
Starlink Project
Starlink User Note 2.8

D.S. Berry
M.B. Taylor

11th October 2012

Copyright © 2000 Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils

Routines for Accessing Groups of NDFs

Version 7.0

Programmer’s Manual


This document describes the routines provided within the NDG subroutine library for accessing groups of NDF data objects.


1 Introduction
2 Interaction Between NDG and GRP
3 General overview of the NDG_ system
4 An example NDG application
A List of Routines
B Routines for accessing groups of NDFs
NDG_ABPTH – Ensure all NDFs in a group have absolute paths
NDG_ASEXP – Store names of existing NDFs supplied as a group expression
NDG_ASSO1 – Obtain an identifier for a single existing NDF using a specified parameter
NDG_ASSOC – Store names of existing NDFs specified through the environment
NDG_COPY – Copy a section of an existing NDG group to a new group
NDG_CPSUP – Copy supplemental information for an NDF
NDG_CREA1 – Create a single new simple NDF using a specified parameter
NDG_CREAT – Obtain the names of a group of NDF to be created from the environment
NDG_CREP1 – Create a single new primitive NDF using a specified parameter
NDG_CREXP – Store the names of a specified group of NDF to be created
NDG_GTSUP – Get supplemental information for an NDF
NDF_MOREG – Search for NDFs within the extensions of a supplied NDF
NDG_NDFAS – Obtain an NDF identifier for an existing NDF
NDG_NDFCO – Obtain an NDF identifier for a new NDF created by copying an existing NDF
NDG_NDFCP – Obtain an NDF identifier for a new primitive NDF
NDG_NDFCR – Obtain an NDF identifier for a new simple NDF
NDG_NDFPL – Obtain a placeholder for a new NDF
NDG_NDFPR – Obtain an NDF identifier for a new NDF created by propagation from an existing NDF
NDG_PROP1 – Create a single new NDF by propagation using a specified parameter
NDG_PTSUP – Store supplemental information for an NDF
NDG_SETSZ – Reduces the size of an NDG group

C Routines for accessing NDF Provenance
 C.1 Functions Provides:
 C.2 The PROVENANCE Extension:
 C.3 The Pre V6 PROVENANCE Extension:
 C.4 Full Fortran Function Specifications
NDG_ADDPROV – Record multiple input NDFs as ancestors in an output NDF
NDG_BEGPV – Begin an NDF provenance block
NDG_COPYPROV – Copy a Provenance structure, optionally removing any hidden ancestors
NDG_COUNTPROV – Return the number of ancestors in a provenance structure
NDG_ENDPV – End an NDF provenance block
NDG_FORMATPROV – Format the information in a provenance structure
NDG_FREEPROV – Free a structure holding provenance information
NDG_GETPROV – Create a KeyMap holding information about an ancestor
NDG_HIDEPROV – Hide an ancestor in a provenance structure
NDG_HLTPV – Temporarily halt an NDF provenance block
NDG_ISHIDDENPROV – See if an ancestor in a provenance structure is hidden
NDG_MODIFYPROV – Modify the information stored for a particular ancestor
NDG_PUTPROV – Add an NDF to the list of ancestors
NDG_READPROV – Read the provenance information from an NDF
NDG_REMOVEPROV – Remove one or more ancestors from a provenance structure
NDG_ROOTPROV – Identify the root ancestors in a provenance structure
NDG_UNHASHPROV – Clear the hash code describing the creation of the Provenance
NDG_UNHIDEPROV – Un-hide an ancestor in a provenance structure
NDG_WRITEPROV – Write provenance information to an NDF

 C.5 Full C Function Specifications
ndgAddProv – Record multiple input NDFs as ancestors in an output NDF
ndgCopyProv – Copy a Provenance structure, optionally removing any hidden ancestors
ndgCountProv – Return the number of ancestors in a provenance structure
ndgFormatProv – Format the information in a provenance structure
ndgFreeProv – Free a structure holding provenance information
ndgGetProv – Create a KeyMap holding information about an ancestor
ndgHideProv – Hide an ancestor in a provenance structure
ndgIsHiddenProv – See if an ancestor in a provenance structure is hidden
ndgModifyProv – Modify the information stored for a particular ancestor
ndgPutProv – Add an NDF to the list of ancestors
ndgReadProv – Read the provenance information from an NDF
ndgReadVotProv – Read the provenance information from a VOTABLE
ndgRemoveProv – Remove one or more ancestors from a provenance structure
ndgRootProv – Identify the root ancestors in a provenance structure
ndgUnhashProv – Clear the hash code describing the creation of the Provenance
ndgUnhideProv – Un-hide an ancestor in a provenance structure
ndgWriteProv – Write provenance information to an NDF
ndgWriteVotProv – Write provenance information out to a VOTABLE

D Changes Introduced in NDG Version 7.1
E Changes Introduced in NDG Version 7.0
F Changes Introduced in NDG Version 5.8
G Changes Introduced in NDG Version 5.7
H Changes Introduced in NDG Version 5.6
I Changes Introduced in NDG Version 5.5
J Changes Introduced in NDG Version 5.4
K Changes Introduced in NDG Version 5.3
L Changes Introduced in NDG Version 5.2
M Changes Introduced in NDG Version 5.1