Plots an NDF as a greyscale


This routine displays a greyscale representation of the data component of an NDF.


Label for the plot abscissa, may include PGPLOT escape sequences. This parameter is only used when the axes option is selected. [X]
True if annotated axes are to be drawn around the displayed image. This parameter is ignored in the overlay mode, since there is no guarantee that the axes would lie entirely within the current picture. [TRUE]
The name of the graphics device on which to plot the map of images found. If the overlay mode is required it is recommended that the image be displayed in KAPPA on an image display’s base plane, then run this application using the device’s overlay plane. [Current graphics device]
MAJTIC( 2 ) = _REAL (Read)
The parameter controlling the numbers of major tick marks for the x and y axes. A negative value for an axis makes the graphics package decide an appropriate value. This parameter is only used when the axes option is selected. [-1.,-1.]
MINTIC( 2 ) = _INTEGER (Read)
The number of minor tick marks between each major tick mark for the x and y axes. A negative value forces the graphics package to compute appropriate values. This parameter is only used when the axes option is selected. [-1.,-1.]
Label for the plot ordinate, may include PGPLOT escape sequences. This parameter is only used when the axes option is selected. [Y]
True if the axis tick marks are to appear on the outside of the axes instead of inside. This parameter is only used when the axes option is selected. [TRUE]
The title of the plot, may include PGPLOT escape sequences. Up to about 40 characters can be accommodated. This parameter is only used when axes option is selected. [PISAGREY]
XPIXS = _REAL (Read)
Initial and final pixel coordinates of plot in x-direction.
YPIXS = _REAL (Read)
Initial and final pixel coordinates of plot in y-direction.