Add a Frame to a FrameSet to define a new coordinate system
s current Frame.
This routine may also be used to merge two FrameSets, or to append extra axes to every Frame in a FrameSet.
s forward
transformation should perform this conversion, and its inverse transformation should convert in the
opposite direction. The supplied Mapping is ignored if parameter IFRAME is equal to
AST__ALLFRAMES. This routine may also be used to merge two FrameSets by supplying a pointer to a second FrameSet for this argument (see the Notes section for details).
Deep copies of the supplied MAPPING and FRAME objects are stored within the modified FrameSet. So any changes made to the FrameSet after calling this method will have no effect on the supplied Mapping and Frame objects.
A value of AST__BASE or AST__CURRENT may be given for the IFRAME argument to specify the base Frame or the current Frame respectively.
This routine sets the value of the Current attribute for the FrameSet so that the new Frame subsequently becomes the current Frame.
The number of input coordinate values accepted by the supplied Mapping (its Nin attribute) must match the number of axes in the Frame identified by the IFRAME argument. Similarly, the number of output coordinate values generated by this Mapping (its Nout attribute) must match the number of axes in the new Frame.
As a special case, if a pointer to a FrameSet is given for the FRAME argument, this is treated as a request to merge a pair of FrameSets. This is done by appending all the new Frames (in the FRAME FrameSet) to the original FrameSet, while preserving their order and retaining all the inter-relationships (i.e. Mappings) between them. The two sets of Frames are inter-related within the merged FrameSet by using the Mapping supplied. This should convert between the Frame identified by the IFRAME argument (in the original FrameSet) and the current Frame of the FRAME FrameSet. This latter Frame becomes the current Frame in the merged FrameSet.
As another special case, if a value of AST__ALLFRAMES is supplied for parameter IFRAME, then the supplied Mapping is ignored, and the axes defined by the supplied Frame are appended to each Frame in the FrameSet. In detail, each Frame in the FrameSet is replaced by a CmpFrame containing the original Frame and the Frame specified by parameter FRAME. In addition, each Mapping in the FrameSet is replaced by a CmpMap containing the original Mapping and a UnitMap in parallel. The Nin and Nout attributes of the UnitMap are set equal to the number of axes in the supplied Frame. Each new CmpMap is simplified using AST_SIMPLIFY before being stored in the FrameSet.