Dual sideband spectral coordinate system description
lower side band"
(LSB) and one from the "
upper side band"
(USB). Corresponding LSB and USB frequencies are
connected by the fact that they are an equal distance on either side of a fixed central frequency known
as the "
Local Oscillator"
(LO) frequency.
When quoting a position within such a spectrum, it is necessary to indicate whether the quoted position is the USB position or the corresponding LSB position. The SideBand attribute provides this indication. Another option that the SideBand attribute provides is to represent a spectral position by its topocentric offset from the LO frequency.
In practice, the LO frequency is specified by giving the distance from the LO frequency to some "
spectral position. Typically this central position is that of some interesting spectral feature.
The distance from this central position to the LO frequency is known as the "
intermediate frequency"
(IF). The value supplied for IF can be a signed value in order to indicate whether the LO frequency is
above or below the central position.
AlignSideBand: Should alignment occur between sidebands?
DSBCentre: The central position of interest.
IF: The intermediate frequency used to define the LO frequency.
ImagFreq: The image sideband equivalent of the rest frequency.
SideBand: Indicates which sideband the DSBSpecFrame represents.