ADDNOISE, adds noise to model data. The
noise can be either poissonian or gaussian. If gaussian a constant noise level, described by a given
standard deviation, is introduced. If poissonian the data is scaled by a factor to change data values
into counts. The counts are then used as estimates of the mean value in that pixel and noise is added
on this basis. Note that the poissonian noise is pseudo gaussian and so the count levels in the frame
need to be greater than 10.
Each time this program is started a different set of random numbers should be generated.
IN = NDF (Read)
The input NDF containing the data to which noise needs to be
The noise type to introduce into the data. Either Gaussian or
Poissonian, which may be abbreviated to G and P. [P]
ADU = REAL (Read)
The scaling factor to
convert the data values in the input NDF to counts for which Poisson statistics are assumed valid. [1.0]
The standard deviation of the gaussian noise. [1.0]
OUT = NDF (Write)
The output NDF to contain the data with noise added.