Allows the specification of attribute values for an AST Object


This routine allows the user to set attributes for an AST Object (see SUN/210). The value to which an attribute is set in the returned Object is determined as follows.

Defaults are specified as a group of attribute setting strings within a " defaults" text file. This file is found using the following search path:

1) If the environment variable <APP >_ <PARAM > is defined ( <APP > and <PARAM > in upper case), its value is taken to be the full path to the defaults file.

2) If <APP >_ <PARAM > is not defined, the file $HOME/ <app >_ <param >.def is used ( <app > and <param > in lower case).

3) If the file $HOME/ <app >_ <param >.def cannot be accessed, the file $KAPPA_DIR/ <app >_ <param >.def is used.

4) If the file $KAPPA_DIR/ <app >_ <param >.def cannot be accessed, the value of environment variable KAPPA_ <PARAM > is taken to be the full path to the defaults file.

5) If KAPPA_ <PARAM > is not defined, the file $HOME/kappa_ <param >.def is used.

6) If the file $HOME/kappa_ <param >.def cannot be accessed, the file $KAPPA_DIR/kappa_ <param >.def is used.

Each attribute setting within a group of settings should be of the form " <name >= <value >" , where <name > is taken to be the name of a Object attribute (or synonym set by KPG1_ASPSY), and <value > is taken to be the value to assign to the attribute. These attributes are described in SUN/210. No error is reported if unrecognised attribute names or illegal attribute values are specified.

Before being used, the attribute settings are edited to replace any synonyms by their corresponding AST attribute names established by earlier calls to KPG1_ASPSY. Colour names are also replaced by corresponding PGPLOT colour indices.




APP = CHARACTER ( ) (Given)
The name of the calling application in the form <package >_ <application > (e.g. " KAPPA_DISPLAY" ), for use in messages.
The name of the parameter to use for getting the group expression.

A non-alphanumeric prefix may prepend the actual parameter name. If present, this signifies the delimiter to separate persistent from temporary attributes, otherwise all attributes are regarded as persistent. The prefix may be one to three characters long. Underscore is regarded as alphanumeric. The standard delimiter is the plus sign.

The same non-alphanumeric delimiter may also appear as a suffix. Its presence indicates that this routine is being called more than once in an application for the same parameter. The suffix should appear in all but the last invocation.

IOBJ = INTEGER (Given and Returned)
An AST pointer to the Object to be modified. Returned unchanged if an error occurs.
STATUS = INTEGER (Given and Returned)
The global status.
