status) Read a double precision number from a character string.

CHR_CTOI(string, ivalue, status) Read an integer number from a character string.

CHR_CTOL(string, lvalue, status) Read a logical value from a character string.

CHR_CTOR(string, rvalue, status) Read a real number from a character string.

CHR_DCWRD(string, mxw, nwrd, start, stop,words, lstat) Returns all the words in a string.

CHR_HTOI(string, ivalue, status) Read an integer from a hex string.

CHR_OTOI(string, ivalue, status) Read an integer from an octal string.

Encoding and Formatting Routines

CHR_CTOC(value, cvalue, nchar) Write a character value into a string.

CHR_DTOC(dvalue, cvalue, nchar) Encode a double precision value as a string.

CHR_ITOC(ivalue, cvalue, nchar) Encode an integer value as a string.

CHR_LTOC(lvalue, cvalue, nchar) Encode a logical value as a string.

CHR_RTOC(rvalue, cvalue, nchar) Encode a real value as a string.

CHR_PUTC(cvalue, string, length) Copy one string into another at given position.

CHR_PUTD(dvalue, string, length) Put double precision value into string at given position.

CHR_PUTI(ivalue, string, length) Put integer value into string at given position.

CHR_PUTL(lvalue, string, length) Put logical value into string at given position.

CHR_PUTR(rvalue, string, length) Put real value into string at given position.

CHR_RTOAN(rvalue, units, string, length) Write a real into character string as hr/deg:min:sec.

Enquiry Routines

CHR_DELIM(string, delim, index1, index2)Locate substring with given delimiter character.

CHR_EQUAL(str1, str2) Determine whether two strings are equal. (Logical function)

CHR_FANDL(string, index1, index2) Find the indices of the first and last non-blank characters.

CHR_FIWE(string, index, status) Find next end of word.

CHR_FIWS(string, index, status) Find start of next word.

CHR_INDEX(string, substr) Find the index of a substring in a string. (Integer function)

CHR_INSET(set, string) Determine whether a string is a member of a set. (Logical function)

CHR_ISALF(char) Determine whether a character is alphabetic. (Logical function)

CHR_ISALM(char) Determine whether a character is alphanumeric. (Logical function)

CHR_ISDIG(char) Determine whether a character is a digit. (Logical function)

CHR_ISNAM(string) Determine whether a string is a valid name. (Logical function)

CHR_LEN(string) Find used length of string. (Integer function)

CHR_SIMLR(str1, str2) Determine if two strings are equal apart from case. (Logical function)

CHR_SIZE(string) Find the declared size of string. (Integer function)

String Manipulation Routines

CHR_APPND(str1, str2, len2) Copy one string into another – ignoring trailing blanks.

CHR_CLEAN(string) Remove all non-printable ASCII characters from a string.

CHR_COPY(instr, flag, outstr, lstat) Copy one string to another, checking for truncation.

CHR_FILL(char, string) Fill a string with a given character.

CHR_LCASE(string) Convert a string to lower case.

CHR_LDBLK(string) Remove leading blanks from a string.

CHR_LOWER(achar) Give lower case equivalent of a character. (Character function)

CHR_MOVE(str1, str2) Move one string into another – ignoring trailing blanks.

CHR_RMBLK(string) Remove all blanks from a string in situ.

CHR_SWAP(c1, c2) Swap two single-character variables.

CHR_TERM(length, string) Terminate string by padding out with blanks.

CHR_TRUNC(delim, string) Truncate string rightwards from a given delimiter.

CHR_UCASE(string) Convert a string to upper case.

CHR_UPPER(achar) Give upper case equivalent of a character. (Character function)