Reduces the number of axes in an n-dimensional NDF by compressing it along a nominated axis


This application collapses a nominated axis of an n-dimensional NDF , producing an output NDF with one fewer axes than the input NDF. A specified range of axis values can be used instead of the whole axis (see Parameters LOW and HIGH).

For each output pixel, all corresponding input pixel values between the specified bounds of the nominated axis to be collapsed are combined together using one of a selection of estimators, including a mean, mode, or median, to produce the output pixel value.

Possible uses include such things as collapsing a range of wavelength planes in a three-dimensional RA/DEC/Wavelength cube to produce a single two-dimensional RA/DEC image, or collapsing a range of slit positions in a two-dimensional slit position/wavelength image to produce a one-dimensional wavelength array.


collapse in out axis [low] [high] [estimator] [wlim]


The axis along which to collapse the NDF. This can be specified using one of the following options.
  • Its integer index within the current Frame  of the input NDF (in the range 1 to the number of axes in the current Frame).

  • Its Symbol  string such as "RA" or "VRAD".

  • A generic option where "SPEC" requests the spectral axis, "TIME" selects the time axis, "SKYLON" and "SKYLAT" picks the sky longitude and latitude axes respectively. Only those axis domains present are available as options.

A list of acceptable values is displayed if an illegal value is supplied. If the axes of the current Frame are not parallel to the NDF pixel axes, then the pixel axis which is most nearly parallel to the specified current Frame axis will be used.

CLIP = _REAL (Read)
The number of standard deviations about the mean at which to clip outliers for the "Mode", "Cmean" and "Csigma" statistics (see Parameter ESTIMATOR). The application first computes statistics using all the available pixels. It then rejects all those pixels whose values lie beyond CLIP standard deviations from the mean and will then re-evaluate the statistics. For "Cmean" and "Csigma" there is currently only one iteration, but up to seven for "Mode".

The value must be positive. [3.0]


The name of the NDF array component for which statistics are required: "Data", "Error", "Quality" or "Variance" (where "Error" is the alternative to "Variance" and causes the square root of the variance values to be taken before computing the statistics). If "Quality" is specified, then the quality values are treated as numerical values (in the range 0 to 255). ["Data"]
The method to use for estimating the output pixel values. It can be one of the following options. The first five are more for general collapsing, and the remainder are for cube analysis.
  • "Mean" — Mean value

  • "WMean" — Weighted mean in which each data value is weighted by the reciprocal of the associated variance (not available for COMP="Variance" or "Error").

  • "Mode" — Modal value

  • "Median" — Median value. Note that this is extremely memory and CPU intensive for large datasets; use with care! If strange things happen, use "Mean".

  • "FastMed" — Faster median using Wirth’s algorithm for selecting the kth value, rather than a full sort. Weighting is not supported, thus this option is unavailable if both Parameter VARIANCE is TRUE and the input NDF contains a VARIANCE component.

  • "Absdev" — Mean absolute deviation from the unweighted mean.

  • "Cmean" — Sigma-clipped mean.

  • "Csigma" — Sigma-clipped standard deviation.

  • "Comax" — Co-ordinate of the maximum value.

  • "Comin" — Co-ordinate of the minimum value.

  • "FBad" — Fraction of bad pixel values.

  • "FGood" — Fraction of good pixel values.

  • "Integ" — Integrated value, being the sum of the products of the value and pixel width in world co-ordinates. Note that for sky co-ordinates the width is measured in radians. co-ordinates.

  • "Iwc" — Intensity-weighted co-ordinate, being the sum of each value times its co-ordinate, all divided by the integrated value (see the "Integ" option).

  • "Iwd" — Intensity-weighted dispersion of the co-ordinate, normalised like "Iwc" by the integrated value.

  • "Max" — Maximum value.

  • "Min" — Minimum value.

  • "NBad" — Count of bad pixel values.

  • "NGood" — Count of good pixel values.

  • "Rms" — Root-mean-square value.

  • "Sigma" — Standard deviation about the unweighted mean.

  • "Sum" — The total value.

A formatted value for the axis specified by Parameter AXIS. For example, if AXIS is 3 and the current Frame of the input NDF has axes RA/DEC/Wavelength, then a wavelength value should be supplied. If, on the other hand, the current Frame in the NDF was the PIXEL Frame, then a pixel co-ordinate value would be required for the third axis (note, the pixel with index I covers a range of pixel co-ordinates from (I 1) to I). Together with Parameter LOW, this parameter gives the range of axis values to be compressed. Note, HIGH and LOW should not be equal since. If a null value (!) is supplied for either HIGH or LOW, the entire range of the axis is collapsed. [!]
IN = NDF (Read)
The input NDF.
A formatted value for the axis specified by Parameter AXIS. For example, if AXIS is 3 and the current Frame of the input NDF has axes RA/DEC/Wavelength, then a wavelength value should be supplied. If, on the other hand, the current Frame in the NDF was the PIXEL Frame, then a pixel co-ordinate value would be required for the third axis (note, the pixel with index I covers a range of pixel co-ordinates from (I 1) to I). Together with Parameter HIGH, this parameter gives the range of axis values to be compressed. Note, LOW and HIGH should not be equal since. If a null value (!) is supplied for either LOW or HIGH, the entire range of the axis is collapsed. [!]
OUT = NDF (Write)
The output NDF.
Title for the output NDF structure. A null value (!) propagates the title from the input NDF to the output NDF. [!]
This parameter controls whether the collapsed axis should be removed from the co-ordinate systems describing the output NDF. If a TRUE value is supplied, the collapsed WCS axis will be removed from the WCS FrameSet of the output NDF, and the collapsed pixel axis will also be removed from the NDF, resulting in the output NDF having one fewer pixel axes than the input NDF. If a FALSE value is supplied, the collapsed WCS and pixel axes are retained in the output NDF, resulting in the input and output NDFs having the same number of pixel axes. In this case, the pixel-index bounds of the collapse axis will be set to (1:1) in the output NDF (that is, the output NDF will span only a single pixel on the collapse axis). Thus, setting TRIM to FALSE allows information to be retained about the range of values over which the collapse occurred. [TRUE]
A flag indicating whether a variance array present in the NDF is used to weight data values while forming the estimator’s statistic, and to derive output variance. If VARIANCE is TRUE and the NDF contains a variance array, this array will be used to define the weights, otherwise all the weights will be set equal. By definition this parameter is set to FALSE when COMP is "Variance" or "Error".

The VARIANCE parameter is ignored and set to FALSE when there are more than 300 pixels along the collapse axis and ESTIMATOR is "Median", "Mode", "Cmean", or "Csigma". This prevents the covariance matrix from being huge. For "Median" estimates of variance come from mean variance instead. The other affected estimators switch to use equal weighting. [TRUE]

A group of attribute settings which will be used to make temporary changes to the properties of the current co-ordinate Frame in the WCS FrameSet before it is used. Supplying a list of attribute values for this parameter is equivalent to invoking WCSATTRIB on the input NDF prior to running this command, except that no permanent change is made to the NDF (however the changes are propagated through to the output NDF).

A comma-separated list of strings should be given in which each string is either an attribute setting, or the name of a text file preceded by an up-arrow character "^". Such text files should contain further comma-separated lists which will be read and interpreted in the same manner. Attribute settings are applied in the order in which they occur within the list, with later settings overriding any earlier settings given for the same attribute.

Each individual attribute setting should be of the form:

<name >= <value >

where <name > is the name of a plotting attribute, and <value > is the value to assign to the attribute. Any unspecified attributes will retain the value they have in the supplied NDF. No attribute values will be changed if a null value (!) is supplied. Any unrecognised attributes are ignored (no error is reported). [!]

WLIM = _REAL (Read)
If the input NDF contains bad pixels, then this parameter may be used to determine the number of good pixels which must be present within the range of collapsed input pixels before a valid output pixel is generated. It can be used, for example, to prevent output pixels from being generated in regions where there are relatively few good pixels to contribute to the collapsed result.

WLIM specifies the minimum fraction of good pixels which must be present in order to generate a good output pixel. If this specified minimum fraction of good input pixels is not present, then a bad output pixel will result, otherwise a good output value will be calculated. The value of this parameter should lie between 0.0 and 1.0 (the actual number used will be rounded up if necessary to correspond to at least one pixel). [0.3]


collapse m31 profile axis=RA low="0:36:01" high="0:48:00"
Collapses the two-dimensional NDF called m31 along the right-ascension axis, from "0:36:01" to "0:48:00", and puts the result in an output NDF called profile.
collapse cube slab lambda 4500 4550
The current Frame in the input three-dimensional NDF called cube has axes with labels "RA", "DEC" and "Lambda", with the lambda axis being parallel to the third pixel axis. The above command extracts a slab of the input cube between wavelengths 4500 and 4550 Ångstroms, and collapses this slab into a single two-dimensional output NDF called slab with RA and DEC axes. Each pixel in the output NDF is the mean of the corresponding input pixels with wavelengths between 4500 and 4550 Ångstroms.
collapse cube slab 3 4500 4550
The same as the previous example except the axis to collapse along is specified by index (3) rather than label (lambda).
collapse cube slab 3 101.0 134.0
This is the same as the second example, except that the current Frame in the input NDF has been set to the PIXEL Frame (using WCSFRAME), and so the high and low axis values are specified in pixel co-ordinates instead of Ångstroms. Note the difference between floating-point pixel co-ordinates, and integer pixel indices (for instance the pixel with index 10 extends from pixel co-ordinate 9.0 to pixel co-ordinate 10.0).
collapse cube slab 3 low=99.0 high=100.0
This is the same as the second example, except that a single pixel plane in the cube (pixel 100) is used to create the output NDF. Following the usual definition of pixel co-ordinates, pixel 100 extends from pixel co-ordinate 99.0 to pixel co-ordinate 100.0. So the given HIGH and LOW values encompass the single pixel plane at pixel 100.


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