This routine draws a curve
marking the boundary of the ARD description supplied within group IGRP. It can also draw a
boundary round a given sub-region by supplying a positive value for REGVAL. The ARD description
must be 2-dimensional.
A GRP identifier for the group holding the 2-dimensional
ARD description.
An AST pointer to a Plot which will be
used to draw the boundary. The Plot and the ARD description will be aligned in a suitable
common coordinate Frame, present in both the Plot and the WCS FrameSet implied by the
ARD description. If no such common Frame is available, an error is reported.
) = REAL (Given)
An array giving the position and extent of the plotting area (on the
plotting surface of the underlying graphics system) in which graphical output is to appear.
This must be specified in the base (i.e. GRAPHICS) Frame of the supplied Plot. This can
be smaller than the area covered by the supplied Plot, in which case the graphics will be
The first pair of values should give the coordinates of the bottom left corner of the plotting area and
the second pair should give the coordinates of the top right corner. The coordinate on the horizontal
axis should be given first in each pair.
REGVAL = INTEGER (Given and Returned)
The index of the region within the ARD description to be outlined. If the value zero is
supplied, the entire ARD description is outlined. If a positive value is supplied, then only the
region with the specified index is outlined. If a negative value is supplied, then regions
with indices greater than or equal to the absolute value are outlined. If the supplied value
is not zero, then REGVAL is modified on return to hold one more than the largest value
used to represent any of the keywords in the ARD description. The supplied value is left
unchanged if it zero.
STATUS = INTEGER (Given and Returned)
The global status.