Provide facilities for 2D graphical output
coordinate system and is associated with a rectangular plotting area in the
underlying graphics system. This plotting area is where graphical output appears. It is defined when
the Plot is created.
The current Frame of a Plot describes a "
coordinate system, which is the coordinate system
in which plotting operations are specified. The results of each plotting operation are automatically
transformed into graphical coordinates so as to appear in the plotting area (subject to any clipping
which may be in effect).
Because the Mapping between physical and graphical coordinates may often be non-linear, or even discontinuous, most plotting does not result in simple straight lines. The basic plotting element is therefore not a straight line, but a geodesic curve (see AST_CURVE, AST_GENCURVE and AST_POLYCURVE). A Plot also provides facilities for drawing markers or symbols (AST_MARK), text (AST_TEXT) and grid lines (AST_GRIDLINE). It is also possible to draw curvilinear axes with optional coordinate grids (AST_GRID). A range of Plot attributes is available to allow precise control over the appearance of graphical output produced by these routines.
You may select different physical coordinate systems in which to plot (including the native graphical coordinate system itself) by selecting different Frames as the current Frame of a Plot, using its Current attribute. You may also set up clipping (see AST_CLIP) to limit the extent of any plotting you perform, and this may be done in any of the coordinate systems associated with the Plot, not necessarily the one you are plotting in.
Like any FrameSet, a Plot may also be used as a Frame. In this case, it behaves like its current Frame, which describes the physical coordinate system.
When used as a Mapping, a Plot describes the inter-relation between graphical coordinates (its base Frame) and physical coordinates (its current Frame). It differs from a normal FrameSet, however, in that an attempt to transform points which lie in clipped areas of the Plot will result in bad coordinate values (AST__BAD).
Abbrev: Abbreviate leading fields?
Border: Draw a border around valid regions of a Plot?
Clip: Clip lines and/or markers at the Plot boundary?
ClipOp: Combine Plot clipping limits using a boolean OR?
Colour(element): Colour index for a Plot element
DrawAxes(axis): Draw axes for a Plot?
DrawTitle: Draw a title for a Plot?
Escape: Allow changes of character attributes within strings?
Edge(axis): Which edges to label in a Plot
Font(element): Character font for a Plot element
Gap(axis): Interval between linearly spaced major axis values
Grf: Select the graphics interface to use.
Grid: Draw grid lines for a Plot?
Invisible: Draw graphics in invisible ink?
LabelAt(axis): Where to place numerical labels for a Plot
LabelUnits(axis): Use axis unit descriptions in a Plot?
LabelUp(axis): Draw numerical Plot labels upright?
Labelling: Label and tick placement option for a Plot
LogGap(axis): Interval between logarithmically spaced major axis values
LogPlot(axis): Map the plot onto the screen logarithmically?
LogTicks(axis): Space the major tick marks logarithmically?
MajTickLen(axis): Length of major tick marks for a Plot
MinTickLen(axis): Length of minor tick marks for a Plot
MinTick(axis): Density of minor tick marks for a Plot
NumLab(axis): Draw numerical axis labels for a Plot?
NumLabGap(axis): Spacing of numerical axis labels for a Plot
Size(element): Character size for a Plot element
Style(element): Line style for a Plot element
TextGapType: Controls interpretation of TextLabGap and TitleGap
TextLab(axis): Draw descriptive axis labels for a Plot?
TextLabGap(axis): Spacing of descriptive axis labels for a Plot
TickAll: Draw tick marks on all edges of a Plot?
TitleGap: Vertical spacing for a Plot title
Tol: Plotting tolerance
Width(element): Line width for a Plot element
AST_BBUF: Begin a new graphical buffering context
AST_BORDER: Draw a border around valid regions of a Plot
AST_BOUNDINGBOX: Returns a bounding box for previously drawn graphics
AST_CLIP: Set up or remove clipping for a Plot
AST_CURVE: Draw a geodesic curve
AST_EBUF: End the current graphical buffering context
AST_GENCURVE: Draw a generalized curve
AST_GETGRFCONTEXT: Get the graphics context for a Plot
AST_GRFPOP: Retrieve previously saved graphics functions
AST_GRFPUSH: Save the current graphics functions
AST_GRFSET: Register a graphics routine for use by the Plot class
AST_GRID: Draw a set of labelled coordinate axes
AST_GRIDLINE: Draw a grid line (or axis) for a Plot
AST_MARK: Draw a set of markers for a Plot
AST_POLYCURVE: Draw a series of connected geodesic curves
AST_REGIONOUTLINE: Draw the outline of an AST Region
AST_TEXT: Draw a text string for a Plot
and "
) or together
(e.g. "
Axes: Axis lines drawn through tick marks using AST_GRID
Axis1: Axis line drawn through tick marks on axis 1 using AST_GRID
Axis2: Axis line drawn through tick marks on axis 2 using AST_GRID
Border: The Plot border drawn using AST_BORDER, AST_GRID or AST_REGIONOUTLINE
Curves: Geodesic curves drawn using AST_CURVE, AST_GENCURVE or AST_POLYCURVE
Grid: Grid lines drawn using AST_GRIDLINE or AST_GRID
Grid1: Grid lines which cross axis 1, drawn using AST_GRIDLINE or AST_GRID
Grid2: Grid lines which cross axis 2, drawn using AST_GRIDLINE or AST_GRID
Markers: Graphical markers (symbols) drawn using AST_MARK
NumLab: Numerical axis labels drawn using AST_GRID
NumLab1: Numerical labels for axis 1 drawn using AST_GRID
NumLab2: Numerical labels for axis 2 drawn using AST_GRID
Strings: Text strings drawn using AST_TEXT
TextLab: Descriptive axis labels drawn using AST_GRID
TextLab1: Descriptive label for axis 1 drawn using AST_GRID
TextLab2: Descriptive label for axis 2 drawn using AST_GRID
Ticks: Tick marks (both major and minor) drawn using AST_GRID
Ticks1: Tick marks (both major and minor) for axis 1 drawn using AST_GRID
Ticks2: Tick marks (both major and minor) for axis 2 drawn using AST_GRID
Title: The Plot title drawn using AST_GRID