
Save the ASDF name attributes as AST Ident values?


This is a boolean attribute that controls how astRead behaves. If PreserveName is non-zero, the value of the " name" property of each ASDF transform is stored as the value for the Ident attribute of the corresponding AST Mapping. If PreserveName is zero, the " name" property is stored as the value for the ID attribute of the corresponding AST Mapping. The main difference between the Ident and ID attributes is that the value of ID is not transferred to the new Object when an Object is copied, whereas the Ident value is transferred. However, a secondary difference is that a Mapping cannot be simplified (using AST_SIMPLIFY) if its Ident value is set (this is because the Ident value could be lost in the process). For this reason, the default for PreserveName is zero.
Integer (boolean).


All yamlchans have this attribute.