9 Include File Names

The convention for naming and accessing include files from Fortran is already well-established within ADAM and, to a lesser degree, within non-ADAM Starlink software. Subroutine libraries may provide Fortran include files for public use and should define logical names to access them as follows:

LIB_ERRError codes associated with the library
LIB_PAROther constants defined by PARAMETER statements

Users of include files should always refer to them by their logical names, e.g:


No distinction is drawn between ADAM and stand-alone versions of include files because, in practice, they will always be the same (there being no difficulty if some of the constants defined in these files are simply not used by one or other versions of the library).

The naming of include files which do not fit into either of the above categories is arbitrary. However, logical names should always be provided for accessing them, and the library prefix LIB_ should be used at the start of each logical name.