Create a NormMap
A NormMap is a Mapping which normalises coordinate values using the AST_NORM routine of the supplied Frame. The number of inputs and outputs of a NormMap are both equal to the number of axes in the supplied Frame.
The forward and inverse transformation of a NormMap are both defined but are identical (that is, they do not form a real inverse pair in that the inverse transformation does not undo the normalisation, instead it reapplies it). However, the AST_SIMPLIFY function will replace neighbouring pairs of forward and inverse NormMaps by a single UnitMap (so long as the Frames encapsulated by the two NormMaps are equal - i.e. have the same class and the same attribute values). This means, for instance, that if a CmpMap contains a NormMap, the CmpMap will still cancel with its own inverse.
A null Object pointer (AST__NULL) will be returned if this function is invoked with STATUS set to an error value, or if it should fail for any reason.