
Starlink Project
Starlink General Paper 38.3

Malcolm J Currie, P T Wallace & R F Warren-Smith

2009 December 10

Starlink Standard Data Structures


1 Introduction
2 Overview
3 Naming, Types and Variants
 3.1 Character Set
 3.2 The Rôle of TYPE
 3.3 Notation and Pseudo-types
4 Labels and Units
5 Errors
6 History
7 Bad-Pixel Methods
 7.1 Quality
 7.2 Magic or Undefined Value
 7.3 Implementation
  7.3.1 Data Quality
  7.3.2 Magic Values
8 Extensions
9 Propagation of Data Objects
10 Low-Level Structures
 10.1 <POLYNOMIAL > Structure
  10.1.1 [VARIANT] = ‘SIMPLE’
  10.1.2 [VARIANT] = ‘CHEBYSHEV’
  10.1.3 [VARIANT] = ‘BSPLINE’
 10.2 <ARRAY >Structure
  10.2.1 [VARIANT] = ‘SIMPLE’
  10.2.2 [VARIANT] = ‘SCALED’
  10.2.3 [VARIANT] = ‘SPACED’
  10.2.4 [VARIANT] = ‘SPARSE’
 10.3 <COMPLEX_ARRAY > Structure
 10.4 <AXIS > Structure
 10.5 <QUALITY > Structure
 10.6 <HISTORY > Structure
11 The Extensible n-Dimensional-Data Format
 11.1 Polarimetry Example
 11.2 Simplified <NDF > Structure
12 Comparison with Wright-Giddings proposals
13 Creating new structures
 13.1 Definitions
 13.2 Algorithm
 13.3 Explanatory Notes
 13.4 Extensions
14 Acknowledgments
15 References
A Release Notes