A Implementation Specific Details

 A.1 Sun
 A.2 DEC Unix
 A.4 Other Operating Systems

As indicated several times earlier, many of the details of mixed language programming are implementation dependent. This section will deal in turn with each type of hardware that Starlink possesses. Given that programs can be written in a portable way, you may wonder if you need to know about the implementation specific details at all. This is in fact necessary when debugging programs, since the debugger will be working on the output of any macros that hide the implementation specific details from the programmer.

There is some duplication between the following subsections, one for each type of operating system, particularly in the examples. This has been done so that each section can be read separately from any other.

A.1 Sun

A.1.1 General

A Sun computer is based on a 32 bit architecture. Data can be addressed in multiples of 1, 2, 4, 8 or 16 bytes, a byte being 8 bits. References to FORTRAN and C in this subsection refer to the Sun FORTRAN and ANSI C compilers.

A.1.2 Data Types

There is a simple correspondence between Sun FORTRAN and C numeric variable types. The standard types are given in the upper part of

Table 1 and non-standard extensions in the lower part. These should generally be avoided for reasons of portability, however, they are provided since HDS (see SUN/92) has corresponding data types.

Sun C


BYTE BYTE signed char
WORD INTEGER*2 short int
UBYTE unsigned char
UWORD unsigned short int

POINTER INTEGER unsigned int

Table 1: Corresponding data types for Sun Solaris

Although C defines unsigned data types of unsigned char (range 0 to 255), unsigned short (range 0 to 32767) and unsigned int (range 0 to 232 1), there are no corresponding unsigned data types in FORTRAN. There is also a C type called long int, however on Suns, this is the same as an int.

The C language does not specify whether variables of type char should be stored as signed or unsigned values. On Suns, they are stored as signed values in the range -128 to 127.

Similarly there is no C data type that corresponds to the FORTRAN data type of COMPLEX. However, since Sun FORTRAN passes all numeric variable by reference, a COMPLEX variable could be passed to a C subprogram where it might be handled as a structure consisting of two variables of type float.

A Sun FORTRAN LOGICAL value can be passed to a C int. Sun FORTRAN and C both use zero to represent a false value and anything else to represent a true value, so there is no problem with converting the data values.

A.1.3 External Names

The Sun FORTRAN compiler appends an underscore character to all external names that it generates. This applies to the names of subroutines, functions, labelled common blocks and block data subprograms.

A.1.4 Arguments

To understand how to pass arguments between Sun FORTRAN and C programs, it is necessary to understand the possible methods that the operating system can use for passing arguments and how each language makes use of them. There are three ways that an actual argument may be passed to a subroutine. What is actually passed as an argument should always be a four byte word. It is the interpretation of that word that is where the differences arise.

Sun FORTRAN passes all data types other than CHARACTER by reference, i.e. the address of the variable or array is put in the argument list. CHARACTER variables are passed by a mixture of reference and value. The argument list contains the address of the character variable being passed, but there is also an extra argument added at the end of the argument list for each character variable. This gives the actual length of the FORTRAN CHARACTER variable and so this datum is being passed by value. These extra arguments are hidden from the FORTRAN programmer, but must be explicitly included in any C routines.

C uses call by value to pass all variables, constants (except string constants), expressions, array elements, structures and unions that are actual arguments of functions. It uses call by reference to pass whole arrays, string constants and functions. C never uses call by descriptor as a default.

To pass a C variable of type double by value requires the use of two longwords in the argument list. Similarly, if a C structure is passed by value, then the number of bytes that it takes up in the argument list can be large. This is a dangerous practice and all structures should be passed by reference. Since, by default, Sun FORTRAN does not pass variables by value anyway, this should not give rise to any problems.

In Sun FORTRAN, the default argument passing mechanism can be overridden by use of the %VAL and %REF functions. These functions are not portable and should be avoided whenever possible. The %DESCR function provided in VAX FORTRAN is not provided on a Sun. In C there is no similar way of “cheating” as there is in FORTRAN; however, this is not necessary as the language allows more flexibility itself. For example, if you wish to pass a variable named x by reference rather than by value, you simply put &x as the actual argument instead of x.

Since C provides more flexibility in the mechanism of passing arguments than does FORTRAN, it is C that ought to shoulder the burden of handling the different mechanisms. All numeric variables and constants, array elements, whole arrays and function names should be passed into and out of C functions by reference. Numeric expressions will be passed from FORTRAN to C by reference and so the corresponding dummy argument in the C function should be declared to be of type “pointer to type”. When C has a constant or an expression as an actual argument in a function call, it can only pass it by value. Sun FORTRAN cannot cope with this and so in a C program, all expressions should be assigned to variables before being passed to a FORTRAN routine.

Here are some examples to illustrate these points.

Example 13 – Passing arguments from Sun FORTRAN to C.
FORTRAN program:
        INTEGER A
        REAL B
        A = 1
        B = 2.0
        CALL C1( A, B )

C function:
  void c1_( int *a, float *b)
    int x;
    float y;
    x = *a;    /* x is now equal to 1 */
    y = *b;    /* y is now equal to 2.0 */
    printf( "x = %d\n", x );
    printf( "y = %f\n", y );

The C function name requires the underscore as the FORTRAN compiler generates this automatically.

In this first example, a Sun FORTRAN program passes an INTEGER and REAL variable to a C function. The values of these arguments are then assigned to two local variables. They could just as well have been used directly in the function by referring to the variables *a and *b instead of assigning their values to the local variables x and y. Since the FORTRAN program passes the actual arguments by reference, the dummy arguments used in the declaration of the C function should be a pointer to the variable that is being passed.

Now an example of calling a Sun FORTRAN subroutine from C.

Example 14 – Passing arguments from C to Sun FORTRAN.
C main program:
   int  i = 2;             /* Declare i and initialize it.  */
   void fort2_( int *i );  /* Declare function fort2_. */
   fort2_( &i );           /* Call fort2.  */

FORTRAN subroutine:
        INTEGER I
        PRINT *,I

The C main function declares and initializes a variable, i, and declares a function fort2_ (note the underscore). It calls fort2_, passing the address of the variable i rather than its value, as this is what the FORTRAN subroutine will be expecting.

As we have seen, the case of scalar numeric arguments is fairly straightforward, however, the passing of character variables between Sun FORTRAN and C is more complicated. Sun FORTRAN passes character variables by passing the address of the character variable and then adding an extra value to the argument list that is the size of the character variable. Furthermore, there is the point that FORTRAN deals with fixed-length, blank-padded strings, whereas C deals with variable-length, null-terminated strings. The simplest possible example of a character argument is given here as an illustration. Don’t worry if it looks complicated, the F77 macros described in Section 5 hide all of these details from the programmer, and in a portable manner as well!

Example 15 – Passing character arguments from Sun FORTRAN to C.
FORTRAN program:
        CHARACTER STR*20
        CALL C3( STR )
        PRINT *,STR

C function:
  #include <stdio.h>                      /* Standard I/O functions */
  void c3_( char *fortchar, int length )
    int  i;                              /* A loop counter */
    char  *string = "This is a string";  /* A string to be printed */
  /* Copy the string to the function argument */
    strncpy( fortchar, string, length );
  /* Pad the character argument with trailing blanks */
    for( i = strlen( string ) ; i < length ; i++ )
       fortchar[i] = ’ ’;

The second variable declaration in the C subprogram declares a local variable to be a string and initializes it. This string is then copied to the storage area that the subprogram argument points to, taking care not to copy more characters than the argument has room for. Finally any remaining space in the argument is filled with blanks, the null character being overwritten. You should always fill any trailing space with blanks in this way.

A.1.5 Function Values

The way that the return value of a function is handled is very much like a simple assignment statement. The value is actually returned in one or two of the registers of the CPU, depending on the size of the data type. Consequently there is no problem in handling the value of any function that returns a numerical value as long as the storage used by the value being returned and the value expected correspond (see Table 1 on page 51).

The case of a function that returns a character string is more complex. The way that Sun FORTRAN returns a character variable as a function value is to add two hidden extra entries to the beginning of the argument list. These are a pointer to a character variable and the value of the length of this variable. If a C function wishes to emulate a FORTRAN CHARACTER function, then you must explicitly add these two extra arguments to the C function. Any value that the C function returns will be ignored. Here is an example to illustrate this.

Example 16 – Use of a Sun FORTRAN character function.
FORTRAN program:
        CHARACTER*(10) VAR, FUNC
        VAR = FUNC( 6 )
        PRINT *, VAR

C function:
  void func_( char *retval, int length, int *n )
    char *cp;
    int i, max;
  /* Find the number of characters to be copied.  */
    if( *n < length )
       max = *n;
       max = length;
  /* Set a local character pointer equal to the return address.  */
    cp = retval;
  /* Copy some asterisks to the "return value".  */
    for( i = 0 ; i < max ; i++ )
       *cp++ = ’*’;
  /* Fill the rest of the string with blanks.  */
    for( ; i < length ; i++ )
       *cp++ = ’ ’;

The C function copies some asterisks into the location that Sun FORTRAN will interpret as the return value of the FORTRAN CHARACTER function. The number of such asterisks is specified by the single argument of the FORTRAN function and the rest of the string is filled with blanks.

A.1.6 Global Data

Although FORTRAN and C use different method for representing global data, it is actually very easy to mix them. If a Sun FORTRAN common block contains a single variable or array, then the corresponding C variable simply needs to be declared as extern and the two variables will use the same storage.

Example 17 – A labelled Sun FORTRAN common block containing a single variable.
FORTRAN common block:

C external variable:

  extern char block_[10];

Note that the name of the C variable corresponds to the name of the FORTRAN common block, not the name of the FORTRAN variable. This example shows that you can use the same storage area for both Sun FORTRAN and C strings, however, you must still beware of the different way in which FORTRAN and C handle the end of a string.

If the FORTRAN common block contains more than one variable or array, then the C variables must be contained in a structure.

If you wish to access the Sun FORTRAN blank common block, then the corresponding C structure should be called _BLNK__.

Example 18 – A labelled Sun FORTRAN common block containing several variables.
FORTRAN common block:
        INTEGER I,J,K
        COMMON /NUMS/ I,J,K

C external variable:

  extern struct { int i,j,k; } nums_;

A.2 DEC Unix

A.2.1 General

This section applies for Alpha OSF/1, Ultrix/RISC and possibly other DEC Unix systems.

The machine specific details relating to mixed language programming are almost identical to those for the Sun and so the previous subsection should be consulted for more details. This is not to say that there are no differences between the DECstation and Sun compilers, merely that they do not generally impinge on the question of mixed language programming.

A.2.2 LOGICAL Values

One place where the DEC system may differ from the Sun is in how logical values are handled. The original FORTRAN compiler for the DECstation (FORTRAN for RISC) used the Sun interpretation of logical values, i.e. zero is false, non-zero is true. The more recent DEC FORTRAN compiler uses the VMS convention that only checks the lowest bit of a value, so 0 is false, 1 is true, 2 is false, 3 is true, etc. When DEC FORTRAN sets a LOGICAL variable to TRUE, all the bits in the data are set to 1, resulting in a numerical equivalent value of -1. Unfortunately this means that the correct value of the macros F77_ISFALSE and F77_ISTRUE used in a C function, depend on which FORTRAN compiler you are using. It is not possible to handle this automatically, so you must be sure to use the right values for the macros. The default assumption is that you are using the newer DEC FORTRAN compiler. Fortunately this is unlikely to be a problem in practice, since a TRUE value will normally be 1 or -1, and these values will be handled correctly by either compiler.

A.2.3 POINTERS on Alphas

The DEC Alpha machines can use addresses up to 64 bits long, but where FORTRAN INTEGERs are used to hold an address, only 32 bits can be held. However, the linker has flags -T and -D which can be used to ensure that allocated memory addresses will fit into 32 bits. The user generally does not have to worry about these, as they are inserted automatically if the relevant Starlink library link script (e.g. hds_link) is used.


A.3.1 General

A VAX computer is based on a 32 bit architecture. Data can be addressed as bytes (8 bits), words (16 bits), longwords (32 bits), quadwords (64 bits) or octawords (128 bits). The terminology is a hangover from the PDP-11 series of computers and the basic unit of storage on a VAX is the longword. References to FORTRAN and C in this subsection refer to the VAX FORTRAN and VAX C compilers produced by DEC.

A.3.2 Data Types

There is a simple correspondence between VAX FORTRAN and VAX C numeric variable types. The standard types are given in the upper part of

Table 2 and non-standard extensions in the lower part. These should generally be avoided for reasons of portability. However, they are provided since HDS (see SUN/92) has corresponding data types.



WORD INTEGER*2 short int
UBYTE unsigned char
UWORD unsigned short int

POINTER INTEGER unsigned int

Table 2: Corresponding data types for VAX/VMS

Although VAX C defines unsigned data types of unsigned char (range 0 to 255), unsigned short (range 0 to 32767) and unsigned int (range 0 to 232 1), there are no corresponding unsigned data types in FORTRAN. There is also a C type called long int; however in VAX C, this is the same as an int.

The C language does not specify whether variables of type char should be stored as signed or unsigned values. On VMS, they are stored as signed values in the range -128 to 127.

Similarly there is no C data type that corresponds to the FORTRAN data type of COMPLEX. However, since VAX FORTRAN passes all numeric variable by reference, a COMPLEX variable could be passed to a VAX C subprogram where it might be handled as a structure consisting of two variables of type float.

A VAX FORTRAN LOGICAL value can be passed to a VAX C int, but care must be taken over the interpretation of the value since VAX FORTRAN only considers the lower bit of the longword to be significant (0 is false, 1 is true) whereas VAX C treats any numerical value other than 0 as true. When VAX FORTRAN sets a logical value to true, it sets all the bits. This corresponds to a numerical value of minus one.

A.3.3 Arguments

To understand how to pass arguments between VAX FORTRAN and VAX C programs, it is necessary to understand the possible methods that VMS can use for passing arguments and how each language makes use of them. VMS defines a procedure calling standard that is used by all compilers written by DEC for the VMS operating system. This is described in the “Introduction to the VMS Run-Time Library” manual with additional information in the “Introduction to VMS System Services” manual. If you have a third party compiler that does not conform to this standard then you will not be able to mix the object code that it produces with that from DEC compilers. There are three ways that an actual argument may be passed to a subroutine. What is actually passed as an argument should always be a longword. It is the interpretation of that longword that is where the differences arise. Note the word should in the last but one sentence. VAX C will occasionally generate an argument that is longer than one longword. This is a violation of the VAX procedure calling standard. It causes no problems for pure VAX C programs, but is a potential source of problems for mixed language programs.

VAX FORTRAN passes all data types other than CHARACTER by reference, i.e. the address of the variable or array is put in the argument list. CHARACTER variables are passed by descriptor. The descriptor contains the type and class of descriptor, the length of the string and the address where the characters are actually stored.

VAX C uses call by value to pass all variables, constants (except string constants), expressions, array elements, structures and unions that are actual arguments of functions. It uses call by reference to pass whole arrays, string constants and functions. VAX C never uses call by descriptor as a default method of passing arguments.

To pass a VAX C variable of type double by value requires the use of two longwords in the argument list and so is a violation of the VAX procedure calling standard. The passing of a VAX C structure that is bigger that one longword is a similar violation. It is always better to pass C structures by reference, although this should not be a problem in practice since in the case of a pure VAX C program, everything is handled consistently and in the case of a mixture of FORTRAN and C, you would not normally pass variables by value anyway.

In VAX FORTRAN, the default argument passing mechanism can be overridden by use of the %VAL, %REF and %DESCR functions. These functions are not portable and should be avoided whenever possible. The only exception is that %VAL is used in Starlink software for passing pointer variables. In VAX C there is no similar way of “cheating” as there is in VAX FORTRAN; however, this is not necessary as the language allows more flexibility itself. For example, if you wish to pass a variable named x by reference rather than by value, you simply put &x as the actual argument instead of x. To pass something by descriptor, you need to construct the appropriate structure and pass the address of that. See the DEC manual “Guide to VAX C” for further details.

Since C provides more flexibility in the mechanism of passing arguments than does FORTRAN, it is C that ought to shoulder the burden of handling the different mechanisms. All numeric variables and constants, array elements, whole arrays and function names should be passed into and out of C functions by reference. Numeric expressions will be passed from VAX FORTRAN to VAX C by reference and so the corresponding dummy argument in the C function should be declared to be of type “pointer to type”. When C has a constant or an expression as an actual argument in a function call, it can only pass it by value. VAX FORTRAN cannot cope with this and so in a VAX C program, all expressions should be assigned to variables before being passed to a FORTRAN routine.

Here are some examples to illustrate these points.

Example 19 – Passing arguments from VAX FORTRAN to VAX C.
FORTRAN program:
        INTEGER A
        REAL B
        A = 1
        B = 2.0
        CALL C1( A, B )

C function:
  void c1( int *a, float *b )
    int x;
    float y;
    x = *a;    /* x is now equal to 1 */
    y = *b;    /* y is now equal to 2.0 */
    printf( "x = %d\n", x );
    printf( "y = %f\n", y );

In this first example, a FORTRAN program passes an INTEGER and REAL variable to a C function. The values of these arguments are then assigned to two local variables. They could just as well have been used directly in the function by referring to the variables *a and *b instead of assigning their values to the local variables x and y. Since the VAX FORTRAN program passes the actual arguments by reference, the dummy arguments used in the declaration of the VAX C function should be a pointer to the variable that is being passed.

Now an example of calling a VAX FORTRAN subroutine from VAX C.

Example 20 – Passing arguments from VAX C to VAX FORTRAN.
C main program:
   int  i = 2;            /* Declare i and initialize it.  */
   void fort2( int *i );  /* Declare function fort2. */
   fort2( &i );           /* Call fort2.  */

FORTRAN subroutine:
        INTEGER I
        PRINT *,I

The VAX C main function declares and initializes a variable, i, and declares a function fort2. It calls fort2, passing the address of the variable i rather than its value, as this is what the VAX FORTRAN subroutine will be expecting.

As we have seen, the case of scalar numeric arguments is fairly straightforward. However, the passing of CHARACTER variables between VAX FORTRAN and VAX C is more complicated. VAX FORTRAN passes CHARACTER variables by descriptor and VAX C must handle these descriptors. Furthermore, there is the point that FORTRAN deals with fixed-length, blank-padded strings, whereas C deals with variable-length, null-terminated strings. It is also worth noting that VAX/VMS machines handle CHARACTER arguments in a manner which is different from the usual Unix way. The simplest possible example of a CHARACTER argument is given here in all of its gory detail. You will be pleased to discover that this example is purely for illustration. The important point is that it is different from the Sun example and, anyway, the F77 macros described in Section 5 hide all of these differences from the programmer, thereby making the code portable.

Example 21 – Passing character arguments from VAX FORTRAN to VAX C.
FORTRAN program:
        CHARACTER STR*20
        CALL C3( STR )
        PRINT *,STR

C function:
  #include <descrip.h>                    /* VMS Descriptors */
  #include <stdio.h>                      /* Standard I/O functions */
  void c3( struct dsc$descriptor_s  *fortchar )
    int  i;                              /* A loop counter */
    char  *string = "This is a string";  /* A string to be printed */
  /* Copy the string to the function argument */
    strncpy( fortchar->dsc$a_pointer, string, fortchar->dsc$w_length );
  /* Pad the character argument with trailing blanks */
    for( i = strlen( string ) ; i < fortchar->dsc$w_length ; i++ )
       fortchar->dsc$a_pointer[i] = ’ ’;

The second variable declaration in the C subprogram declares a local variable to be a string and initializes it. This string is then copied to the storage area that the subprogram argument points to, taking care not to copy more characters than the argument has room for. Finally any remaining space in the argument is filled with blanks, the null character being overwritten. You should always fill any trailing space with blanks in this way. What should definitely not be done is to modify the descriptor to indicate the number of non blank characters that it now holds. The VAX FORTRAN compiler will not expect this to happen and it is likely to cause run-time errors. See the DEC manual “Guide to VAX C” for more details of handling descriptors in VAX C.

If an actual argument in a VAX FORTRAN routine is an array of characters, rather than just a single character variable, the descriptor that describes the data is different. It is defined by the macro dsc$descriptor_a instead of dsc$descriptor_s. This contains extra information about the number of dimensions and their bounds; however, this can generally be ignored since the first part of the dsc$descriptor_a descriptor is the same as the dsc$descriptor_s descriptor. This extra information can be unpacked from the descriptor, however, to do so would lead to non-portable code. It is generally better to use the address of the array that is passed in the descriptor and to pass any array dimensions as separate arguments. The C subroutine then has all of the information that it requires and can handle the data as an array or by using pointers, as the programmer sees fit. See example 4 for an illustration of this.

A.3.4 Function Values

The way that the return value of a function is handled is very much like a simple assignment statement. In practice, the value is actually returned in one or two of the registers of the CPU, depending on the size of the data type. Consequently there is no problem in handling the value of any function that returns a numerical value as long as the storage used by the value being returned and the value expected correspond (see Table 2 on page 59). If a VAX C function is treated as a LOGICAL function by VAX FORTRAN, there is no problem as long as the VAX C function ensures that it returns a value that will be interpreted correctly. The best thing to do is to make sure that the C function can only return zero (for false) or minus one (for true).

The case of a function that returns a character string is more complex. The way that VAX FORTRAN returns a CHARACTER variable as a function value is to add a hidden extra entry to the beginning of the argument list. This is a pointer to a character descriptor. If a VAX C function wishes to return a function value that VAX FORTRAN will interpret as a character string, then you must explicitly add an extra argument to the VAX C function and build the appropriate structure in your C function. This may seem rather complicated, but what it boils down to is that the following two segments of VAX FORTRAN are equivalent (but only in VAX FORTRAN).

Example 22 – Equivalence of a VMS character function and a VMS subroutine.

        RETURN = CHARFN( A, B )

If written as a function, CHARFN returns a value of type CHARACTER. It is left as an exercise for the reader to demonstrate that the above assertion is true using just FORTRAN.
A.3.5 Global Data

Although FORTRAN and C use different methods for representing global data, it is actually very easy to mix them. If a VAX FORTRAN common block contains a single variable or array, then the corresponding VAX C variable simply needs to be declared as extern and the two variables will use the same storage.

Example 23 – A VAX FORTRAN labelled common block containing a single variable
FORTRAN common block:

C external variable:

  extern char block[10];

Note that the name of the C variable corresponds to the name of the FORTRAN common block, not the name of the FORTRAN variable. This example shows that you can use the same storage area for both VAX FORTRAN and VAX C strings. However, you must still beware of the different way in which FORTRAN and C handle the end of a string.

If the FORTRAN common block contains more than one variable or array, then the C variables must be contained in a structure.

If you wish to access the VAX FORTRAN blank common block, then the corresponding VAX C structure should be called $BLANK.

Example 24 – A VAX FORTRAN labelled common block containing several variables.
FORTRAN common block:
        INTEGER I,J,K
        COMMON /NUMS/ I,J,K

C external variable:

  extern struct { int i,j,k; } nums;

A.4 Other Operating Systems

The F77 macros have been designed to cope with other systems as far as is possible. It should be possible to modify the include file f77.h to cope with most computers. The places where this may prove difficult, or even impossible, are likely to be due to arguments being passed in an unforeseen way.

The include file also declares the functions used for handling character strings. The declarations are written as function prototypes and assume that the C compiler will handle this feature of ANSI C. If a particular C compiler does not support this feature, then the header file could easily be modified to take this into account.