This section lists the FITS headers written by SCUBA. Surf uses a subset of these keywords.
Multiple headers are listed since the values are slightly different for different observing
ACCEPT = ’NO ’ / accept update; PROMPT, YES or NO
ALIGN_AX= ’not used’ / Alignment measurements in X or Y axis
ALIGN_SH= -1 / Distance between successive alignment offsets (
ALT-OBS = 4092 / Height of observatory above sea level (metres)
AMEND = 3.863703 / Airmass at end of observation
AMSTART = 1.015427 / Airmass at start of observation
APEND = 627.851 / Air pressure at end of observation (mbar)
APSTART = 627.851 / Air pressure at start of observation (mbar)
ATEND = 5.604397 / Air temp. at end of observation (C)
ATSTART = 5.677658 / Air temp. at start of observation (C)
BOLOMS = ’SHORT_DC,LONG_DC’ / Names of bolometers measured
CALIBRTR= F / Internal calibrator is on or off
CAL_FRQ = -1 / Calibrator frequency (Hz)
CENT_CRD= ’AZ ’ / Centre coordinate system
CHOP_CRD= ’not used’ / Chopper coordinate system
CHOP_FRQ= 2 / Chopper frequency (Hz)
CHOP_FUN= ’not used’ / Chopper waveform
CHOP_PA = -1 / Chopper P.A., 0 = in lat, 90 = in long
CHOP_THR= -1 / Chopper throw (arcsec)
DATA_DIR= ’19990808’ / Sub-directory where datafile was stored
DATA_KPT= ’DEMOD ’ / The type of data stored to disk
END_AZD = 219.183 / Azimuth at end of observation (deg)
END_EL = 80 / Elevation of last SKYDIP point (deg)
END_ELD = 79.9896 / Elevation at end of observation
EQUINOX = 2000 / Equinox of mean coordinate system
EXPOSED = 5 / Exposure per pixel (seconds)
EXP_NO = 1 / Exposure number at end of observation
EXP_TIME= 0.5 / Exposure time for each basic measurement (sec)
E_PER_I = 1 / Number of exposures per integration
FILTER = ’450N:850N’ / Filters used
FOCUS_SH= -1 / Shift between focus measurements (mm)
GAIN = 1 / Programmable gain
HSTEND = ’20:05:49.00131’ / HST at end of observation
HSTSTART= ’20:00:56.00281’ / HST at start of observation
HUMEND = 15 / Humidity (%) at end of observation
HUMSTART= 15 / Humidity (%) at start of observation
INSTRUME= ’SCUBA ’ / Name of instrument used
INT_NO = 1 / Integration number at end of observation
JIGL_CNT= -1 / Number of offsets in jiggle pattern
JIGL_NAM= ’not used’ / File containing jiggle offsets
J_PER_S = -1 / Number of jiggles per switch position
J_REPEAT= -1 / No. jiggle pattern repeats in a switch
LAT = ’not used’ / Object latitude
LAT-OBS = 19.8258323669 / Latitude of observatory (degrees)
LAT2 = ’not used’ / Object latitude at MJD2
LOCL_CRD= ’no ’ / Local offset coordinate system
LONG = ’+219:11:26.64’ / Object longitude
LONG-OBS= 204.520278931 / East longitude of observatory (degrees)
LONG2 = ’not used’ / Object Longitude at MJD2
MAP_HGHT= -1 / Height of rectangle to be mapped (arcsec)
MAP_PA = -1 / P.A. of map vertical, +ve towards +ve long
MAP_WDTH= -1 / Width of rectangle to be mapped (arcsec)
MAP_X = -1 / Map X offset from telescope centre (arcsec)
MAP_Y = -1 / Map Y offset from telescope centre (arcsec)
MAX_EL = 80 / Max elevation of sky-dip (deg)
MEANDEC = -17.93834 / -17:56:18.01437 = approx. mean Dec. (deg)
MEANRA = 222.1444 / 222:08:39.76318 = approx. mean R.A. (deg)
MEAS_NO = 10 / Measurement number at end of observation
MIN_EL = 15 / Min elevation of sky-dip (deg)
MJD1 = -1 / Modified Julian day planet at RA,DEC
MJD2 = -1 / Modified Julian day planet at RA2,DEC2
MODE = ’SKYDIP ’ / The type of observation
N_INT = 10 / No. integrations in the observation
N_MEASUR= 10 / No. measurements in the observation
OBJECT = ’not used’ / Name of object
OBJ_TYPE= ’not used’ / Type of object
OBSDEF = ’ss:odfsxskydip_850.obs_193300’ / The observation definition file
OBSERVER= ’jmk ’ / The name of the observer
PROJ_ID = ’SCUBA ’ / The project identification
RUN = 26 / Run number of observation
SAM_CRDS= ’no ’ / Coordinatesystem of sampling mesh
SAM_DX = -1 / Sample spacing along scan direction (arcsec)
SAM_DY = -1 / Sample spacing perp. to scan (arcsec)
SAM_MODE= ’not used’ / Sampling method
SAM_PA = -1 / Scan P.A. rel. to lat. line; 0=lat, 90=long
SCAN_REV= F / .TRUE. if alternate scans reverse direction
SPK_NSIG= -1 / N sigmas from fit of spike threshold
SPK_RMVL= F / Automatic spike removal
SPK_WDTH= -1 / Assumed width of spike
START_EL= 15 / Elevation of first SKYDIP point (deg)
STATE = ’Terminating : RESET_DATA_SIZE’ / SCUCD state
STEND = ’16:49:09.149323’ / ST at end of observation
STRT_AZD= 219.174 / Azimuth at observation start (deg)
STRT_ELD= 14.9868 / Elevation at observation start (deg)
STSTART = ’16:44:15.34744’ / ST at start of observation
SWTCH_MD= ’not ’ / Switch mode of observation
SWTCH_NO= 1 / Switch number at end of observation
S_PER_E = 1 / Number of switch positions per exposure
TELESCOP= ’JCMT ’ / Name of telescope
TEL_OPER= ’kkp ’ / Telescope operator
UTDATE = ’1999:8:8’ / UT date of observation
UTEND = ’6:05:48.9996’ / UT at end of observation
UTSTART = ’6:00:55.99937’ / UT at start of observation
VERSION = 1.1 / SCUCD version
ALIGN_DX= 0.027268 / SMU tables X axis alignment offset
ALIGN_DY= 0.482489 / SMU tables Y axis alignment offset
ALIGN_X = -0.96279 / SMU tables X axis
ALIGN_Y = 3.79108 / SMU tables Y axis
AZ_ERR = 0 / Error in the telescope azimuth
CHOPPING= F / SMU Chopper chopping state
EL_ERR = 0.154495 / Error in the telescope elevation
FOCUS_DZ= -0.361142 / SMU tables Z axis focus offset
FOCUS_Z = -17.2453 / SMU tables Z axis
SEEING = 0.525 / SAO atmospheric seeing
SEE_DATE= ’9908061715’ / Date and time of SAO seeing
TAU_225 = 0.066 / CSO tau
TAU_DATE= ’9908080555’ / Date and time of CSO tau
TAU_RMS = 5.0E-03 / CSO tau rms
UAZ = -0.528088 / User azimuth pointing offset
UEL = 4.83289 / User elevation pointing offset
UT_DATE = ’ 8 Aug 1999’ / UT date at start of observation
BAD_LIM = 32 / No. spikes before quality set bad
CALIB_LG= -1 / Lag of internal calibrator in samples
CALIB_PD= -1 / Period of internal calibrator in samples
CHOP_LG = 0 / Chop lag in samples
CHOP_PD = 64.03689 / Chop period in samples
CNTR_DU3= 0 / Nasmyth dU3 coord of instrument centre
CNTR_DU4= 0 / Nasmyth dU4 coord of instrument centre
ETATEL_1= 0.75 / Transmission of telescope
ETATEL_2= 0.9 / Transmission of telescope
ETATEL_3= -1 / Transmission of telescope
ETATEL_4= -1 / Transmission of telescope
ETATEL_5= -1 / Transmission of telescope
FILT_1 = ’450 ’ / Filter name
FILT_2 = ’850 ’ / Filter name
FILT_3 = ’not used’ / Filter name
FILT_4 = ’not used’ / Filter name
FILT_5 = ’not used’ / Filter name
FLAT = ’jcmtdata_dir:lwswphot.dat’ / Name of flat-field file
JIG_DSCD= -1 / No. samples discarded after jiggle movement
L_GD_BOL= ’not used’ / Bol. to whose value LW guard ring is set
L_GUARD = F / Long wave guard ring on or off
MEAS_BOL= ’not used’ / Bolometers actually measured in observation
N_BOLS = 2 / Number of bolometers selected
N_SUBS = 2 / Number of sub-instruments used
PHOT_BBF= ’not_used LL,C14,NULL’ / The bolometers on the source
PRE_DSCD= 0 / No. of samples discarded before chop movement
PST_DSCD= 0 / No. samples discarded after chop movement
REBIN = ’LINEAR ’ / Rebinning method used by SCUIP
REF_ADC = -1 / A/D card of FLATFIELD reference bolometer
REF_CHAN= -1 / Channel of FLATFIELD reference bolometer
SAM_TIME= 122 / A/D sample period in ticks (64musec)
SIMULATE= F / True if data is simulated
SKY = ’jcmtdata_dir:skydip_startup.dat’ / Name of sky opacities file
SUB_1 = ’SHORT ’ / SCUBA instrument being used
SUB_2 = ’LONG ’ / SCUBA instrument being used
SUB_3 = ’not used’ / SCUBA instrument being used
SUB_4 = ’not used’ / SCUBA instrument being used
SUB_5 = ’not used’ / SCUBA instrument being used
S_GD_BOL= ’not used’ / Bol. to whose value SW guard ring is set
S_GUARD = F / Short wave guard ring on or off
TAUZ_1 = -1 / Zenith sky optical depth
TAUZ_2 = -1 / Zenith sky optical depth
TAUZ_3 = -1 / Zenith sky optical depth
TAUZ_4 = -1 / Zenith sky optical depth
TAUZ_5 = -1 / Zenith sky optical depth
T_AMB = 278.6532 / The ambient air temperature (K)
T_COLD_1= 120 / Effective temperature of cold load (K)
T_COLD_2= 100 / Effective temperature of cold load (K)
T_COLD_3= -1 / Effective temperature of cold load (K)
T_COLD_4= -1 / Effective temperature of cold load (K)
T_COLD_5= -1 / Effective temperature of cold load (K)
T_HOT = 282.6 / The temperature of the hot load (K)
T_TEL = 282.2908 / The temperature of the telescope
USE_CAL = F / .TRUE. if dividing chop by cal before rebin
WAVE_1 = 442 / Wavelength of map (microns)
WAVE_2 = 862 / Wavelength of map (microns)
WAVE_3 = 0 / Wavelength of map (microns)
WAVE_4 = 0 / Wavelength of map (microns)
WAVE_5 = 0 / Wavelength of map (microns)
Jiggle map of a planet (note that for a moving source SCUBA supplies that apparent RA and Dec of
the source at two different times. These are specified as LON
G and LAT
for MJD1
and LONG2
and LAT2
ACCEPT = ’not used’ / accept update; PROMPT, YES or NO
ALIGN_AX= ’not used’ / Alignment measurements in X or Y axis
ALIGN_SH= -1 / Distance between successive alignment offsets (
ALT-OBS = 4092 / Height of observatory above sea level (metres)
AMEND = 1.296355 / Airmass at end of observation
AMSTART = 1.283144 / Airmass at start of observation
APEND = 627.4847 / Air pressure at end of observation (mbar)
APSTART = 627.2405 / Air pressure at start of observation (mbar)
ATEND = 7.655678 / Air temp. at end of observation (C)
ATSTART = 7.997562 / Air temp. at start of observation (C)
BOLOMS = ’LONG,SHORT’ / Names of bolometers measured
CALIBRTR= F / Internal calibrator is on or off
CAL_FRQ = 2.929688 / Calibrator frequency (Hz)
CENT_CRD= ’PLANET ’ / Centre coordinate system
CHOP_CRD= ’LO ’ / Chopper coordinate system
CHOP_FRQ= 7.8125 / Chopper frequency (Hz)
CHOP_FUN= ’SQUARE ’ / Chopper waveform
CHOP_PA = 0 / Chopper P.A., 0 = in lat, 90 = in long
CHOP_THR= 68 / Chopper throw (arcsec)
DATA_DIR= ’19990808’ / Sub-directory where datafile was stored
DATA_KPT= ’DEMOD ’ / The type of data stored to disk
END_AZD = 198.486 / Azimuth at end of observation (deg)
END_EL = -1 / Elevation of last SKYDIP point (deg)
END_ELD = 50.3461 / Elevation at end of observation
EQUINOX = 2000 / Equinox of mean coordinate system
EXPOSED = 0.128 / Exposure per pixel (seconds)
EXP_NO = 13 / Exposure number at end of observation
EXP_TIME= 0.128 / Exposure time for each basic measurement (sec)
E_PER_I = -1 / Number of exposures per integration
FILTER = ’450N:850N’ / Filters used
FOCUS_SH= -1 / Shift between focus measurements (mm)
GAIN = 10 / Programmable gain
HSTEND = ’18:52:56.00327’ / HST at end of observation
HSTSTART= ’18:41:44.99954’ / HST at start of observation
HUMEND = 14 / Humidity (%) at end of observation
HUMSTART= 14 / Humidity (%) at start of observation
INSTRUME= ’SCUBA ’ / Name of instrument used
INT_NO = 1 / Integration number at end of observation
JIGL_CNT= -1 / Number of offsets in jiggle pattern
JIGL_NAM= ’not used’ / File containing jiggle offsets
J_PER_S = -1 / Number of jiggles per switch position
J_REPEAT= -1 / No. jiggle pattern repeats in a switch
LAT = ’-017:55:40.89’ / Object latitude
LAT-OBS = 19.8258323669 / Latitude of observatory (degrees)
LAT2 = ’-017:55:47.08’ / Object latitude at MJD2
LOCL_CRD= ’RD ’ / Local offset coordinate system
LONG = ’+014:48:26.75’ / Object longitude
LONG-OBS= 204.520278931 / East longitude of observatory (degrees)
LONG2 = ’+014:48:28.04’ / Object Longitude at MJD2
MAP_HGHT= 600 / Height of rectangle to be mapped (arcsec)
MAP_PA = 0 / P.A. of map vertical, +ve towards +ve long
MAP_WDTH= 600 / Width of rectangle to be mapped (arcsec)
MAP_X = 0 / Map X offset from telescope centre (arcsec)
MAP_Y = 0 / Map Y offset from telescope centre (arcsec)
MAX_EL = -1 / Max elevation of sky-dip (deg)
MEANDEC = -17.92968 / -17:55:46.84753 = approx. mean Dec. (deg)
MEANRA = 222.1171 / 222:07:01.490479 = approx. mean R.A. (deg)
MEAS_NO = 1 / Measurement number at end of observation
MIN_EL = -1 / Min elevation of sky-dip (deg)
MJD1 = 51398.19570601852 / Modified Julian day planet at RA,DEC
MJD2 = 51398.20612268519 / Modified Julian day planet at RA2,DEC2
MODE = ’MAP ’ / The type of observation
N_INT = 1 / No. integrations in the observation
N_MEASUR= 1 / No. measurements in the observation
OBJECT = ’mars ’ / Name of object
OBJ_TYPE= ’UNKNOWN ’ / Type of object
OBSDEF = ’ss:scan_68dec.obs_mars_184023’ / The observation definition file
OBSERVER= ’jmk ’ / The name of the observer
PROJ_ID = ’m99au34 ’ / The project identification
RUN = 18 / Run number of observation
SAM_CRDS= ’NA ’ / Coordinatesystem of sampling mesh
SAM_DX = 3 / Sample spacing along scan direction (arcsec)
SAM_DY = 60 / Sample spacing perp. to scan (arcsec)
SAM_MODE= ’RASTER ’ / Sampling method
SAM_PA = 15.5 / Scan P.A. rel. to lat. line; 0=lat, 90=long
SCAN_REV= T / .TRUE. if alternate scans reverse direction
SPK_NSIG= -1 / N sigmas from fit of spike threshold
SPK_RMVL= F / Automatic spike removal
SPK_WDTH= -1 / Assumed width of spike
START_EL= -1 / Elevation of first SKYDIP point (deg)
STATE = ’Terminating : STEP’ / SCUCD state
STEND = ’15:36:04.176178’ / ST at end of observation
STRT_AZD= 194.923 / Azimuth at observation start (deg)
STRT_ELD= 51.0202 / Elevation at observation start (deg)
STSTART = ’15:24:51.33911’ / ST at start of observation
SWTCH_MD= ’NOSW ’ / Switch mode of observation
SWTCH_NO= 1 / Switch number at end of observation
S_PER_E = 1 / Number of switch positions per exposure
TELESCOP= ’JCMT ’ / Name of telescope
TEL_OPER= ’kkp ’ / Telescope operator
UTDATE = ’1999:8:8’ / UT date of observation
UTEND = ’4:52:55.99983’ / UT at end of observation
UTSTART = ’4:41:44.99954’ / UT at start of observation
VERSION = 1.1 / SCUCD version
ALIGN_DX= 0.027268 / SMU tables X axis alignment offset
ALIGN_DY= 0.482489 / SMU tables Y axis alignment offset
ALIGN_X = -2.32166 / SMU tables X axis
ALIGN_Y = 3.78719 / SMU tables Y axis
AZ_ERR = 0 / Error in the telescope azimuth
CHOPPING= T / SMU Chopper chopping state
EL_ERR = 0 / Error in the telescope elevation
FOCUS_DZ= -0.361142 / SMU tables Z axis focus offset
FOCUS_Z = -16.5076 / SMU tables Z axis
SEEING = 0.525 / SAO atmospheric seeing
SEE_DATE= ’9908061715’ / Date and time of SAO seeing
TAU_225 = 0.097 / CSO tau
TAU_DATE= ’9908080435’ / Date and time of CSO tau
TAU_RMS = 8.0E-03 / CSO tau rms
UAZ = -0.528088 / User azimuth pointing offset
UEL = 4.83289 / User elevation pointing offset
UT_DATE = ’ 8 Aug 1999’ / UT date at start of observation
BAD_LIM = 32 / No. spikes before quality set bad
CALIB_LG= 6 / Lag of internal calibrator in samples
CALIB_PD= 42.66667 / Period of internal calibrator in samples
CHOP_LG = 4 / Chop lag in samples
CHOP_PD = 16 / Chop period in samples
CNTR_DU3= 0 / Nasmyth dU3 coord of instrument centre
CNTR_DU4= 0 / Nasmyth dU4 coord of instrument centre
ETATEL_1= -1 / Transmission of telescope
ETATEL_2= -1 / Transmission of telescope
ETATEL_3= -1 / Transmission of telescope
ETATEL_4= -1 / Transmission of telescope
ETATEL_5= -1 / Transmission of telescope
FILT_1 = ’450 ’ / Filter name
FILT_2 = ’850 ’ / Filter name
FILT_3 = ’not used’ / Filter name
FILT_4 = ’not used’ / Filter name
FILT_5 = ’not used’ / Filter name
FLAT = ’jcmtdata_dir:lwswphot.dat’ / Name of flat-field file
JIG_DSCD= -1 / No. samples discarded after jiggle movement
L_GD_BOL= ’not used’ / Bol. to whose value LW guard ring is set
L_GUARD = F / Long wave guard ring on or off
MEAS_BOL= ’not used’ / Bolometers actually measured in observation
N_BOLS = 128 / Number of bolometers selected
N_SUBS = 2 / Number of sub-instruments used
PHOT_BBF= ’not_used LL,C14,NULL’ / The bolometers on the source
PRE_DSCD= 0 / No. of samples discarded before chop movement
PST_DSCD= 0 / No. samples discarded after chop movement
REBIN = ’LINEAR ’ / Rebinning method used by SCUIP
REF_ADC = -1 / A/D card of FLATFIELD reference bolometer
REF_CHAN= -1 / Channel of FLATFIELD reference bolometer
SAM_TIME= 125 / A/D sample period in ticks (64musec)
SIMULATE= F / True if data is simulated
SKY = ’jcmtdata_dir:skydip_startup.dat’ / Name of sky opacities file
SUB_1 = ’SHORT ’ / SCUBA instrument being used
SUB_2 = ’LONG ’ / SCUBA instrument being used
SUB_3 = ’not used’ / SCUBA instrument being used
SUB_4 = ’not used’ / SCUBA instrument being used
SUB_5 = ’not used’ / SCUBA instrument being used
S_GD_BOL= ’not used’ / Bol. to whose value SW guard ring is set
S_GUARD = F / Short wave guard ring on or off
TAUZ_1 = 0 / Zenith sky optical depth
TAUZ_2 = 0 / Zenith sky optical depth
TAUZ_3 = 0 / Zenith sky optical depth
TAUZ_4 = 0 / Zenith sky optical depth
TAUZ_5 = 0 / Zenith sky optical depth
T_AMB = -1 / The ambient air temperature (K)
T_COLD_1= -1 / Effective temperature of cold load (K)
T_COLD_2= -1 / Effective temperature of cold load (K)
T_COLD_3= -1 / Effective temperature of cold load (K)
T_COLD_4= -1 / Effective temperature of cold load (K)
T_COLD_5= -1 / Effective temperature of cold load (K)
T_HOT = -1 / The temperature of the hot load (K)
T_TEL = -1 / The temperature of the telescope
USE_CAL = F / .TRUE. if dividing chop by cal before rebin
WAVE_1 = 442 / Wavelength of map (microns)
WAVE_2 = 862 / Wavelength of map (microns)
WAVE_3 = 0 / Wavelength of map (microns)
WAVE_4 = 0 / Wavelength of map (microns)
WAVE_5 = 0 / Wavelength of map (microns)
ACCEPT = ’not used’ / accept update; PROMPT, YES or NO
ALIGN_AX= ’not used’ / Alignment measurements in X or Y axis
ALIGN_SH= -1 / Distance between successive alignment offsets (
ALT-OBS = 4092 / Height of observatory above sea level (metres)
AMEND = 1.279808 / Airmass at end of observation
AMSTART = 1.263818 / Airmass at start of observation
APEND = 628.7057 / Air pressure at end of observation (mbar)
APSTART = 628.7057 / Air pressure at start of observation (mbar)
ATEND = 6.678879 / Air temp. at end of observation (C)
ATSTART = 6.776558 / Air temp. at start of observation (C)
BOLOMS = ’H7 ’ / Names of bolometers measured
CALIBRTR= T / Internal calibrator is on or off
CAL_FRQ = 2.929688 / Calibrator frequency (Hz)
CENT_CRD= ’RB ’ / Centre coordinate system
CHOP_CRD= ’AZ ’ / Chopper coordinate system
CHOP_FRQ= 7.8125 / Chopper frequency (Hz)
CHOP_FUN= ’SCUBAWAVE’ / Chopper waveform
CHOP_PA = 90 / Chopper P.A., 0 = in lat, 90 = in long
CHOP_THR= 45 / Chopper throw (arcsec)
DATA_DIR= ’19990808’ / Sub-directory where datafile was stored
DATA_KPT= ’DEMOD ’ / The type of data stored to disk
END_AZD = 274.745 / Azimuth at end of observation (deg)
END_EL = -1 / Elevation of last SKYDIP point (deg)
END_ELD = 51.0018 / Elevation at end of observation
EQUINOX = 2000 / Equinox of mean coordinate system
EXPOSED = 0 / Exposure per pixel (seconds)
EXP_NO = 1 / Exposure number at end of observation
EXP_TIME= 1.024 / Exposure time for each basic measurement (sec)
E_PER_I = 1 / Number of exposures per integration
FILTER = ’450N:850N’ / Filters used
FOCUS_SH= -1 / Shift between focus measurements (mm)
GAIN = 10 / Programmable gain
HSTEND = ’10:29:31.9986’ / HST at end of observation
HSTSTART= ’10:25:34.0004’ / HST at start of observation
HUMEND = 36 / Humidity (%) at end of observation
HUMSTART= 37 / Humidity (%) at start of observation
INSTRUME= ’SCUBA ’ / Name of instrument used
INT_NO = 8 / Integration number at end of observation
JIGL_CNT= 9 / Number of offsets in jiggle pattern
JIGL_NAM= ’JCMTDATA_DIR:SQUEASY_9_2P0.JIG’ / File containing jiggle offsets
J_PER_S = 9 / Number of jiggles per switch position
J_REPEAT= 1 / No. jiggle pattern repeats in a switch
LAT = ’+018:07:36.20’ / Object latitude
LAT-OBS = 19.8258323669 / Latitude of observatory (degrees)
LAT2 = ’not used’ / Object latitude at MJD2
LOCL_CRD= ’RB ’ / Local offset coordinate system
LONG = ’+004:28:44.42’ / Object longitude
LONG-OBS= 204.520278931 / East longitude of observatory (degrees)
LONG2 = ’not used’ / Object Longitude at MJD2
MAP_HGHT= 180 / Height of rectangle to be mapped (arcsec)
MAP_PA = 0 / P.A. of map vertical, +ve towards +ve long
MAP_WDTH= 180 / Width of rectangle to be mapped (arcsec)
MAP_X = 0 / Map X offset from telescope centre (arcsec)
MAP_Y = 0 / Map Y offset from telescope centre (arcsec)
MAX_EL = -1 / Max elevation of sky-dip (deg)
MEANDEC = 18.23093 / 18:13:51.36292 = approx. mean Dec. (deg)
MEANRA = 67.90475 / 67:54:17.08923 = approx. mean R.A. (deg)
MEAS_NO = 1 / Measurement number at end of observation
MIN_EL = -1 / Min elevation of sky-dip (deg)
MJD1 = -1 / Modified Julian day planet at RA,DEC
MJD2 = -1 / Modified Julian day planet at RA2,DEC2
MODE = ’PHOTOM ’ / The type of observation
N_INT = 8 / No. integrations in the observation
N_MEASUR= 1 / No. measurements in the observation
OBJECT = ’hltau ’ / Name of object
OBJ_TYPE= ’UNKNOWN ’ / Type of object
OBSDEF = ’ss:odfsxphotom.t_hltau_100525’ / The observation definition file
OBSERVER= ’jmk ’ / The name of the observer
PROJ_ID = ’scuba ’ / The project identification
RUN = 107 / Run number of observation
SAM_CRDS= ’AZ ’ / Coordinatesystem of sampling mesh
SAM_DX = -1 / Sample spacing along scan direction (arcsec)
SAM_DY = -1 / Sample spacing perp. to scan (arcsec)
SAM_MODE= ’JIGGLE ’ / Sampling method
SAM_PA = -1 / Scan P.A. rel. to lat. line; 0=lat, 90=long
SCAN_REV= F / .TRUE. if alternate scans reverse direction
SPK_NSIG= 0 / N sigmas from fit of spike threshold
SPK_RMVL= T / Automatic spike removal
SPK_WDTH= 0 / Assumed width of spike
START_EL= -1 / Elevation of first SKYDIP point (deg)
STATE = ’Terminating :’ / SCUCD state
STEND = ’7:15:14.03503’ / ST at end of observation
STRT_AZD= 274.523 / Azimuth at observation start (deg)
STRT_ELD= 51.8553 / Elevation at observation start (deg)
STSTART = ’7:11:15.3828’ / ST at start of observation
SWTCH_MD= ’BMSW ’ / Switch mode of observation
SWTCH_NO= 1 / Switch number at end of observation
S_PER_E = 2 / Number of switch positions per exposure
TELESCOP= ’JCMT ’ / Name of telescope
TEL_OPER= ’kkp ’ / Telescope operator
UTDATE = ’1999:8:8’ / UT date of observation
UTEND = ’20:29:31.9986’ / UT at end of observation
UTSTART = ’20:25:34.0004’ / UT at start of observation
VERSION = 1.1 / SCUCD version
ALIGN_DX= 0.027268 / SMU tables X axis alignment offset
ALIGN_DY= 0.482489 / SMU tables Y axis alignment offset
ALIGN_X = -2.98649 / SMU tables X axis
ALIGN_Y = 3.79108 / SMU tables Y axis
AZ_ERR = 0 / Error in the telescope azimuth
CHOPPING= T / SMU Chopper chopping state
EL_ERR = 0 / Error in the telescope elevation
FOCUS_DZ= -0.504222 / SMU tables Z axis focus offset
FOCUS_Z = -16.7523 / SMU tables Z axis
SEEING = 0.525 / SAO atmospheric seeing
SEE_DATE= ’9908061715’ / Date and time of SAO seeing
TAU_225 = 0.101 / CSO tau
TAU_DATE= ’9908082019’ / Date and time of CSO tau
TAU_RMS = 3.0E-03 / CSO tau rms
UAZ = -5.09089 / User azimuth pointing offset
UEL = 3.83056 / User elevation pointing offset
UT_DATE = ’ 8 Aug 1999’ / UT date at start of observation
BAD_LIM = 32 / No. spikes before quality set bad
CALIB_LG= 6 / Lag of internal calibrator in samples
CALIB_PD= 42.66667 / Period of internal calibrator in samples
CHOP_LG = 4 / Chop lag in samples
CHOP_PD = 16 / Chop period in samples
CNTR_DU3= 0 / Nasmyth dU3 coord of instrument centre
CNTR_DU4= 0 / Nasmyth dU4 coord of instrument centre
ETATEL_1= -1 / Transmission of telescope
ETATEL_2= -1 / Transmission of telescope
ETATEL_3= -1 / Transmission of telescope
ETATEL_4= -1 / Transmission of telescope
ETATEL_5= -1 / Transmission of telescope
FILT_1 = ’850 ’ / Filter name
FILT_2 = ’450 ’ / Filter name
FILT_3 = ’not used’ / Filter name
FILT_4 = ’not used’ / Filter name
FILT_5 = ’not used’ / Filter name
FLAT = ’jcmtdata_dir:lwswphot.dat’ / Name of flat-field file
JIG_DSCD= -1 / No. samples discarded after jiggle movement
L_GD_BOL= ’not used’ / Bol. to whose value LW guard ring is set
L_GUARD = F / Long wave guard ring on or off
MEAS_BOL= ’LONG,SHORT,F12,F13’ / Bolometers actually measured in observation
N_BOLS = 130 / Number of bolometers selected
N_SUBS = 2 / Number of sub-instruments used
PHOT_BBF= ’NULL,H7,NULL,NULL,C14,NULL’ / The bolometers on the source
PRE_DSCD= 0 / No. of samples discarded before chop movement
PST_DSCD= 0 / No. samples discarded after chop movement
REBIN = ’LINEAR ’ / Rebinning method used by SCUIP
REF_ADC = -1 / A/D card of FLATFIELD reference bolometer
REF_CHAN= -1 / Channel of FLATFIELD reference bolometer
SAM_TIME= 125 / A/D sample period in ticks (64musec)
SIMULATE= F / True if data is simulated
SKY = ’jcmtdata_dir:skydip_startup.dat’ / Name of sky opacities file
SUB_1 = ’LONG ’ / SCUBA instrument being used
SUB_2 = ’SHORT ’ / SCUBA instrument being used
SUB_3 = ’not used’ / SCUBA instrument being used
SUB_4 = ’not used’ / SCUBA instrument being used
SUB_5 = ’not used’ / SCUBA instrument being used
S_GD_BOL= ’not used’ / Bol. to whose value SW guard ring is set
S_GUARD = F / Short wave guard ring on or off
TAUZ_1 = 0 / Zenith sky optical depth
TAUZ_2 = 0 / Zenith sky optical depth
TAUZ_3 = 0 / Zenith sky optical depth
TAUZ_4 = 0 / Zenith sky optical depth
TAUZ_5 = 0 / Zenith sky optical depth
T_AMB = -1 / The ambient air temperature (K)
T_COLD_1= -1 / Effective temperature of cold load (K)
T_COLD_2= -1 / Effective temperature of cold load (K)
T_COLD_3= -1 / Effective temperature of cold load (K)
T_COLD_4= -1 / Effective temperature of cold load (K)
T_COLD_5= -1 / Effective temperature of cold load (K)
T_HOT = -1 / The temperature of the hot load (K)
T_TEL = -1 / The temperature of the telescope
USE_CAL = F / .TRUE. if dividing chop by cal before rebin
WAVE_1 = 862 / Wavelength of map (microns)
WAVE_2 = 442 / Wavelength of map (microns)
WAVE_3 = -1 / Wavelength of map (microns)
WAVE_4 = -1 / Wavelength of map (microns)
WAVE_5 = -1 / Wavelength of map (microns)
D.4 Scan Map
This is a scan map FITS header. Note the presence of MAP_HGHT
and MAP_PA
to specify the
map size (although Surf does not use these since all map parameters are encoded into the RA1
, RA2
and DEC2
arrays in the SCUCD
ACCEPT = ’not used’ / accept update; PROMPT, YES or NO
ALIGN_AX= ’not used’ / Alignment measurements in X or Y axis
ALIGN_SH= -1 / Distance between successive alignment offsets (
ALT-OBS = 4092 / Height of observatory above sea level (metres)
AMEND = 1.645293 / Airmass at end of observation
AMSTART = 1.602218 / Airmass at start of observation
APEND = 628.3394 / Air pressure at end of observation (mbar)
APSTART = 628.3394 / Air pressure at start of observation (mbar)
ATEND = 4.798538 / Air temp. at end of observation (C)
ATSTART = 4.847378 / Air temp. at start of observation (C)
BOLOMS = ’LONG,SHORT’ / Names of bolometers measured
CALIBRTR= F / Internal calibrator is on or off
CAL_FRQ = 2.929688 / Calibrator frequency (Hz)
CENT_CRD= ’RB ’ / Centre coordinate system
CHOP_CRD= ’LO ’ / Chopper coordinate system
CHOP_FRQ= 7.8125 / Chopper frequency (Hz)
CHOP_FUN= ’SQUARE ’ / Chopper waveform
CHOP_PA = 90 / Chopper P.A., 0 = in lat, 90 = in long
CHOP_THR= 44 / Chopper throw (arcsec)
DATA_DIR= ’19990808’ / Sub-directory where datafile was stored
DATA_KPT= ’DEMOD ’ / The type of data stored to disk
END_AZD = 214.199 / Azimuth at end of observation (deg)
END_EL = -1 / Elevation of last SKYDIP point (deg)
END_ELD = 37.223 / Elevation at end of observation
EQUINOX = 2000 / Equinox of mean coordinate system
EXPOSED = 0.128 / Exposure per pixel (seconds)
EXP_NO = 12 / Exposure number at end of observation
EXP_TIME= 0.128 / Exposure time for each basic measurement (sec)
E_PER_I = -1 / Number of exposures per integration
FILTER = ’450N:850N’ / Filters used
FOCUS_SH= -1 / Shift between focus measurements (mm)
GAIN = 10 / Programmable gain
HSTEND = ’21:46:43.99933’ / HST at end of observation
HSTSTART= ’21:37:22.00058’ / HST at start of observation
HUMEND = 17 / Humidity (%) at end of observation
HUMSTART= 16 / Humidity (%) at start of observation
INSTRUME= ’SCUBA ’ / Name of instrument used
INT_NO = 1 / Integration number at end of observation
JIGL_CNT= -1 / Number of offsets in jiggle pattern
JIGL_NAM= ’not used’ / File containing jiggle offsets
J_PER_S = -1 / Number of jiggles per switch position
J_REPEAT= -1 / No. jiggle pattern repeats in a switch
LAT = ’-024:22:00.00’ / Object latitude
LAT-OBS = 19.8258323669 / Latitude of observatory (degrees)
LAT2 = ’not used’ / Object latitude at MJD2
LOCL_CRD= ’RB ’ / Local offset coordinate system
LONG = ’+016:31:00.00’ / Object longitude
LONG-OBS= 204.520278931 / East longitude of observatory (degrees)
LONG2 = ’not used’ / Object Longitude at MJD2
MAP_HGHT= 600 / Height of rectangle to be mapped (arcsec)
MAP_PA = 0 / P.A. of map vertical, +ve towards +ve long
MAP_WDTH= 600 / Width of rectangle to be mapped (arcsec)
MAP_X = 0 / Map X offset from telescope centre (arcsec)
MAP_Y = 0 / Map Y offset from telescope centre (arcsec)
MAX_EL = -1 / Max elevation of sky-dip (deg)
MEANDEC = -24.46885 / -24:28:07.850189 = approx. mean Dec. (deg)
MEANRA = 248.5074 / 248:30:26.53198 = approx. mean R.A. (deg)
MEAS_NO = 1 / Measurement number at end of observation
MIN_EL = -1 / Min elevation of sky-dip (deg)
MJD1 = -1 / Modified Julian day planet at RA,DEC
MJD2 = -1 / Modified Julian day planet at RA2,DEC2
MODE = ’MAP ’ / The type of observation
N_INT = 1 / No. integrations in the observation
N_MEASUR= 1 / No. measurements in the observation
OBJECT = ’b31-22 ’ / Name of object
OBJ_TYPE= ’UNKNOWN ’ / Type of object
OBSDEF = ’ss:scan_44ra.obs_b31x22_204433’ / The observation definition file
OBSERVER= ’jmk ’ / The name of the observer
PROJ_ID = ’m99au34 ’ / The project identification
RUN = 38 / Run number of observation
SAM_CRDS= ’NA ’ / Coordinatesystem of sampling mesh
SAM_DX = 3 / Sample spacing along scan direction (arcsec)
SAM_DY = 60 / Sample spacing perp. to scan (arcsec)
SAM_MODE= ’RASTER ’ / Sampling method
SAM_PA = 15.5 / Scan P.A. rel. to lat. line; 0=lat, 90=long
SCAN_REV= T / .TRUE. if alternate scans reverse direction
SPK_NSIG= -1 / N sigmas from fit of spike threshold
SPK_RMVL= F / Automatic spike removal
SPK_WDTH= -1 / Assumed width of spike
START_EL= -1 / Elevation of first SKYDIP point (deg)
STATE = ’Terminating : STEP RECORD_DATA’ / SCUCD state
STEND = ’18:30:20.72296’ / ST at end of observation
STRT_AZD= 212.051 / Azimuth at observation start (deg)
STRT_ELD= 38.3846 / Elevation at observation start (deg)
STSTART = ’18:20:57.18613’ / ST at start of observation
SWTCH_MD= ’NOSW ’ / Switch mode of observation
SWTCH_NO= 1 / Switch number at end of observation
S_PER_E = 1 / Number of switch positions per exposure
TELESCOP= ’JCMT ’ / Name of telescope
TEL_OPER= ’kkp ’ / Telescope operator
UTDATE = ’1999:8:8’ / UT date of observation
UTEND = ’7:46:43.99933’ / UT at end of observation
UTSTART = ’7:37:22.00058’ / UT at start of observation
VERSION = 1.1 / SCUCD version
ALIGN_DX= 0.027268 / SMU tables X axis alignment offset
ALIGN_DY= 0.482489 / SMU tables Y axis alignment offset
ALIGN_X = -2.02578 / SMU tables X axis
ALIGN_Y = 3.79108 / SMU tables Y axis
AZ_ERR = 0 / Error in the telescope azimuth
CHOPPING= T / SMU Chopper chopping state
EL_ERR = 0 / Error in the telescope elevation
FOCUS_DZ= -0.361142 / SMU tables Z axis focus offset
FOCUS_Z = -16.756 / SMU tables Z axis
SEEING = 0.525 / SAO atmospheric seeing
SEE_DATE= ’9908061715’ / Date and time of SAO seeing
TAU_225 = 0.063 / CSO tau
TAU_DATE= ’9908080735’ / Date and time of CSO tau
TAU_RMS = 2.0E-03 / CSO tau rms
UAZ = 1.42235 / User azimuth pointing offset
UEL = 4.05503 / User elevation pointing offset
UT_DATE = ’ 8 Aug 1999’ / UT date at start of observation
BAD_LIM = 32 / No. spikes before quality set bad
CALIB_LG= 6 / Lag of internal calibrator in samples
CALIB_PD= 42.66667 / Period of internal calibrator in samples
CHOP_LG = 4 / Chop lag in samples
CHOP_PD = 16 / Chop period in samples
CNTR_DU3= 0 / Nasmyth dU3 coord of instrument centre
CNTR_DU4= 0 / Nasmyth dU4 coord of instrument centre
ETATEL_1= -1 / Transmission of telescope
ETATEL_2= -1 / Transmission of telescope
ETATEL_3= -1 / Transmission of telescope
ETATEL_4= -1 / Transmission of telescope
ETATEL_5= -1 / Transmission of telescope
FILT_1 = ’450 ’ / Filter name
FILT_2 = ’850 ’ / Filter name
FILT_3 = ’not used’ / Filter name
FILT_4 = ’not used’ / Filter name
FILT_5 = ’not used’ / Filter name
FLAT = ’jcmtdata_dir:lwswphot.dat’ / Name of flat-field file
JIG_DSCD= -1 / No. samples discarded after jiggle movement
L_GD_BOL= ’not used’ / Bol. to whose value LW guard ring is set
L_GUARD = F / Long wave guard ring on or off
MEAS_BOL= ’not used’ / Bolometers actually measured in observation
N_BOLS = 128 / Number of bolometers selected
N_SUBS = 2 / Number of sub-instruments used
PHOT_BBF= ’not_used LL,C14,NULL’ / The bolometers on the source
PRE_DSCD= 0 / No. of samples discarded before chop movement
PST_DSCD= 0 / No. samples discarded after chop movement
REBIN = ’LINEAR ’ / Rebinning method used by SCUIP
REF_ADC = -1 / A/D card of FLATFIELD reference bolometer
REF_CHAN= -1 / Channel of FLATFIELD reference bolometer
SAM_TIME= 125 / A/D sample period in ticks (64musec)
SIMULATE= F / True if data is simulated
SKY = ’jcmtdata_dir:skydip_startup.dat’ / Name of sky opacities file
SUB_1 = ’SHORT ’ / SCUBA instrument being used
SUB_2 = ’LONG ’ / SCUBA instrument being used
SUB_3 = ’not used’ / SCUBA instrument being used
SUB_4 = ’not used’ / SCUBA instrument being used
SUB_5 = ’not used’ / SCUBA instrument being used
S_GD_BOL= ’not used’ / Bol. to whose value SW guard ring is set
S_GUARD = F / Short wave guard ring on or off
TAUZ_1 = 0 / Zenith sky optical depth
TAUZ_2 = 0 / Zenith sky optical depth
TAUZ_3 = 0 / Zenith sky optical depth
TAUZ_4 = 0 / Zenith sky optical depth
TAUZ_5 = 0 / Zenith sky optical depth
T_AMB = -1 / The ambient air temperature (K)
T_COLD_1= -1 / Effective temperature of cold load (K)
T_COLD_2= -1 / Effective temperature of cold load (K)
T_COLD_3= -1 / Effective temperature of cold load (K)
T_COLD_4= -1 / Effective temperature of cold load (K)
T_COLD_5= -1 / Effective temperature of cold load (K)
T_HOT = -1 / The temperature of the hot load (K)
T_TEL = -1 / The temperature of the telescope
USE_CAL = F / .TRUE. if dividing chop by cal before rebin
WAVE_1 = 442 / Wavelength of map (microns)
WAVE_2 = 862 / Wavelength of map (microns)
WAVE_3 = 0 / Wavelength of map (microns)
WAVE_4 = 0 / Wavelength of map (microns)
WAVE_5 = 0 / Wavelength of map (microns)