This routine accepts a
list of input images and uses the information in their CCDPACK extensions to schedule a reduction.
The schedule is produced as a command script which may be executed immediately or retained for
execution using the standard CCDPACK facilities (
The reduction schedule produced covers the following stages of data reduction (in this
- production of a master bias
- removal of the bias contribution
- production of a master dark
- removal of dark count contribution
- production of a master pre-flash
- removal of pre-flash contribution
- production of master flatfields (one for each filter type)
- correction of data for flatfield response
The stages which are preformed for each image depend on the type of image (TARGET, FLAT, BIAS,
DARK etc.) and any processing which has already taken place. For instance if calibration masters of
any type already exist then they will be used in preference to the production of any new masters. If all
the TARGET frames have already been flatfielded then no further processing will be performed,
if no BIAS frames of any type exist then debiassing will be performed using bias strip
interpolation or by subtracting a single constant etc. Reductions which have failed (due to a
lack of resources) can be "
picked up"
and restarted from the position at which they failed
(by a re-invocation of this routine). Facilities for controlling the use of disk space are also
Before you can use this routine you must make sure that all the necessary information is entered into
the image extensions. You can do this using the routines IMPORT or CCDSETUP and PRESENT or
any combination of these which give the desired effect.
The extension which
added to the names of any images processed by
CALCOR when performing dark count correction.
This makes the keyword:
form the names of the images output from CALCOR. [-dk]
form of debiassing that should be used. This is an integer which represents one of the
- produce a master and offset to bias strips (master bias is zeroed)
- produce a master and do not offset to strips (in this case the master bias is not zeroed)
- use interpolation between bias strip(s)
- subtract a constant as bias.
Using the information about the frame types which are available and the presence or not of bias strips
etc. a list of the possible debiassing options is shown, before this parameter is accessed. Any of the
above methods can be selected regardless of this advice, but the reduction may then fail unless action
is taken (such as adapting the output script).
If the interpolation option is selected then the method is determined by the INTERP parameter.
The extension which added to the names of any images processed by
DEBIAS. This makes the keyword:
form the names of the images output from DEBIAS. [-db]
to execute the output command script immediately or not. If the option to execute is chosen then a
background process is started which performs the actual execution. Do not execute the procedure
using this method if your system supports a queuing system which should be used instead (if you
expect the reduction to take some time). This option does not work for ICL scripts at this time.
If the reduction is started immediately then the output
will be redirected to this file. [SCHEDULE.LOG]
The extension
which added to the names of any images processed by
CALCOR when performing pre-flash
correction. This makes the keyword:
form the names of the images output from CALCOR. [-dk]
extension which added to the names of any images processed by
FLATCOR. This makes the
form the names of the images output from FLATCOR. [-flt]
A list of the
names of the images which contain the data to be reduced. All images must already have the correct
frame type
information (extension item FTYPE) entered into their CCDPACK extensions. Together
with any other relevant information (such as filter type, position of the bias strips, useful area etc., see
IMPORT and/or
The image names should be separated by commas and may include wildcards.
This parameter allows input frames of type TARGET to be also used
as flatfields. This is designed for use when no real flatfields exist. IR data is often calibrated in this
way, and less commonly optical data. In both these cases it is asummed that the objects are moved on
the sky sufficiently, between exposures, so that taking the median of a stack of frames
results in the rejection of any object data (leaving the equivalent of a map of a blank piece of
TARGET frames will only be used to create flatfields, if no flatfields (of the correct colour) are present
in the input list. [FALSE]
If the interpolation method is chosen using the DEBIAS parameter then
this parameter controls how the interpolation should be performed. The possible returns
- fit a constant for each row/column
- fit a single value for whole image
- fit a line to each row/column
- fit a plane to whole image
The possible options given the input information about the presence of bias strips are shown before
the value of this parameter is accessed.
Name of the CCDPACK
logfile. If a null (!) value is given for this parameter then no logfile will be written, regardless of the
value of the LOGTO parameter.
If the logging system has been initialised using CCDSETUP, then the value specified there will be
used. Otherwise, the default is "
Every CCDPACK application has the ability to log its output for future reference as well as for display
on the terminal. This parameter controls this process, and may be set to any unique abbreviation of the
TERMINAL – Send output to the terminal only
LOGFILE – Send output to the logfile only (see the LOGFILE parameter)
BOTH – Send output to both the terminal and the logfile
NEITHER – Produce no output at all If the logging system has been initialised using CCDSETUP then
the value specified there will be used. Otherwise, the default is "
. [BOTH]
The name which will be given to a master bias image if one is created.
The name which will be given to a master
dark image if one is created. [MASTER_DARK]
The name
which will be given to a master flash image if one is created. [MASTER_FLASH]
The prefix of the name which will be given to any master flat images which are
created. The filter name will be appended to this. [MASTER_FLAT]
name of the output file which will contain the CCDPACK commands which need to be
executed to perform the reduction. The nature of this script is controlled by the STYPE
parameter. The default name is dynamically set to be SCHEDULE with a type set by the
choice of STYPE. The extension of the script name should always be the same as STYPE.
This parameter controls if any disk space
management should be used or not. It can take one of the values,
- indicates that no images should be deleted.
- indicates that all intermediate images should be deleted. This occurs after they are
- indicates that all processed images should be deleted. In this case all intermediary
images and the original images are deleted when processed.
Intermediary images are deleted by the CCDPACK applications when they are finished
processing then. So for instance in the case of FLATCOR each image is deleted in turn, so the
additional disk space required is one image. Using "
preserves the original images.
Calibration masters are never deleted. [NONE]
The type of
CCDPACK command procedure to be produced. This should be one of "
or "
Once a type has been chosen the output script (parameter SCRIPT) can only be executed
using the selected interpreter. Note that if you choose ICL then the resultant script cannot
be executed immediately, you must activate this yourself. [CSH]