Use the cursor to get interactive input
Q – QUIT The application ends.
D – DRAW A line is drawn from the PGPLOT "
current position"
to the cursor position. This position
is also written to the internal label list.
E – EXPAND The plotting limits are expanded by a factor of 2 about the position of the cursor. No other action is taken. This allows the screen to be cleared and the graph to be re-plotted without having to set the limits explicitly.
G – GRADIENT Draw a line between two consecutive cursor hits and report the gradient of the line.
L – LABEL Write a label directly onto the plot. The application uses up to two points which define the
angle at which the label is to be drawn. Once "
has been pressed, you are given the option to add
another point in the standard PGPLOT fashion (c.f. the PGPLOT routine PGNCURSE);
i.e. :
A – add a point
D – delete a point
X – finish
key, a label is prompted for. If only one point is supplied, the label is
plotted horizontally.
M – MARK Mark the current cursor position with the current symbol type.
O – ANNOTATE The label for the nearest data point is written with its right hand end at the position defined by the cursor. The information to create this label is stored in an internal table. This information can be written out into file suitable for including in an ICL command file by using the WRITEI application, e.g. :
P – ANNOTATE The label for the nearest data point is written with its left hand end at the position defined by the cursor. The information to create this label is stored in an internal table. This information can be written out into file suitable for including in an ICL command file by using the WRITEI application, e.g. :
S – SHRINK The plotting limits are set so as to zoom out by a factor of 2 about the position of the cursor. No other action is taken. This allows the screen to be cleared and the graph to be re-plotted without having to set the limits explicitly.
current position"
will be set to the cursor position. This position is also
written to the internal label list.
X – POSITION The current position of the cursor in world coordinates is written to the terminal and the XCURSE and YCURSE parameters.
Z – ZOOM The limits for a zoomed version of the current plot are set. The application will prompt for two points which define the bottom left corner and the top right corner of the new graph surface.
A – add a point
D – delete a point
X – finish
If the value is not specified on the command line, the current value is used. The current value is initially set to 1.
[The value is prompted for.]
If the value is not specified on the command line, the current value is used. The current value is initially set to 0.5 (i.e. centre the text).
The value is written to the PONGO_XCURSE global parameter.
The value is written to the PONGO_YCURSE global parameter.
The value is written to the global parameter PONGO_XMIN.
The value is written to the global parameter PONGO_XMAX.
The value is written to the global parameter PONGO_YMIN.
The value is written to the global parameter PONGO_YMAX.
, "
, "
, "
, "
, "
, "
This parameter is not specified on the command line. The value of the global parameter
PONGO_PROJECTN is used. If PONGO_PROJECTN is not defined, the default value "
This parameter is not specified on the command line. The value of the global parameter
PONGO_RACENTRE is used. If PONGO_RACENTRE is not defined, the default value "
is used.
This parameter is not specified on the command line. The value of the global parameter
PONGO_DECCENTRE is used. If PONGO_DECCENTRE is not defined, the default value "
is used.