Dennis, J.E., and Mei, H.H.W. (1979), "Two new unconstrained optimization
algorithms which use function and gradient values", J. Optim. Theory Applic. 28, pp. 453-482.
subroutine pda_sumsl(n, d, x, calcf, calcg, iv, liv, lv, v,
1 uiparm, urparm, ufparm)
Minimize general unconstrained objective function using analytic
gradient and hessian approx. from secant update.
-------------------------- parameter usage --------------------------
n........ (input) the number of variables on which f depends, i.e.,
the number of components in x.
d........ (input/output) a scale vector such that d(i)*x(i),
i = 1,2,...,n, are all in comparable units.
d can strongly affect the behavior of pda_sumsl.
finding the best choice of d is generally a trial-
and-error process. choosing d so that d(i)*x(i)
has about the same value for all i often works well.
the defaults provided by subroutine pda_deflt (see iv
below) require the caller to supply d.
x........ (input/output) before (initially) calling pda_sumsl, the call-
er should set x to an initial guess at x*. when
pda_sumsl returns, x contains the best point so far
found, i.e., the one that gives the least value so
far seen for f(x).
calcf.... (input) a subroutine that, given x, computes f(x). calcf
must be declared external in the calling program.
it is invoked by
call calcf(n, x, nf, f, uiparm, urparm, ufparm)
when calcf is called, nf is the invocation
count for calcf. nf is included for possible use
with calcg. if x is out of bounds (e.g., if it
would cause overflow in computing f(x)), then calcf
should set nf to 0. this will cause a shorter step
to be attempted. (if x is in bounds, then calcf
should not change nf.) the other parameters are as
described above and below. calcf should not change
n, p, or x.
calcg.... (input) a subroutine that, given x, computes g(x), the gra-
dient of f at x. calcg must be declared external in
the calling program. it is invoked by
call calcg(n, x, nf, g, uiparm, urparm, ufaprm)
when calcg is called, nf is the invocation
count for calcf at the time f(x) was evaluated. the
x passed to calcg is usually the one passed to calcf
on either its most recent invocation or the one
prior to it. if calcf saves intermediate results
for use by calcg, then it is possible to tell from
nf whether they are valid for the current x (or
which copy is valid if two copies are kept). if g
cannot be computed at x, then calcg should set nf to
0. in this case, pda_sumsl will return with iv(1) = 65.
(if g can be computed at x, then calcg should not
changed nf.) the other parameters to calcg are as
described above and below. calcg should not change
n or x.
iv....... (input/output) an integer value array of length liv (see
below) that helps control the pda_sumsl algorithm and
that is used to store various intermediate quanti-
ties. of particular interest are the initialization/
return code iv(1) and the entries in iv that control
printing and limit the number of iterations and func-
tion evaluations. see the section on iv input
values below.
liv...... (input) length of iv array. must be at least 60. if liv
is too small, then pda_sumsl returns with iv(1) = 15.
when pda_sumsl returns, the smallest allowed value of
liv is stored in iv(lastiv) -- see the section on
iv output values below. (this is intended for use
with extensions of pda_sumsl that handle constraints.)
lv....... (input) length of v array. must be at least 71+n*(n+15)/2.
(at least 77+n*(n+17)/2 for pda_smsno, at least
78+n*(n+12) for pda_humsl). if lv is too small, then
pda_sumsl returns with iv(1) = 16. when pda_sumsl returns,
the smallest allowed value of lv is stored in
iv(lastv) -- see the section on iv output values
v........ (input/output) a floating-point value array of length lv
(see below) that helps control the pda_sumsl algorithm
and that is used to store various intermediate
quantities. of particular interest are the entries
in v that limit the length of the first step
attempted (lmax0) and specify convergence tolerances
(afctol, lmaxs, rfctol, sctol, xctol, xftol).
uiparm... (input) user integer parameter array passed without change
to calcf and calcg.
urparm... (input) user floating-point parameter array passed without
change to calcf and calcg.
ufparm... (input) user external subroutine or function passed without
change to calcf and calcg.
*** iv input values (from subroutine pda_deflt) ***
iv(1)... on input, iv(1) should have a value between 0 and 14......
0 and 12 mean this is a fresh start. 0 means that
pda_deflt(2, iv, liv, lv, v)
is to be called to provide all default values to iv and
v. 12 (the value that pda_deflt assigns to iv(1)) means the
caller has already called pda_deflt and has possibly changed
some iv and/or v entries to non-default values.
13 means pda_deflt has been called and that pda_sumsl (and
pda_sumit) should only do their storage allocation. that is,
they should set the output components of iv that tell
where various subarrays arrays of v begin, such as iv(g)
(and, for pda_humsl and pda_humit only, iv(dtol)), and return.
14 means that a storage has been allocated (by a call
with iv(1) = 13) and that the algorithm should be
started. when called with iv(1) = 13, pda_sumsl returns
iv(1) = 14 unless liv or lv is too small (or n is not
positive). default = 12.
iv(inith).... iv(25) tells whether the hessian approximation h should
be initialized. 1 (the default) means pda_sumit should
initialize h to the diagonal matrix whose i-th diagonal
element is d(i)**2. 0 means the caller has supplied a
cholesky factor l of the initial hessian approximation
h = l*(l**t) in v, starting at v(iv(lmat)) = v(iv(42))
(and stored compactly by rows). note that iv(lmat) may
be initialized by calling pda_sumsl with iv(1) = 13 (see
the iv(1) discussion above). default = 1.
iv(mxfcal)... iv(17) gives the maximum number of function evaluations
(calls on calcf) allowed. if this number does not suf-
fice, then pda_sumsl returns with iv(1) = 9. default = 200.
iv(mxiter)... iv(18) gives the maximum number of iterations allowed.
it also indirectly limits the number of gradient evalua-
tions (calls on calcg) to iv(mxiter) + 1. if iv(mxiter)
iterations do not suffice, then pda_sumsl returns with
iv(1) = 10. default = 150.
iv(outlev)... iv(19) controls the number and length of iteration sum-
mary lines printed (by pda_itsum). iv(outlev) = 0 means do
not print any summary lines. otherwise, print a summary
line after each abs(iv(outlev)) iterations. if iv(outlev)
is positive, then summary lines of length 78 (plus carri-
age control) are printed, including the following... the
iteration and function evaluation counts, f = the current
function value, relative difference in function values
achieved by the latest step (i.e., reldf = (f0-v(f))/f01,
where f01 is the maximum of abs(v(f)) and abs(v(f0)) and
v(f0) is the function value from the previous itera-
tion), the relative function reduction predicted for the
step just taken (i.e., preldf = v(preduc) / f01, where
v(preduc) is described below), the scaled relative change
in x (see v(reldx) below), the step parameter for the
step just taken (stppar = 0 means a full newton step,
between 0 and 1 means a relaxed newton step, between 1
and 2 means a double dogleg step, greater than 2 means
a scaled down cauchy step -- see subroutine dbldog), the
2-norm of the scale vector d times the step just taken
(see v(dstnrm) below), and npreldf, i.e.,
v(nreduc)/f01, where v(nreduc) is described below -- if
npreldf is positive, then it is the relative function
reduction predicted for a newton step (one with
stppar = 0). if npreldf is negative, then it is the
negative of the relative function reduction predicted
for a step computed with step bound v(lmaxs) for use in
testing for singular convergence.
if iv(outlev) is negative, then lines of length 50
are printed, including only the first 6 items listed
above (through reldx).
default = 1.
iv(parprt)... iv(20) = 1 means print any nondefault v values on a
fresh start or any changed v values on a restart.
iv(parprt) = 0 means skip this printing. default = 1.
iv(prunit)... iv(21) is the output unit number on which all printing
is done. iv(prunit) = 0 (the default) means suppress all
iv(solprt)... iv(22) = 1 means print out the value of x returned (as
well as the gradient and the scale vector d).
iv(solprt) = 0 means skip this printing. default = 1.
iv(statpr)... iv(23) = 1 means print summary statistics upon return-
ing. these consist of the function value, the scaled
relative change in x caused by the most recent step (see
v(reldx) below), the number of function and gradient
evaluations (calls on calcf and calcg), and the relative
function reductions predicted for the last step taken and
for a newton step (or perhaps a step bounded by v(lmaxs)
-- see the descriptions of preldf and npreldf under
iv(outlev) above).
iv(statpr) = 0 means skip this printing.
iv(statpr) = -1 means skip this printing as well as that
of the one-line termination reason message. default = 1.
iv(x0prt).... iv(24) = 1 means print the initial x and scale vector d
(on a fresh start only). iv(x0prt) = 0 means skip this
printing. default = 1.
*** (selected) iv output values ***
iv(1)........ on output, iv(1) is a return code....
3 = x-convergence. the scaled relative difference (see
v(reldx)) between the current parameter vector x and
a locally optimal parameter vector is very likely at
most v(xctol).
4 = relative function convergence. the relative differ-
ence between the current function value and its lo-
cally optimal value is very likely at most v(rfctol).
5 = both x- and relative function convergence (i.e., the
conditions for iv(1) = 3 and iv(1) = 4 both hold).
6 = absolute function convergence. the current function
value is at most v(afctol) in absolute value.
7 = singular convergence. the hessian near the current
iterate appears to be singular or nearly so, and a
step of length at most v(lmaxs) is unlikely to yield
a relative function decrease of more than v(sctol).
8 = false convergence. the iterates appear to be converg-
ing to a noncritical point. this may mean that the
convergence tolerances (v(afctol), v(rfctol),
v(xctol)) are too small for the accuracy to which
the function and gradient are being computed, that
there is an error in computing the gradient, or that
the function or gradient is discontinuous near x.
9 = function evaluation limit reached without other con-
vergence (see iv(mxfcal)).
10 = iteration limit reached without other convergence
(see iv(mxiter)).
11 = pda_stopx returned .true. (external interrupt). see the
usage notes below.
14 = storage has been allocated (after a call with
iv(1) = 13).
17 = restart attempted with n changed.
18 = d has a negative component and iv(dtype) .le. 0.
19...43 = v(iv(1)) is out of range.
63 = f(x) cannot be computed at the initial x.
64 = bad parameters passed to assess (which should not
65 = the gradient could not be computed at x (see calcg
67 = bad first parameter to pda_deflt.
80 = iv(1) was out of range.
81 = n is not positive.
iv(g)........ iv(28) is the starting subscript in v of the current
gradient vector (the one corresponding to x).
iv(lastiv)... iv(44) is the least acceptable value of liv. (it is
only set if liv is at least 44.)
iv(lastv).... iv(45) is the least acceptable value of lv. (it is
only set if liv is large enough, at least iv(lastiv).)
iv(nfcall)... iv(6) is the number of calls so far made on calcf (i.e.,
function evaluations).
iv(ngcall)... iv(30) is the number of gradient evaluations (calls on
iv(niter).... iv(31) is the number of iterations performed.
*** (selected) v input values (from subroutine pda_deflt) ***
v(bias)..... v(43) is the bias parameter used in subroutine dbldog --
see that subroutine for details. default = 0.8.
v(afctol)... v(31) is the absolute function convergence tolerance.
if pda_sumsl finds a point where the function value is less
than v(afctol) in absolute value, and if pda_sumsl does not
return with iv(1) = 3, 4, or 5, then it returns with
iv(1) = 6. this test can be turned off by setting
v(afctol) to zero. default = max(10**-20, machep**2),
where machep is the unit roundoff.
v(dinit).... v(38), if nonnegative, is the value to which the scale
vector d is initialized. default = -1.
v(lmax0).... v(35) gives the maximum 2-norm allowed for d times the
very first step that pda_sumsl attempts. this parameter can
markedly affect the performance of pda_sumsl.
v(lmaxs).... v(36) is used in testing for singular convergence -- if
the function reduction predicted for a step of length
bounded by v(lmaxs) is at most v(sctol) * abs(f0), where
f0 is the function value at the start of the current
iteration, and if pda_sumsl does not return with iv(1) = 3,
4, 5, or 6, then it returns with iv(1) = 7. default = 1.
v(rfctol)... v(32) is the relative function convergence tolerance.
if the current model predicts a maximum possible function
reduction (see v(nreduc)) of at most v(rfctol)*abs(f0)
at the start of the current iteration, where f0 is the
then current function value, and if the last step attempt-
ed achieved no more than twice the predicted function
decrease, then pda_sumsl returns with iv(1) = 4 (or 5).
default = max(10**-10, machep**(2/3)), where machep is
the unit roundoff.
v(sctol).... v(37) is the singular convergence tolerance -- see the
description of v(lmaxs) above.
v(tuner1)... v(26) helps decide when to check for false convergence.
this is done if the actual function decrease from the
current step is no more than v(tuner1) times its predict-
ed value. default = 0.1.
v(xctol).... v(33) is the x-convergence tolerance. if a newton step
(see v(nreduc)) is tried that has v(reldx) .le. v(xctol)
and if this step yields at most twice the predicted func-
tion decrease, then pda_sumsl returns with iv(1) = 3 (or 5).
(see the description of v(reldx) below.)
default = machep**0.5, where machep is the unit roundoff.
v(xftol).... v(34) is the false convergence tolerance. if a step is
tried that gives no more than v(tuner1) times the predict-
ed function decrease and that has v(reldx) .le. v(xftol),
and if pda_sumsl does not return with iv(1) = 3, 4, 5, 6, or
7, then it returns with iv(1) = 8. (see the description
of v(reldx) below.) default = 100*machep, where
machep is the unit roundoff.
v(*)........ pda_deflt supplies to v a number of tuning constants, with
which it should ordinarily be unnecessary to tinker. see
section 17 of version 2.2 of the nl2sol usage summary
(i.e., the appendix to ref. 1) for details on v(i),
i = decfac, incfac, phmnfc, phmxfc, rdfcmn, rdfcmx,
tuner2, tuner3, tuner4, tuner5.
*** (selected) v output values ***
v(dgnorm)... v(1) is the 2-norm of (diag(d)**-1)*g, where g is the
most recently computed gradient.
v(dstnrm)... v(2) is the 2-norm of diag(d)*step, where step is the
current step.
v(f)........ v(10) is the current function value.
v(f0)....... v(13) is the function value at the start of the current
v(nreduc)... v(6), if positive, is the maximum function reduction
possible according to the current model, i.e., the func-
tion reduction predicted for a newton step (i.e.,
step = -h**-1 * g, where g is the current gradient and
h is the current hessian approximation).
if v(nreduc) is negative, then it is the negative of
the function reduction predicted for a step computed with
a step bound of v(lmaxs) for use in testing for singular
v(preduc)... v(7) is the function reduction predicted (by the current
quadratic model) for the current step. this (divided by
v(f0)) is used in testing for relative function
v(reldx).... v(17) is the scaled relative change in x caused by the
current step, computed as
max(abs(d(i)*(x(i)-x0(i)), 1 .le. i .le. p) /
max(d(i)*(abs(x(i))+abs(x0(i))), 1 .le. i .le. p),
where x = x0 + step.
------------------------------- notes -------------------------------
*** algorithm notes ***
this routine uses a hessian approximation computed from the
bfgs update (see ref 3). only a cholesky factor of the hessian
approximation is stored, and this is updated using ideas from
ref. 4. steps are computed by the double dogleg scheme described
in ref. 2. the steps are assessed as in ref. 1.
*** usage notes ***
after a return with iv(1) .le. 11, it is possible to restart,
i.e., to change some of the iv and v input values described above
and continue the algorithm from the point where it was interrupt-
ed. iv(1) should not be changed, nor should any entries of iv
and v other than the input values (those supplied by pda_deflt).
those who do not wish to write a calcg which computes the
gradient analytically should call pda_smsno rather than pda_sumsl.
pda_smsno uses finite differences to compute an approximate gradient.
those who would prefer to provide f and g (the function and
gradient) by reverse communication rather than by writing subrou-
tines calcf and calcg may call on pda_sumit directly. see the com-
ments at the beginning of pda_sumit.
those who use pda_sumsl interactively may wish to supply their
own pda_stopx function, which should return .true. if the break key
has been pressed since pda_stopx was last invoked. this makes it
possible to externally interrupt pda_sumsl (which will return with
iv(1) = 11 if pda_stopx returns .true.).
storage for g is allocated at the end of v. thus the caller
may make v longer than specified above and may allow calcg to use
elements of g beyond the first n as scratch storage.
*** portability notes ***
the pda_sumsl distribution tape contains both single- and double-
precision versions of the pda_sumsl source code, so it should be un-
necessary to change precisions.
only the functions pda_imdcon and pda_rmdcon contain machine-dependent
constants. to change from one machine to another, it should
suffice to change the (few) relevant lines in these functions.
intrinsic functions are explicitly declared. on certain com-
puters (e.g. univac), it may be necessary to comment out these
declarations. so that this may be done automatically by a simple
program, such declarations are preceded by a comment having c/+
in columns 1-3 and blanks in columns 4-72 and are followed by
a comment having c/ in columns 1 and 2 and blanks in columns 3-72.
the pda_sumsl source code is expressed in 1966 ansi standard
fortran. it may be converted to fortran 77 by commenting out all
lines that fall between a line having c/6 in columns 1-3 and a
line having c/7 in columns 1-3 and by removing (i.e., replacing
by a blank) the c in column 1 of the lines that follow the c/7
line and precede a line having c/ in columns 1-2 and blanks in
columns 3-72. these changes convert some data statements into
parameter statements, convert some variables from real to
character*4, and make the data statements that initialize these
variables use character strings delimited by primes instead
of hollerith constants. (such variables and data statements
appear only in modules pda_itsum and pda_parck. parameter statements
appear nearly everywhere.) these changes also add save state-
ments for variables given machine-dependent constants by pda_rmdcon.
*** references ***
1. dennis, j.e., gay, d.m., and welsch, r.e. (1981), algorithm 573 --
an adaptive nonlinear least-squares algorithm, acm trans.
math. software 7, pp. 369-383.
2. dennis, j.e., and mei, h.h.w. (1979), two new unconstrained opti-
mization algorithms which use function and gradient
values, j. optim. theory applic. 28, pp. 453-482.
3. dennis, j.e., and more, j.j. (1977), quasi-newton methods, motiva-
tion and theory, siam rev. 19, pp. 46-89.
4. goldfarb, d. (1976), factorized variable metric methods for uncon-
strained optimization, math. comput. 30, pp. 796-811.
*** general ***
coded by david m. gay (winter 1980). revised summer 1982.
this subroutine was written in connection with research
supported in part by the national science foundation under
grants mcs-7600324, dcr75-10143, 76-14311dss, mcs76-11989,
and mcs-7906671.