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Performs the debiassing and initial preparation of CCD data


This routine debiasses CCD frames, masks defects, sets variances, corrects for CCD gain and deferred charge, sets saturated values and extracts the useful portion of the CCD data.

The debiassing section operates in two basic modes – with and without a bias frame. If a bias frame is supplied then it is subtracted from the data arrays of the input images. The subtraction can either be direct, or by offsetting the values of the bias by the mean value in the bias-strip region(s). When determining the mean in the bias strips a function of the distance from the edges is used, this reduces the effect of any contamination. If you are offsetting to the bias strip mean then the bias frame should be averaged to zero (MAKEBIAS does this).

The second debiassing method which DEBIAS supports is the subtraction of interpolated values. The interpolation is performed between the bias strips. If only one strip is given the interpolation is really an extrapolation and is limited to constant values either for each line or for the frame as a whole. Interpolation between bias strips can be as for a single strip or may be a straight line fit for each line, or a fit of a plane to the bias strips (see parameter SMODE). The interpolation uses weighting operations as for bias frame subtraction. Bad values can also be rejected from the strips by sigma clipping, or the noise can be reduced by smoothing the values.

Additional DEBIAS functionality includes the (optional) production of variance estimates for the input CCD data. It does this by assuming Poissonian statistics for the bias-subtracted data, together with a contribution for the readout noise. The masking of bad data areas is achieved using the transfer of quality information from an image, or by using an ASCII Regions Definition (ARD) file. The expansion of the data values into counts and the extraction of the useful area of the CCD are also performed.


debias in out bias [bounds] rnoise adc [mask]


ADC = _DOUBLE (Read)
The Analogue-to-Digital Conversion factor. This number converts input ADUs to detected electrons. This value is used to estimate the Poissonian noise in the output (debiassed) data values. If the EXPAND parameter is true, then the output is multiplied by ADC so that the output is in counts (electrons) rather than ADUs. If variances are not being generated then this value will not be used.

If a global value for this parameter has been set using CCDSETUP then this will be used. If USESET is true then a value specific to the Set Index of each image will be sought. [1.0]

If the first input image has no quality component, and you have specified the SETBAD= FALSE option, you will be requested to supply a value for BADBITS (SUN/33). The default for this is 1. BADBITS is a byte value and hence can only be in the range 0-255. [1]
Name of the image which contains the bias calibration data. This parameter may be specified as ! in which case either a constant or values derived from the bias strip(s) are used. The name of this file may be specified using indirection through an ASCII file. The offered default is either the last used master bias name or (if one exists) the name of the image produced by the last run of MAKEBIAS.

If USESET is true and you are using bias calibration data from a file, BIAS should be a group expression referring to one master bias frame matching each of the Set Index attributes represented in the IN list; again the name of the file produced by MAKEBIAS will normally be suitable. [Global master bias or !]

BOUNDS( 2 or 4 ) = _INTEGER (Read)
The pixel indices (see notes) of the upper and lower bounds of the bias strip(s). These bounds can run in either the horizontal or vertical directions. The direction is controlled by the DIRECTION parameter. The bounds must be supplied in pairs. Pixel indices are the actual number of pixels, starting at 1,1 at the lower left hand corner of the image data array, which includes any origin offsets within the input images.

If global values for these bounds have been set using CCDSETUP then those values will be used. If USESET is true then a value specific to the Set Index of each image will be sought.

BOXSIZE( 2 ) = _INTEGER (Read)
The sizes of the sides of the box to be used when smoothing the bias strips. Only used when CMODE="BOX". [15,15]
The "clean-up" mode for the bias strips. This parameter may take values of "BOX", "SIGMA" or "WEIGHT". If CMODE="BOX" then the bias strips are smoothed with a box filter before being processed. If CMODE="SIGMA" then the bias strips are sigma clipped before being processed. If CMODE="WEIGHT" then only the weighting as indicated by the WMODE parameter is used to attempt to decrease the effects of erroneous pixel values. [BOX]
The deferred charge value. This is also often known as the "fat" or "skinny" zero. It represents the amount of charge left behind in a pixel on a readout transfer. This value is subtracted from the data.

If a global value for this parameter has been set using CCDSETUP then this will be used. If USESET is true then a value specific to the Set Index of each image will be sought. [0.0]

The readout direction of the CCD. This parameter can take values of "X" or "Y". X indicates that the readout direction is horizontal , Y indicates that the readout direction is vertical. The BOUNDS parameter values are assumed to be values along the readout direction.

If a global value for this parameter has been set using CCDSETUP then this will be used. If USESET is true then a value specific to the Set Index of each image will be sought. [X]

This value controls whether or not the output data should be multiplied by the ADC factor to convert the input ADUs to counts (electrons). The output variance is affected accordingly (multiplied by ADC2). This option is disabled if no variances are generated. Care should be taken when using this option with a large ADC factor and data types of _WORD,_UWORD,_BYTE or _UBYTE as the output data range may exceed that allowed with these types. In this case the best option is to set the PRESERVE parameter FALSE.

[Default is TRUE if input data is not an unsigned data type otherwise FALSE.]

The extent of the useful CCD area. This should be given in pixel index values (see notes). The extent is restricted to that of the CCD frame, so no padding of the data can occur. If values outside of those permissable are given then they are modified to lie within the CCD frame. The values should be given in the order XMIN,XMAX,YMIN,YMAX.

Normally the extent should be set so that the bias strips are excluded from the output data, this is essential for flatfields whose normalisation could be adversely biased.

If global values for these bounds have been set using CCDSETUP then those values will be used. If USESET is true then a value specific to the Set Index of each image will be sought.

The fit mode which will be used when interpolating bias values. May take values of "LINE" or "PLANE". This is used together with the SMODE parameter to define the interpolation method, ie. FMODE="LINE" & SMODE="LINEAR", fits each row or column of the bias strips by a straight line; FMODE="PLANE" & SMODE="CONSTANT" derives a single constant for the bias value;
FMODE="PLANE" & SMODE="LINEAR" fits a plane to the bias-strip data. [LINE]
If variances are to be generated then this value is set TRUE. If variances are not to be generated then this value should be set FALSE. Normally variances should be generated, even though disk and process time savings can be made by their omission.

If a global value has been set up using CCDSETUP this value will be used. [FALSE]

This parameter controls whether or not an attempt is to be made to access a master bias image. [TRUE]
This parameter controls whether or not an attempt is to be made to access a defect mask using the parameter MASK. [TRUE]
A list of the names of the images which contain the raw CCD data. Note that at present the input data must have a common processing mode, i.e. have the same ADC factor, readout noise etc. These values are represented by the parameter values of the task. The input data must also use the same master bias frame except if USESET is true and the input and bias images contain suitable CCDPACK Set header information, in which case each input image will be processed using the bias image with the corresponding Set Index attribute.

The image names should be separated by commas and may include wildcards.

Whether to keep (i.e. not delete) the input images (parameter IN) or not. Deleting the input images has the advantage of saving disk space, but should probably only be used if this program is part of a sequence of commands and the intermediary data produced by it are not important.

The calibration master frames (parameters BIAS and possibly MASK) are never deleted.

The default for this parameter is TRUE and this cannot be overridden except by assignment on the command line or in response to a forced prompt. [TRUE]

Name of the CCDPACK logfile. If a null (!) value is given for this parameter then no logfile will be written, regardless of the value of the LOGTO parameter.

If the logging system has been initialised using CCDSETUP, then the value specified there will be used. Otherwise, the default is "CCDPACK.LOG". [CCDPACK.LOG]

Every CCDPACK application has the ability to log its output for future reference as well as for display on the terminal. This parameter controls this process, and may be set to any unique abbreviation of the following:
  • TERMINAL – Send output to the terminal only

  • LOGFILE – Send output to the logfile only (see the LOGFILE parameter)

  • BOTH – Send output to both the terminal and the logfile

  • NEITHER – Produce no output at all

If the logging system has been initialised using CCDSETUP then the value specified there will be used. Otherwise, the default is "BOTH". [BOTH]

The name of an image or ASCII Regions Definition (ARD) file.

If an image is given then any regions of BAD values (set through explicit BAD values or by BADBITS in the quality component) will be transferred to the output image.

If an ARD file is given then its regions will be interpreted and transferred to the output image. ARD is described in its own section.

The regions whose quality is to be set are probably hot spots, line defects etc. which contain little or no useful information. This parameters may be returned as ! indicating that no mask is to be applied.

If a global value for this parameter has been set using CCDSETUP then this will be used. If USESET is true then a value specific to the Set Index of each image will be sought.

The name of this file may be specified using indirection through a file. [!]

The number of standard deviations to clip the bias strips at. This is only used in CMODE="SIGMA". The actual clipping occurs at NSIGMARNOISE. If no variances are being generated then the RNOISE value is estimated from the data values in the strips. [4.0]
If TRUE then the input bias data array is offset by the mean value derived from the bias-strip areas. If FALSE then the bias data is directly subtracted. This parameter is disabled for unsigned data types as the bias data cannot have been previously zeroed. [TRUE]
Names of the output images. These may be specified as list of comma separated names, using indirection if required, OR, as a single modification element (of the input names). The simplest modification element is the asterisk "" which means call each of the output images the same name as the corresponding input images. So:

IN >

signifies that all the images in the current directory should be used and the output images should have the same names.

Other types of modification can also occur, such as:

OUT > tmp_

which means call the output images the same as the input images but put tmp_ in front of the names. Replacement of a specified string with another in the output file names can also be used:

OUT > tmp_|debias|flattened|

this replaces the string debias with flattened in any of the output names tmp_.

If TRUE then the data type of the input images are used for processing and are preserved on exit from this routine. If FALSE then a suitable floating point type will be chosen for the output type and the processing will be performed using this choice.

This option should be used when a unacceptable loss of accuracy may occur, or when the data range can no longer be represented in the range of the present data type. The latter effect may occur when expanding input ADU values into electrons, if the ADC factor is large and the input data have types of _WORD,_UWORD,_BYTE or _UBYTE.

If a global value for this parameter has been set using CCDSETUP then this will be used. [TRUE]

The readout noise in input data units (ADUs). An estimate of the readout noise is shown for unweighted values in the bias strips, if the bias strips are used. If variances are not generated then this value is not used. If variances are generated then the readout noise is included in the variance estimates.

If a global value has been set using CCDSETUP then this will be used. If USESET is true then a value specific to the Set Index of each image will be sought. [Dynamic default or 1.0]

This parameter controls whether the data are to be processed to detect saturated values or not. The actual saturation value is given using the SATURATION parameter. [FALSE]
The data saturation value. Only used if SATURATE is TRUE.

If a global value has been set using CCDSETUP then this will be used. If USESET is true then a value specific to the Set Index of each image will be sought. [1.0D6]

If TRUE then the quality information will be transferred from the MASK image to the output images in the form of BAD ("flagged") values in the data component. This is the usual method of indicating the presence of pixels with no value. If FALSE then the quality information will be transferred into the quality component, all output quality pixels will have their BADBITS set. (Note that if the input image already has a quality component the BADBITS will be set by a logical OR of the current bits with the BADBITS value). [TRUE]
This parameter controls how saturated data will be flagged. If it is set TRUE then saturated values will be replaced by the value of the parameter SATURATION (which is also the value used to detect saturated data). If it is FALSE then saturated values will be set to BAD (also known as invalid). [FALSE]
The mode which will be used to perform any interpolation fit between the bias strips. Can take values of "CONSTANT" or "LINEAR". If only one bias strip is given this may only take the value "CONSTANT". This is used together with the FMODE parameter to define the interpolation method, i.e. FMODE="LINE", SMODE="LINEAR", fits each row or column of the bias strips by a straight line; FMODE="PLANE", SMODE="CONSTANT" derives a single constant for the bias value; FMODE="PLANE", SMODE="LINEAR" fits a plane to the bias-strip data. [CONSTANT]
Title for the output image. [Output from DEBIAS]
If TRUE then you can supply an estimate for the bias contribution (parameter ZERO). This value is then subtracted from the input image. Only use this option if you do not have any bias frames or bias strips and you have good reason to believe that the value you are supplying is accurate enough for your purposes. [FALSE]
If TRUE then certain of the parameters of this program will not be used and the required values will be obtained from the CCDPACK extensions of the input images instead. This method can only be used if the images have been "imported" using the programs PRESENT or IMPORT. Typically it is used when processing using CCDPACK’s "automated" methods (in this case the input images should contain all the information necessary to process them).

The parameters that this effects are:


Values obtained from the CCDPACK extension are identified in the output log by the presence of a trailing asterisk (). [FALSE]

Whether to use Set header information or not. If USESET is false then any Set header information will be ignored. If USESET is true, then the BIAS parameter is taken to refer to a group of files, and each IN file will be processed using a master bias image with a Set Index attribute which matches its own. An IN file with no Set header is considered to match a master bias file with no Set header, so USESET can safely be set true when the input files contain no Set header information.

If a global value for this parameter has been set using CCDSETUP then that value will be used. [FALSE]

The weighting method which is to be used when deriving means or performing the least squares interpolation fits using any bias strips. Can take the values "LINEAR", "EXP", or "NONE". "LINEAR" and "EXP"-onential produce weights which are maximum in the centre of each bias strip and which fall off towards the edges. "LINEAR" weighting gives zero weighting for the edge lines and so is the more robust. [LINEAR]
If USECON=TRUE then this value is subtracted from the input image.


debias r1 r1b bias [2,10,400,415] adc=1.1 rnoise=8
This example debiasses the data array in image r1 writing the result to image r1b. It uses the data component of image BIAS as the bias estimator. The bias is offset by the mean value found within the ranges 2-10 and 400-415 pixels along the X axis. The data in the bias strips are smoothed by a box filter and weighted linearly from the edges inwards. The output variance is produced by a combination of the Poisson statistics (using an ADC value of 1.1) and readout noise (value 8), together with the variance of the bias image (if present).
debias in=r1 out=r2 bounds=[2,10,401,416] adc=2.5 rnoise=10
This example debiasses the image r1 data component writing the result to the image r2. The bias is estimated by an interpolation of a constant for each data row. The constant is the result of a linearly weighted average of the bias strip data which has been box filtered.
debias in=r1 out=r2 bounds=[2,10,401,416] smode=linear adc=5 fmode=plane direct=y wmode=exp cmode=sigma rnoise=10 nsigma=4
This example debiasses the image r1 data component writing the result to the image r2. The bias is estimated by the fitting of a plane to the data in the bias strips. The bias-strip data are first sigma clipped at a level RNOISENSIGMA. The fit is performed with weighting based on a exponential fall off from the centre of the strips. The bias strips are defined by the bounds applied up the Y axis.
debias in= out=_debias bounds=[3,16,912,940] adc=1 rnoise=4 bias=bias/master_bias
In this example all the images in the current directory are debiassed. The names of the output images are as those of the corresponding input images, except that they are trailed by the "_debias" string.

See also

Debiassing”, “With a master bias”, “Without a bias frame”, “Other DEBIAS functions”, MAKEBIAS.


ASCII_region_definition files

DEBIAS allows regions which are to be defined as having poor quality (either by setting the appropriate pixels BAD or by setting part of the quality component) to be described within an ordinary text file using the ARD (ASCII Region Definition) language. The ARD language is based on a set of keywords that identify simple shapes. Some of the regions which can be defined are:

ARD descriptions can be created using the KAPPA application ARDGEN, or you can of course create your own by hand. An example of the contents of an ARD file follows:

# ARD description file for bad regions of my CCD.

COLUMN( 41, 177, 212 ) # Three bad columns
PIXEL( 201, 143, 153, 167 ) # Two Bad pixels
BOX( 188, 313, 5, 5 ) # One Hot spot centred at 188,313
ELLIPSE( 99, 120, 21.2, 5.4, 45.0 )

# Polygons defining badly vignetted corners
POLYGON( 2.2, 96.4, 12.1, 81.5, 26.9, 63.7, 47.7, 41.9,
61.5, 24.1, 84.3, 0.0 , 0.0, 0.0 )
POLYGON( 6.2, 294.3, 27.9, 321.0, 52.6, 348.7, 74.4, 371.5,
80.0, 384.0, 0.0, 384.0 )

Behaviour of parameters

Most parameters retain their current value as default. The "current" value is the value assigned on the last run of the application. If the application has not been run then the "intrinsic" defaults, as shown in the parameter help, apply. The exceptions to this rule are:

Retaining parameter values has the advantage of allowing you to define the default behaviour of the application but does mean that additional care needs to be taken when using the application on new datasets/different devices, or after a break of sometime. The intrinsic default behaviour of the application may be restored by using the RESET keyword on the command line.

Certain parameters (ADC, BIAS, BOUNDS, DEFERRED, DIRECTION, EXTENT, GENVAR, LOGFILE, LOGTO, MASK, PRESERVE, RNOISE, SATURATE, SATURATION, SETSAT and USESET) have global values. These global values will always take precedence, except when an assignment is made on the command line. If USESET is true, then global values of some of thse parameters (ADC, BOUNDS, DEFERRED, DIRECTION, EXTENT, MASK, RNOISE, SATURATION) specific to the Set Index of each image will be used if available. In general global values may be set and reset using the CCDSETUP and CCDCLEAR commands, however, the BIAS parameter may only be set by a run of the application MAKEBIAS.

If the parameter USEEXT is TRUE then the following parameters are not used: ADC, BOUNDS, DEFERRED, DIRECTION, EXTENT, RNOISE, SATURATION and ZERO. Values are obtained from the input image extensions instead.

Implementation Status: