6 Compiling and Linking

To compile and link an ADAM application with the GRP package, the following commands should be used (see SUN/144):

  % grp_dev
  % alink adamprog.f ‘grp_link_adam‘
  % grp_dev remove

Note the use of opening apostrophes (‘) rather than the more common closing apostrophe (’). To compile and link a stand-alone application with the GRP package, the following commands should be used:

  % grp_dev
  % f77 prog.f -o prog ‘grp_link‘
  % grp_dev remove

This produces an executable image called prog. The grp_dev command creates soft links to the include files GRP_PAR and GRP_ERR within the current directory. These are removed by the grp_dev remove command.

The ADAM and stand-alone versions of the GRP_ system differ, in that those routines which use ADAM facilities (i.e. those listed in B.10) are not available in the stand-alone version.