Average the data in the XCOL and YCOL areas
the data may be split into N equally sized bins over the X range, and the values in each bin averaged;
the data may be averaged in groups of N data.
, the data are divided into
NBIN bins over the X range. If "
, bins of varying widths with each containing NBIN data points are
[The value will be prompted for. It has the default "
), or the number of points per
bin (ACTION="
[The value will be prompted for. It has the default 10.]
[The value of the global parameter PONGO_XMIN is used. If PONGO_XMIN is not defined, the default value 0.0 is used.]
[The value of the global parameter PONGO_XMAX is used. If PONGO_XMAX is not defined, the default value 1.0 is used.]