Draw point marks of differing sizes at each of the data points


Draw symbols of differing sizes at each of the data points. This application uses the values stored in the ZCOL data area to determine the size of each plotted symbol; i.e. the value of each entry in the ZCOL data area is effectively used as an argument to a CHANGE CHEIGHT command before each point is plotted. The SCALE parameter can be used to make these values cover a reasonable range by multiplying the Z data values.

This command is a synonym for GPOINTS S.


sizeplot [symbol]


SYMBOL = _INTEGER (Read and Write)
The PGPLOT symbol number that is used to mark the data points.

If a value is specified on the command line, it will be used for plotting symbols for all the data. If no value is specified on the command line, the application attempts to use the SYMCOL data for its symbols. If no symbol values have been read into the SYMCOL data area, the current value is used for all the data. The current value is initially set to 1.

SCALE = _REAL (Read and Write)
The scale factor used to multiply the ZCOL data values to get a reasonable range of symbol sizes.

If the value is not specified on the command line, the current value is used. The current value is initially set to 1.0.

Specifies the geometry that is to be used to plot the data. This is explained in more detail in the section on projections. Allowed values: "NONE", "TAN", "SIN", "ARC", "GLS", "AITOFF", "MERCATOR" and "STG".

This parameter is not specified on the command line. The value of the global parameter PONGO_PROJECTN is used. If PONGO_PROJECTN is not defined, the default value "NONE" is used.

The centre of the projection in RA (i.e. the angle must be specified as hh:mm:ss.sss). This parameter is only required for PROJECTION values other than "NONE".

This parameter is not specified on the command line. The value of the global parameter PONGO_RACENTRE is used. If PONGO_RACENTRE is not defined, the default value "0" is used.

The centre of the projection in declination (i.e. the angle must be specified as dd:mm:ss.sss). This parameter is only required for PROJECTION values other than "NONE".

This parameter is not specified on the command line. The value of the global parameter PONGO_DECCENTRE is used. If PONGO_DECCENTRE is not defined, the default value "0" is used.