B How does FLUXES work?

 B.1 Calculating topocentric and geocentric positions and distances
 B.2 Calculating the solid angle subtended by the planet
 B.3 Calculating Mars’ brightness temperatures
 B.4 Converting brightness temperatures to flux densities

In this section we will discuss the actual calculations performed by FLUXES to produce its position and flux output. This depends somewhat upon the planet for which information is requested. For Mars, the following steps are performed:

Alternatively, for Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus, the following calculations are performed:

Finally, for Mercury, Venus, the Sun and the Moon, only the first step is performed:

Below we will discuss the individual calculations in more depth.

B.1 Calculating topocentric and geocentric positions and distances

The geometry for the calculations of positions and distances to the requested planet is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Simplified geometry for planetary calculations

The topocentric vector of a planet, Vt, or the geocentric vector of the planet, Vg, are calculated with reference to the geocentric vector of the Sun, VSG, the heliocentric vector of the planet, VSP, and the geocentric vector of the observer, VGO. Also used by the current version of FLUXES are the geocentric vector to the Moon, VGM, the vector from the Sun to the Earth-Moon barycentre, VSE, and the knowledge that the geocentric vector of the Earth-Moon barycentre is given by (0.012150581 ×VGM).

When the directions of these vectors are as shown in Figure 2, the geocentric position and velocity vector of the planet is given by

Vg = VSG + VSP

where the geocentric vector of the Sun, VSG, may be given as

VSG = VSE 0.01215081(VGM).

Similarly, the topocentric position and velocity vector of the planet is given by

Vt = VgVGO = VSP VSGVGO = VSP (VSE 0.012150581(VGM)) VGO

All these vector quantities must be precessed to the appropriate date. The prime symbol () will be used in the following equations to indicate precessed positions.

Once the necessary vector is known, the actual distance is calculated as the square root of the summed square of each component, e.g.,

dg = V gx 2 + V gy 2 + V gz 2

and hence the light travel time to the planet is given by

Tl = dg c

where c is in the appropriate units. The position vector of the planet as viewed from the Earth should then be corrected for planetary aberration, e.g.

V gx,abb. = Vg x (Tl ×Vg )

where Vg is the (uncorrected) velocity vector component in the x direction. The corrected position vector Vg,abb. or Vt,abb. can then be converted into standard R.A. and Dec coordinates, and the airmass can be calculated from the topocentric coordinates.

B.2 Calculating the solid angle subtended by the planet

Several calculations in this section make use of two references in particular; planetary information is mainly taken from the “Report of the IAU working group on cartographic coordinates and rotational elements of the planets and satellites”, which is periodically updated and published online and in Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy. Precession formulae come from Lieske (1979, A & A, 73, 282).

To calculate the solid angle of the planet in question it is necessary to take account of the ellipticity of the planet, via the direction of its North Pole. The coordinates of the pole, RApole and Decpole are calculated directly from the IAU report formulae for the date given and then precessed according to Lieske’s spherical coordinate formulae. If using J2000.0 for the polar coordinates, the precession parameters ζA, zA and θA (see Lieske’s Fig. 1) are defined in arcseconds as

ζA = 2306.2181t + 0.30188t2 + 0.017998t3

zA = 2306.2181t + 1.09468t2 + 0.018203t3

θA = 2004.3109t 0.42665t2 0.041833t3

and the following quantities can be defined

C = (sin Decpole sin θA) + (cos Decpole cos θA cos(ζa + RApole) S = cos Decpole sin(ζa + RApole) D = (sin Decpole cos θA) + (cos Decpole sin θA cos(ζa + RApole)

The precessed coordinates, RApole and Decpole are then calculated as

RA pole = zA + arctan(S, C) Dec pole = arcsin(D) = arccos(S2 + C2)

where (S, C) is the complex number formed from the quantities S and C. From these precessed coordinates, the planetocentric declination of the Earth can be defined as

Dec Earth = arcsin ( sin Dec pole sin Decg cos Dec pole cos Decg cos(RA pole RAg)

where RAg and Decg are the precessed geocentric coordinates of the planet. The polar inclination angle of the planet, αpole, is then given by

αpole = Dec Earth + π 2

or, if DecEarth > 0 so the South Pole is facing Earth,

αpole = π 2 Dec Earth.

With this calculation performed the semi-major axis of the planet as seen from Earth, Rsemimajor is given as

Rsemimajor = Rp(1 ϵp) 1 ϵp cos αpole

where Rp is the planet’s radius and ϵp is its ellipticity. Hence its geometrical mean radius Rgm is

Rgm = Rp × Rsemimajor

and its semi-diameter as seen from the Earth, Dsemi is

Dsemi = Rgm dg

where dg is the geocentric distance of the planet from the Earth as calculated in section B.1. Finally, the solid angle subtended by the planet from the Earth, Ωp, is

Ωp = πDsemi2

B.3 Calculating Mars’ brightness temperatures

For Mars, the brightness temperature at each filter wavelength is calculated via a logarithmic interpolation between brightness temperatures at 350μm (857 GHz), Tb857, and another at 3.3mm (90 GHz), Tb90. The first of these is generated from one of two models both from Wright’s work, the results of which are held as an array in FLUXES. In the array, values for Tb857 are given at 40-day intervals, and so a linear interpolation is performed to ascertain a value for the given date.

The 3.3mm point is calculated from the relation given by Ulich (1981, A.J., 86, 1619):

Tb90 = 206.8 1.524/dhelMars

where 1.524 AU is the mean heliocentric distance of Mars and dhelMars is the heliocentric distance of Mars for the given date, which can be calculated from the precessed geocentric positions and distances of the Sun (RAgsun, Decgsun, dgsun) and Mars (RAgMars, DecgMars, dgMars) by defining the following quantity:

cos E = sin Decg Mars sin Decg sun + cos Decg sun cos Decg sun cos(RAg sun RAg Mars)

so that

dhelMars = RA gsun 2 + RA gMars 2 2(cos E)RA gsun RA gMars .

Thus the brightness temperature at a given frequency, ν GHz, is given by a logarithmic interpolation:

Tbν = Tb90 + (Tb857 Tb90) ln(ν 90) ln(857 90)

B.4 Converting brightness temperatures to flux densities

Once the brightness temperature is known for each filter frequency, the integrated flux density of the planet in question, Sintν is calculated as

Sintν = 2hν3 c2 Ωp exp hν kT bν 1

Then, with the assumptions that the planet is a flat disk with constant flux distribution across its disk, and that the beam of the telescope is a Gaussian of HPBW θbeamν, the beam-corrected flux density of the planet at Earth, Sbeamν is given by

Sbeamν = 1.133θbeamν2/Ωp[1 exp( 1 1.133θbeamν2/Ωp)]Sintν.

The values of the HPBW, θbeamν, are supplied in the same look-up file used for the other planets’ brightness temperatures.

The implication of the flat-disk assumption for the planet is that the observed HPBW, θobs, is Gaussian and given by

θobsν2 = θbeamν2 + ln 2 2 (2Dsemi)2

for 2Dsemi < θbeamν, as discussed originally by Baars (1973, IEEE trans. on Antennas and Propogation, 21, 461).