Display information about the
status of PONGO and the data which have been read in. The options are:
PGPLOT – Display the current font, character height colour etc.
LIMITS – Display the data limits and the PGPLOT world coordinate limits.
COLUMNS – Display the column names from the data file, if they have been set up appropriately.
DEVICES – Display the available graphics devices.
DATA – Show the data that has been read in.
More than one of these options can be specified on the command line at any one time.
The DATA option uses additional parameters to allow scrolling.
Display the current PGPLOT plotting attributes. [FALSE]
Display the data limits and the current PGPLOT viewport and world coordinate
limits. [FALSE]
Display the data file column headings (if
available). [FALSE]
Display the plotting devices available. [FALSE]
Display the contents of all data areas in a formatted form. [FALSE]
PAGE = _INTEGER (Read and Write)
The page length of the terminal (in the range 1 to 100).
It is used to stop information scrolling off the top of the screen. The parameter will be
prompted for at the end of each screen: a null response to the prompt will terminate the
If no value is specified on the command line, the current value is used. The current value is
initially set to 24.
FROM = _INTEGER (Read and Write)
The number of the first item to be
If no value is specified on the command line, the current value is used. The current value is initially set
to 0 (implying the start of the list).
TO = _INTEGER (Read and Write)
The number of the last item to
be displayed.
If no value is specified on the command line, the current value is used. The current value is initially set
to 0 (implying the end of the list).