A Getting ASCII output

ASCII output can be produced for any bolometer using the ndf2ascii command which is part of the Starlink package, Convert. Note that if you intend to compare the bolometer signals then the flatfielded or extinction corrected data must be used. Here’s observation #52 of 8C1435+635 again,

  % convert
     CONVERT commands are now available -- (Version 0.6-2, 1996 September)
     Defaults for automatic NDF conversion are set.
     Type conhelp for help on CONVERT commands.
  % ndf2ascii prompt
  IN - Input NDF data structure /@red52_phot/ > red52_ext(19,,2)
  COMP - Array component to copy to the ASCII file /’Data’/ >
  FITS - Write a FITS header in the ASCII file? /NO/ >
  FIXED - Fixed format of the array values? /NO/ > y
  NOPEREC - Number of data values per ASCII record /1/ >
  OUT - ASCII file /@h14_52/ > h7_52

The output file h7_52 contains a single column of numbers each corresponding to 2 seconds of integration time (corrected for the beam-switching). The input NDF, red52_ext(19„2) is thus the output of extinction but using a section to select the central pixel of the long-wave array, i.e. bolometer 19. The ‘2’ just selects the central beam position. Similarly the sky bolometer, h14, is referred to as red52(26„2). Further information on the data structure can be found in the Surf documentation (SUN/216).