I/O Channel using FITS header cards to represent Objects
While a FitsChan is active, it represents a buffer which may contain zero or more 80-character "
conforming to FITS conventions. Any sequence of FITS-conforming header cards may be
stored, apart from the "
card whose existence is merely implied. The cards may be accessed in
any order by using the FitsChan’
s integer Card attribute, which identifies a "
to which subsequent operations apply. Searches based on keyword may be performed
(using AST_FINDFITS), new cards may be inserted (AST_PUTFITS, AST_PUTCARDS,
and existing ones may be deleted (AST_DELFITS), extracted
or changed (AST_SETFITS<X>).
When you create a FitsChan, you have the option of specifying "
and "
functions which
connect it to external data stores by reading and writing FITS header cards. If you provide a
source function, it is used to fill the FitsChan with header cards when it is accessed for the
first time. If you do not provide a source function, the FitsChan remains empty until you
explicitly enter data into it (e.g. using AST_PUTFITS, AST_PUTCARDS, AST_WRITE or by
using the SourceFile attribute to specifying a text file from which headers should be read).
When the FitsChan is deleted, any remaining header cards in the FitsChan can be saved in
either of two ways: 1) by specifying a value for the SinkFile attribute (the name of a text file
to which header cards should be written), or 2) by providing a sink function (used to to
deliver header cards to an external data store). If you do not provide a sink function or
a value for SinkFile, any header cards remaining when the FitsChan is deleted will be
lost, so you should arrange to extract them first if necessary (e.g. using AST_FINDFITS or
Coordinate system information may be described using FITS header cards using several different
conventions, termed "
. When an AST Object is written to (or read from) a FitsChan, the
value of the FitsChan’
s Encoding attribute determines how the Object is converted to (or from) a
description involving FITS header cards. In general, different encodings will result in different sets of
header cards to describe the same Object. Examples of encodings include the DSS encoding (based on
conventions used by the STScI Digitised Sky Survey data), the FITS-WCS encoding (based on a
proposed FITS standard) and the NATIVE encoding (a near loss-less way of storing AST Objects in
FITS headers).
The available encodings differ in the range of Objects they can represent, in the number of Object descriptions that can coexist in the same FitsChan, and in their accessibility to other (external) astronomy applications (see the Encoding attribute for details). Encodings are not necessarily mutually exclusive and it may sometimes be possible to describe the same Object in several ways within a particular set of FITS header cards by using several different encodings.
The detailed behaviour of AST_READ and AST_WRITE, when used with a FitsChan, depends on the encoding in use. In general, however, all successful use of AST_READ is destructive, so that FITS header cards are consumed in the process of reading an Object, and are removed from the FitsChan (this deletion can be prevented for specific cards by calling the AST_RETAINFITS routine). An unsuccessful call of AST_READ (for instance, caused by the FitsChan not containing the necessary FITS headers cards needed to create an Object) results in the contents of the FitsChan being left unchanged.
If the encoding in use allows only a single Object description to be stored in a FitsChan (e.g. the DSS, FITS-WCS and FITS-IRAF encodings), then write operations using AST_WRITE will over-write any existing Object description using that encoding. Otherwise (e.g. the NATIVE encoding), multiple Object descriptions are written sequentially and may later be read back in the same sequence.
FitsChan also has the following attributes:
AllWarnings: A list of the available conditions
AltAxes: Controls generation of FITS-WCS alternate axis descriptions
Card: Index of current FITS card in a FitsChan
CardComm: The comment of the current FITS card in a FitsChan
CardName: The keyword name of the current FITS card in a FitsChan
CardType: The data type of the current FITS card in a FitsChan
CarLin: Ignore spherical rotations on CAR projections?
CDMatrix: Use a CD matrix instead of a PC matrix?
Clean: Remove cards used whilst reading even if an error occurs?
DefB1950: Use FK4 B1950 as default equatorial coordinates?
Encoding: System for encoding Objects as FITS headers
FitsAxisOrder: Sets the order of WCS axes within new FITS-WCS headers
FitsDigits: Digits of precision for floating-point FITS values
FitsRounding: Controls rounding of floating-point FITS values
ForceTab: Force use of the FITS "
Ncard: Number of FITS header cards in a FitsChan
Nkey: Number of unique keywords in a FitsChan
PolyTan: Use PVi_m keywords to define distorted TAN projection?
SipReplace: Replace SIP inverse transformation?
SipOK: Use Spitzer Space Telescope keywords to define distortion?
SipReplace: Replace SIP inverse transformation?
TabOK: Should the FITS "
algorithm be recognised?
Warnings: Produces warnings about selected conditions
AST_DELFITS: Delete the current FITS card in a FitsChan
AST_EMPTYFITS: Delete all cards in a FitsChan
AST_FINDFITS: Find a FITS card in a FitsChan by keyword
AST_GETFITS<X>: Get a keyword value from a FitsChan
AST_GETTABLES: Retrieve any FitsTables from a FitsChan
AST_PURGEWCS: Delete all WCS-related cards in a FitsChan
AST_PUTCARDS: Stores a set of FITS header card in a FitsChan
AST_PUTFITS: Store a FITS header card in a FitsChan
AST_PUTTABLE: Store a single FitsTables in a FitsChan
AST_PUTTABLES: Store multiple FitsTables in a FitsChan
AST_READFITS: Read cards in through the source function
AST_REMOVETABLES: Remove one or more FitsTables from a FitsChan
AST_RETAINFITS: Ensure current card is retained in a FitsChan
AST_SETFITS<X>: Store a new keyword value in a FitsChan
AST_TABLESOURCE: Register a source function for FITS table access
AST_TESTFITS: Test if a keyword has a defined value in a FitsChan
AST_WRITEFITS: Write all cards out to the sink function