Delete a group from the GRP system


This routine releases the identifier and internal resources used by the specified group so that they can be used for another group. There is a limited number of groups available for use within an application, so each group should be deleted when it is no longer needed to avoid the possibility of reaching the limit.

Note, any parameter association used to establish the group is NOT cancelled.

This routine also deletes any groups which are related to the supplied group by means of "owner-slave" relationships established by calls to GRP_SOWN. All groups in the same "owner-slave" chain are deleted whether higher up or lower down than the supplied group.

This routine attempts to execute even if STATUS is bad on entry, although no further error report will be made if it subsequently fails under these circumstances.




IGRP = INTEGER (Given and Returned)
A GRP identifier for the group. Returned equal to GRP__NOID.
STATUS = INTEGER (Given and Returned)
The global status.