Create a FluxFrame
A FluxFrame is a specialised form of one-dimensional Frame which represents various systems
used to represent the signal level in an observation. The particular coordinate system to
be used is specified by setting the FluxFrame’
s System attribute qualified, as necessary,
by other attributes such as the units, etc (see the description of the System attribute for
All flux values are assumed to be measured at the same frequency or wavelength (as given by the SpecVal attribute). Thus this class is more appropriate for use with images rather than spectra.
When conversion between two FluxFrames is requested (as when supplying FluxFrames AST_CONVERT), account will be taken of the nature of the flux coordinate systems they represent, together with any qualifying attribute values, including the AlignSystem attribute. The results will therefore fully reflect the relationship between positions measured in the two systems. In addition, any difference in the Unit attributes of the two systems will also be taken into account.
A null Object pointer (AST__NULL) will be returned if this function is invoked with STATUS set to an error value, or if it should fail for any reason.