The following is a list of packages used by existing Starlink software. Software written by others than those actually responsible for developing or maintaining these packages must not use existing package names, even if the new routines resemble or complement the official set. Programmers may wish to submit their own package names for inclusion in the following lists.
ADAM | ADAM interface file handling |
ADAMCL | ADAM Command Language |
ADC | Astronomical Data Catalogues |
AG* | AGI + interfaces to graphics packages |
AIF | Auxiliary ADAM interface routines |
ANT | ADAM networking |
ARY | ARRAY-structure access |
AST | Asterix |
CHA | CHART part of SCAR |
CHI | Catalogue Handling Interface |
CHP | Character Handling “Plus” |
CHR | Character handling |
CLV | ADAM command language variable system |
CMP | HDS component handling |
CNF | C ’n’ Fortran |
CNV | Figaro data-conversion |
CON | CONVERT package routines |
CTASK | ADAM Ctasks |
CTM | Colour-Table Management |
DAT | HDS and extensions to it |
DAU | HDS internal routines |
DCV | Data conversion |
DIP | Internal system for DIAGRAM |
DSA | Figaro data-structure access |
DSK | Disc output for PGPLOT |
DTA | Figaro data-structure access |
DTASK | ADAM Dtasks |
DYN | Figaro dynamic memory routines |
EMS | Error Message Service |
ENG | ADAM Engineering interface |
EOS | Extendable Object System |
ERR | Error reporting system |
EXC | HDS internal routines |
FIG | Figaro general purpose |
FIO | File I/O |
FIT | FITS processing (including Figaro FITS) |
FTS | KAPPA FITS library |
GEN | General utility routines |
GKD | Graphics dialogue routines |
GKS | Graphics Kernel System |
GNS | Graphics Name System |
GWM | Graphics Window Manager |
HDS | Hierarchical Data System |
HELPSYS | ADAM help system |
HLP | Starlink portable help system |
ICH | ICL real-to-character conversion |
ICL | Interactive Command Language |
IDI | Image display interface to ADAM |
IMG | Simple Image Interface |
IOC | Low-level C magtape routines |
IRA–IRZ | IRAS software |
KPE | KAPPA environment packaging |
KPG | KAPPA general routines |
KPS | KAPPA specific routines |
LEX | ADAM command line parsing |
LOCK | ADAM file sharing system |
LOG | ADAM logging system |
MAG | Magnetic tape handling high level |
MCH | Machine-dependent constants etc. |
MESSYS | ADAM message system implementation |
MGO | MONGO routines |
MIO | Magnetic tape handling low level |
MON | ADAM monitor parameter system |
MSG | Message reporting system |
MSP | Message System Primitives |
NBS | NoticeBoard System |
NDF | NDF access |
NUM | Primitive data arithmetic |
PAR | ADAM parameter system interface |
PARSECON | ADAM interface file parsing |
PSX | POSIX interface |
REC | HDS internal routines |
REF | HDS reference handling |
RIO | Random-access I/O |
REPORT | ADAM reporting system |
SLA | Subprograms mainly concerned with positional astronomy |
SGS | Simple Graphics System |
SMS | ADAM Screen Management System |
SNX | NCAR/SGS integration |
SST | Simple Software Tools |
STRING | String handling |
SUBPAR | ADAM parameter system implementation level |
TAP | Theoretical astrophysics library |
TASK | ADAM task control |
TCV | ICL type conversion |
TEL | UKIRT clock handling |
TRA | Trace |
TRN | TRANSFORM coordinate transformation facility |
UFACE | ADAM User Interface |
UNI | Unit conversion utilities |
UTIL | ADAM/VMS utility |
VAL | Primitive data arithmetic |
VAR | Figaro user variable routines |
VEC | Primitive vector arithmetic |
VIO | VDU I/O (Used by SCAR) |
In addition to the above, the following blocks of facility names are reserved by Starlink:
DSx | x = 0-9,A-Z |
SLx | x = 0-9,A-Z |
Though not strictly facility names, the following prefixes are used internally within ADAM facilities and should be avoided:
ACT | ADAM task activation errors |
ADM | ADAM general errors |
SAI | Starlink Applications Interface errors |
USER | Error values available for users |
VAL | Special values |