Processing math: 100%


Creates a new Frame specified through the environment


This routine creates a new AST Frame with properties specified by the given environment parameter. The parameter value is interpreted as an HDS path containing a WCS FrameSet in the form created by KPG1_WWRT. If this is succesful, the current Frame of the FrameSet is returned. Otherwise, an attempt is made to interpret the parameter value as an NDF name. If the NDF is opened succesfully, its current WCS Frame is returned. If this fails, and the parameter value ends with " .FIT" , am attempt is made to interpret the parameter value as the name of a FITS file. If successful, the primary WCS Frame from the primary HDU headers is returned. If the above attempt fails, an attempt is made to interpret the parameter value as the name of a text file containing either an AST Frame dump, or a set of FITS headers.

If all the above fails, and the parameter value looks like an IRAS90 " Sky Co-ordinate System" (SCS) specification, then a SkyFrame is returned with the properties specified by the SCS. Otherwise, a simple Frame is returned with Domain set to the parameter value, the number of axes in the Frame being specified by another environment parameter.




PDOM = CHARACTER ( ) (Given)
Name of parameter to use to get Frame Domain.
PDIM = CHARACTER ( ) (Given)
Name of parameter to use to get number of Frame axes. Only accessed if the value obtained for PDOM is not an IRAS90 SCS.
PEP = CHARACTER ( ) (Given)
Name of parameter to use to get the epoch of observation. Only accessed if the value obtained for PDOM is an IRAS90 SCS.
FRM = INTEGER (Returned)
An AST pointer to the returned Frame. Returned equal to AST__NULL if an error occurs.
NAX = INTEGER (Returned)
The number of axes in the returned Frame. Returned equal to zero if an error occurs.
STATUS = INTEGER (Given and Returned)
The global status.