Store a set of key/value pairs
AST_MAPCOPY: Copy all entries from one KeyMap into another
AST_MAPCOPYENTRY: Copy a single entry from one KeyMap into another
AST_MAPDEFINED: Does a KeyMap contain a defined value for a key?
AST_MAPGET0<X>: Get a named scalar entry from a KeyMap
AST_MAPGET1<X>: Get a named vector entry from a KeyMap
AST_MAPGETC: Get a scalar or vector entry as a single string.
AST_MAPGETELEM<X>: Get an element of a named vector entry from a KeyMap
AST_MAPHASKEY: Does the KeyMap contain a named entry?
AST_MAPKEY: Return the key name at a given index in the KeyMap
AST_MAPLENC: Get the length of a named character entry in a KeyMap
AST_MAPLENGTH: Get the length of a named entry in a KeyMap
AST_MAPPUT0<X>: Add a new scalar entry to a KeyMap
AST_MAPPUT1<X>: Add a new vector entry to a KeyMap
AST_MAPPUTELEM<X>: Puts a value into a vector entry in a KeyMap
AST_MAPPUTU: Add a new entry to a KeyMap with an undefined value
AST_MAPREMOVE: Removed a named entry from a KeyMap
AST_MAPRENAME: Rename an existing entry in a KeyMap
AST_MAPSIZE: Get the number of entries in a KeyMap
AST_MAPTYPE: Return the data type of a named entry in a map