Displays one or more configuration parameters


This application displays the name and value of one or all configuration parameters, specified using Parameters CONFIG or NDF. If a single parameter is displayed, its value is also written to an output parameter. If the parameter value is not specified by the CONFIG, NDF or DEFAULTS parameter, then the value supplied for DEFVAL is displayed.

If an input NDF is supplied then configuration parameters are read from its history (see Parameters NDF and APPLICATION).

If values are supplied for both CONFIG and NDF, then the differences between the two sets of configuration parameters are displayed (see Parameter NDF).


configecho name config [defaults] [select] [defval]


When reading configuration parameters from the history of an NDF, this parameter specifies the name of the application to find in the history. There must be a history component corresponding to the value of this parameter, and it must include a CONFIG group. [!]
Specifies values for the configuration parameters. If the string "def" (case-insensitive) or a null (!) value is supplied, the configuration parameters are obtained using Parameter NDF. If a null value is also supplied for NDF, a set of default configuration parameter values will be used, as specified by Parameter DEFAULTS.

The supplied value should be either a comma-separated list of strings or the name of a text file preceded by an up-arrow character "^", containing one or more comma-separated lists of strings. Each string is either a "keyword=value" setting, or the name of a text file preceded by an up-arrow character "^". Such text files should contain further comma-separated lists which will be read and interpreted in the same manner (any blank lines or lines beginning with "#" are ignored). Within a text file, newlines can be used as delimiters, as well as commas. Settings are applied in the order in which they occur within the list, with later settings overriding any earlier settings given for the same keyword.

Each individual setting should be of the form " <keyword >= <value >". If a non-null value is supplied for Parameter DEFAULTS, an error will be reported if CONFIG includes values for any parameters that are not included in DEFAULTS.

The path to a file containing the default value for every allowed configuration parameter. If null (!) is supplied, no defaults will be supplied for parameters that are not specified by CONFIG, and no tests will be performed on the validity of paramter names supplied by CONFIG. [!]
The value to return if no value can be obtained for the named parameter, or if the value is " <undef >". [<***>]
The name of a text file in which to store the displayed configuration parameters. [!]
The name of the configuration parameter to display. If it is set to null (!), then all parameters defined in the configuration are displayed.
NDF = NDF (Read)
An NDF file containing history entries which include configuration parameters.
A group that specifies any alternative prefixes that can be included at the start of any parameter name. For instance, if this group contains the two entries "450=1" and "850=0", then either CONFIG or DEFAULTS can specify two values for any single parameter–-one for the parameter prefixed by "450." and another for the parameter prefixed by "850.". Thus, for instance, if DEFAULTS defines a parameter called "filter", it could include "450.filter=300" and "850.filter=600". The CONFIG parameter could then either set the filter parameter for a specific prefix (as in "450.filter=234"); or it could leave the prefix unspecified, in which case the prefix used is the first one with a non-zero value in SELECT (450 in the case of this example–-850 has a value zero in SELECT). Thus the names of the items in SELECT define the set of allowed alternative prefixes, and the values indicate which one of these alternatives is to be used (the first one with non-zero value). [!]
If TRUE then sort the listed parameters in to alphabetical order. Otherwise, retain the order they have in the supplied configuration. Only used if a null (!) value is supplied for Parameter NAME. [FALSE]

Results Parameters

The value of the configuration parameter, or "<***>" if the parameter has no value in CONFIG and DEFAULTS.


configecho m81 ^myconf
Report the value of configuration parameter "m81" defined within the file myconf. If the file does not contain a value for "m81", then <***> is displayed.
configecho type ^myconf select="m57=0,m31=1,m103=0"
Report the value of configuration parameter "type" defined within the file myconf. If the file does not contain a value for "type", then the value of "m31.type" will be reported instead. If neither is present, then <***> is displayed.
configecho flt.filt_edge_largescale
defaults=/star/bin/smurf/smurf_makemap.def select="450=1,850=0"
Report the value of configuration parameter flt.filt_edge_largescale defined within the file /star/share/smurf/dimmconfig.lis, using defaults from the file /star/bin/smurf/smurf_makemap.def. If dimmconfig.lis does not contain a value for flt.filt_edge_largescale then it is searched for 450.flt.filt_edge_largescale instead. An error is reported if dimmconfig.lis contains values for any items that are not defined in smurf_makemap.def.
configecho ndf=omc1 config=^/star/share/smurf/dimmconfig.lis
application=makemap name=! sort select="450=0,850=1"
Show how the configuration used to generate the 850μm map of OMC1 differs from the basic dimmconfig.lis file.