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This attribute indicates whether a
Mapping has been simplified by the
AST_SIMPLIFY method. If the IsSimple value is non-zero, then
the Mapping has been simplified and so there is nothing to be gained by simplifying it again. Indeed,
the AST_SIMPLIFY method will immediately return the Mapping unchanged if the IsSimple attribute
indicates that the Mapping has already been simplified.
Integer (boolean), read-only.
All Mappings have this attribute.
All classes of Frame return
zero for the IsSimple attribute. This is because changes can be made to a Frame which
affect the Mapping represented by the Frame, and so there can be no guarantee that the
Mapping may not need re-simplifying. Most non-Frame Mappings, on the other hand, are
immutable and so when they are simplified it is certain that they weill remain in a simple state.
Copyright (C) 2021 East Asian Observatory
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