Obtain a linear approximation to a Mapping, if appropriate
s forward transformation within the specified range
of output coordinates. If the transformation is not sufficiently linear, no coefficients are
returned. ’
s Nin attribute. This box should specify the region over which linearity is required. "
( Nin
+ 1 )
∗ Nout"
elements. The first Nout elements hold the constant offsets for the transformation outputs. The
remaining elements hold the gradients. So if the Mapping has 2 inputs and 3 outputs the linear
approximation to the forward transformation is:
X_out = fit(1) + fit(4)∗X_in + fit(5)∗Y_in
Y_out = fit(2) + fit(6)∗X_in + fit(7)∗Y_in
Z_out = fit(3) + fit(8)∗X_in + fit(9)∗Y_in
This function fits the Mapping’
s forward transformation. To fit the inverse transformation, the
Mapping should be inverted using AST_INVERT before invoking this function.
If a Mapping output is found to have a bad value (AST__BAD) at one or more of the test points used in the linearity test, then all the values in the returned fit that correspond to that output are set to AST__BAD. However, this does not affect the linearity tests on the other Mapping outputs - if they are all found to be linear then usable coefficients will be returned for them in the fit, and the function will return a .TRUE. value. Consequently, it may be necessary to check that the values in the returned fit are not AST__BAD before using them. If all Mapping outputs generate bad values, then .FALSE. is returned as the function value.
A value of .FALSE. will be returned if this function is invoked with the global error status set, or if it should fail for any reason.
If all tested positions within the supplied box generate bad output positions, then the returned function value will be .FALSE. However, the returned coefficients will represent a unit transformation, except that the constant term for each output will be set to AST__BAD.