Create a CmpFrame
A CmpFrame is a compound Frame which allows two component Frames (of any class) to be merged together to form a more complex Frame. The axes of the two component Frames then appear together in the resulting CmpFrame (those of the first Frame, followed by those of the second Frame).
Since a CmpFrame is itself a Frame, it can be used as a component in forming further CmpFrames. Frames of arbitrary complexity may be built from simple individual Frames in this way.
Also since a Frame is a Mapping, a CmpFrame can also be used as a Mapping. Normally, a CmpFrame is simply equivalent to a UnitMap, but if either of the component Frames within a CmpFrame is a Region (a sub-class of Frame), then the CmpFrame will use the Region as a Mapping when transforming values for axes described by the Region. Thus input axis values corresponding to positions which are outside the Region will result in bad output axis values.
A null Object pointer (AST__NULL) will be returned if this function is invoked with STATUS set to an error value, or if it should fail for any reason.