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Map coordinates using Chebyshev polynomial functions


A ChebyMap is a form of Mapping which performs a Chebyshev polynomial transformation. Each output coordinate is a linear combination of Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind, of order zero up to a specified maximum order, evaluated at the input coordinates. The coefficients to be used in the linear combination are specified separately for each output coordinate.

For a 1-dimensional ChebyMap, the forward transformation is defined as follows:

f(x) = c0.T0(x ) + c1.T1(x ) + c2.T2(x ) + ...


For an N-dimensional ChebyMap, the forward transformation is a generalisation of the above form. Each output axis value is the sum of NCOEFF terms, where each term is the product of a single coefficient value and N factors of the form Tn(x _i), where " x _i" is the normalised value of the i th input axis value.

The forward and inverse transformations are defined independantly by separate sets of coefficients, supplied when the ChebyMap is created. If no coefficients are supplied to define the inverse transformation, the AST_POLYTRAN method of the parent PolyMap class can instead be used to create an inverse transformation. The inverse transformation so generated will be a Chebyshev polynomial with coefficients chosen to minimise the residuals left by a round trip (forward transformation followed by inverse transformation).

Constructor Function



The ChebyMap class inherits from the PolyMap class.


The ChebyMap class does not define any new attributes beyond those which are applicable to all PolyMaps.


In addition to those routines applicable to all PolyMap, the following routines may also be applied to all ChebyMaps: