
Convert a vector to a unit vector and its norm, relative to a specified centre


The forward transformation of a UnitNormMap subtracts the specified centre and then transforms the resulting vector to a unit vector and the vector norm. The output contains one more coordinate than the input: the initial Nin outputs are in the same order as the input; the final output is the norm. If the norm is 0, then the output of the forward transformation is AST__BAD for each component of the unit vector and 0 for the norm (the final value).

The inverse transformation of a UnitNormMap multiplies each component of the provided vector by the provided norm and adds the specified centre. The output contains one fewer coordinate than the input: the initial Nin inputs are in the same order as the output; the final input is the norm. If the provided norm is 0 then the other input values are ignored, and the output vector is the centre.

Example: if centre = [1, -1] then [5, 2] transforms to [4, 3] after subtracting the centre; the norm is 5, so the output is [0.8, 0.6, 5].

UnitNormMap enables radially symmetric transformations, as follows:

Constructor Function



The UnitNormMap class inherits from the Mapping class.


The UnitNormMap class does not define any new attributes beyond those which are applicable to all Mappings.


The UnitNormMap class does not define any new routines beyond those which are applicable to all Mappings.