Checks the package version number


This application will display the installed package version number, or compare the version number of the installed package against a specified version number, reporting whether the installed package is older, or younger, or equal to the specified version.


kapversion [compare]


A string specifying the version number to be compared to the version of the installed package. If a null (!) value is supplied, the version string of the installed package is displayed, but no comparison takes place. If a non-null value is supplied, the version of the installed package is not displayed.

The supplied string should be in the "V <ddd >. <ddd >- <ddd >", where " <ddd >" represents a set of digits. The leading "V" can be omitted, as can any number of trailing fields (missing trailing fields default to zero). [!]

Results Parameters

If a value is given for the COMPARE parameter, then RESULT is set to one of the following values:
  • 1 –- The installed package is older than the version number specified by the COMPARE parameter.

  • 0 –- The version of the installed package is equal to the version specified by the COMPARE parameter.

  • -1 –- The installed package is younger than the version number specified by the COMPARE parameter.

The same value is also written to standard output.


Displays the version number of the installed package.
kapversion compare="V0.14-1"
Compares the version of the installed package with the version "V0.14-1", and sets the RESULT parameter appropriately. For instance, if the installed package was "V0.13-6" then RESULT would be set to 1. If the installed package was "V0.14-1", RESULT would be set to 0. If the installed package was "V0.14-5" RESULT would be set to +1.
