The warning messages are no longer printed. The same information is returned in the argument
c this subroutine performs smooth surface fitting when the pro-
c jections of the data points in the x-y plane are irregularly
c distributed in the plane.
c the input parameters are
c md = mode of computation (must be 1, 2, or 3),
c = 1 for new ncp and/or new xd-yd,
c = 2 for old ncp, old xd-yd, new xi-yi,
c = 3 for old ncp, old xd-yd, old xi-yi,
c ncp = number of additional data points used for esti-
c mating partial derivatives at each data point
c (must be 2 or greater, but smaller than ndp),
c ndp = number of data points (must be 4 or greater),
c xd = array of dimension ndp containing the x
c coordinates of the data points,
c yd = array of dimension ndp containing the y
c coordinates of the data points,
c zd = array of dimension ndp containing the z
c coordinates of the data points,
c nxi = number of output grid points in the x coordinate
c (must be 1 or greater),
c nyi = number of output grid points in the y coordinate
c (must be 1 or greater),
c xi = array of dimension nxi containing the x
c coordinates of the output grid points,
c yi = array of dimension nyi containing the y
c coordinates of the output grid points.
c the output parameter is
c zi = doubly-dimensioned array of dimension (nxi,nyi),
c where the interpolated z values at the output
c grid points are to be stored.
c istat = error message.
c status= Starlink error status
c the other parameters are
c iwk = integer array of dimension
c max0(31,27+ncp)*ndp+nxi*nyi
c used internally as a work area,
c wk = array of dimension 5*ndp used internally as a
c work area.
c the very first call to this subroutine and the call with a new
c ncp value, a new ndp value, and/or new contents of the xd and
c yd arrays must be made with md=1. the call with md=2 must be
c preceded by another call with the same ncp and ndp values and
c with the same contents of the xd and yd arrays. the call with
c md=3 must be preceded by another call with the same ncp, ndp,
c nxi, and nyi values and with the same contents of the xd, yd,
c xi, and yi arrays. between the call with md=2 or md=3 and its
c preceding call, the iwk and wk arrays must not be disturbed.
c use of a value between 3 and 5 (inclusive) for ncp is recom-
c mended unless there are evidences that dictate otherwise.
c this subroutine calls the idcldp, idgrid, idpdrv, idptip, and
c idtang subroutines.