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A MathMap is a
Mapping which allows you to specify a set of forward and/or inverse transformation functions using
arithmetic operations and mathematical functions similar to those available in Fortran. The MathMap
interprets these functions at run-time, whenever its forward or inverse transformation is required.
Because the functions are not compiled in the normal sense (unlike an
IntraMap), they may be used to
describe coordinate transformations in a transportable manner. A MathMap therefore provides a
flexible way of defining new types of Mapping whose descriptions may be stored as part of a dataset
and interpreted by other programs.
Constructor Function
The MathMap class inherits from the Mapping class.
In addition to those
attributes common to all Mappings, every MathMap also has the following attributes:
The MathMap class
does not define any new routines beyond those which are applicable to all Mappings.
Copyright (C) 2021 East Asian Observatory
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