Draw a text string at the specified position and angle


Draw a text string on the plot at the specified position and angle. The command uses the PGPLOT routine PGPTEXT.

This command is a an ICL hidden procedure which uses the WTEXT application.


ptext xpos ypos angle justification text


XPOS = _REAL (Read and Write)
The X coordinate of the text. []
YPOS = _REAL (Read and Write)
The Y coordinate of the text. []
ANGLE = _REAL (Read and Write)
The angle relative to the horizontal at which the text string is to be plotted. []
JUSTIFICATION = _REAL (Read and Write)
The justification about the specified point (in the range 0.0 to 1.0). Here, 0.0 means left justify the text relative to the data point, 1.0 means right justify the text relative to the data point, 0.5 means centre the string on the data point, other values will give intermediate justifications. []
TEXT = _CHAR (Read and Write)
The text string to be plotted. This may include any of the PGPLOT control sequences for producing special characters. []