Retrieve the coefficient values used by a PolyMap
Usually, you should call this method first with NEL set to zero to determine the number of coefficients used by the PolyMap. This allows you to allocate an array of the correct size to hold all coefficient data. You should then call this method a second time to get the coefficient data.
ncoeff∗( nin
+ 2 )"
.TRUE., and "
nout + 2
otherwise, where "
is the number of coefficients to be returned. If a value
of zero is supplied, no coefficient values are returned, but the number of coefficients
used by the transformation is still returned in NCOEFF. "
+ nin"
2 +
adjacent elements describe a single coefficient of the forward or inverse transformation. See the
PolyMap constructor documentation for further details.
If the supplied array is too short to hold all the coefficients, trailing coefficients are excluded. If the supplied array is longer than needed to hold all the coefficients, trailing elements are filled with zeros.